Retirement Poems for Teachers: Aside from being grossly underpaid, teachers are some of the most underappreciated people on the planet. They dedicate their careers to giving to the children and youth in their classrooms. Teachers spend countless hours going above and beyond for the children that they believe in. Their help in molding our youth cannot be measured. When the special teacher in your life is ready to move on to the next chapter in her life, and retire –let him or her know that her work is special and that her mind will be dearly missed. Choose one of these poems and let her know that he or she is so greatly appreciated and that you are thankful for her hard work.
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We hate to see you go,
We wish it were not to so
You’ve taught for so long
Now it’s time for your final swan song
We’ll miss you so much,
You had that special touch
Happy Retirement!
Why do you have to go?
It makes us feel quite low
You were more than a teacher, more than a friend
We’ll miss you when you go, sad to the end
Enjoy your retirement!
We can’t believe it so,
You really have to go
After all this time, all these years,
You’ll truly be missed by all your peers.
We hope you have fun, on your (very) extended vacation,
We know there’s nothing that you can’t get done.
We’ll miss you!
from math, to grammar and from science to history, you have taught me all that and more. I am sad to see you go but also happy for you. Happy Retirement dear teacher.

You taught us to reach for the stars,
You taught us to follow our heart.
We are sad to see you go
Yet happy as could be.
You have worked so hard
And you followed your heart
We will miss you when you go
We will miss you here and there.
We will miss you in the morning,
In recess and lunch.
We will miss very much but we are so happy for you.
Countless little hands working away
Countless little feet running to play
The minds that you’ve molded
Are invaluable to the world
You have made a difference in so many lives of little boys and little girls
Your kindness and warmth
Your wit and your uncanny sense of people’s abilities
Have truly changed the course for so many young people who have come into your classroom
Your teaching is one of a kind and will dearly missed here.
Enjoy this well deserved time for you and yours! Thank you for everything
Teachers may not live glamorous lives
Their names don’t make the papers
Their achievements don’t get talked about in lofty intellectual circles
They may not always be appreciated by their students parents, peers, or pupils themselves
They may not make very much money either, to top it all off
But teachers, teachers like you
They make so much more.
You made a difference, you made a splash,
You made these young mind wonder and work hard and change their course of path
Your heart and your mind will be missed sorely around here, best wishes for all your new adventures!
You are special because you made them not only feel special
But know, without a shadow of a doubt, that they were special.
You made them certain that they were thinkers, doers, writers, scientists, doctors, lawyers, activists, artists, scholars, fighters.
You showed them what “more” meant, and how sweet it could be.
You taught so many, the joys and trials life could bring, and more -you taught them how to navigate those joys and trials. You are more than a teacher, you are friend, drill sergeant, mentor, confidant…you are so much wrapped into one.
I hope you had fun, this place sure will miss you now that you’re done.
Every day in every year
You taught something new in the
minds of others
Now it is time to take a break
For the rest of your life
You are now retried from teaching
And I wish you the best on this new
This is the start of your new
And you are going to learn more
Than you did at your job
Now you can travel to the places
you used to teach
You can see the sights and the
Enjoy your retirement, teacher
From the Yosemite mountain range
to the Rosetta stone
You taught many subject to many
Now it is your time to study and
see the world
May you enjoy your retirement
And have a good time wherever
you go
Teachers are like angels, they
serve you even when they are
meant to be served. You have
made professionals out of all of
us and so we will always
appreciate you. Happy retirement.
Thank you for all the knowledge you
imparted in me. I am who I am just
because of all I have learnt from you.
Happy retirement dear uncle.
You are a rare gem, a great influence
to all your students, your price is
far above rubies. This is why we
take this special day to wish you
a happy retirement.
Your gift was sharing knowledge
With a heart that really cared
You put your heart and soul
Into every lesson you prepared
And now you are retiring
You need to know how much
You changed the lives and futures
Of all the minds you touched
Enjoy your retirement
You sparkle with creativity
Help people reach their dreams
Put your students in the spotlight
Lived your life behind the scenes
You were so dedicated
To the students that were blessed
To have you for their teacher
You brought joy and happiness
Enjoy your retirement
Your kindness and attention
Are what I think about
And that you are the best teacher
I really have no doubt
And now you are retiring
I feel a little frustration
But hope you enjoy each day
Of your super long vacation
Thank You, Happy Retirement
You’ve been my northern star
and my guiding light
to knowledge and discernment
and finding out what’s right.
I’ll miss you when you’ve left us
to retire from your career
but I send you many blessings
to last throughout the years.
You are my favorite teacher,
and so I find it sad
to hear that you are leaving
after all the years we’ve.
But still I know you deserve this
a break from all the stress
to pursue what makes you happy
and live without duress.
So I am sending you best wishes
to guide you on your way
to living in the moment
and loving everyday.
Happy Retirement!
I will surely miss you
and all the awesome classes
when we were discovering sciences
and you gave us passes.
The beakers and the burners
the graphs and all the charts
will always make me think of you
and what you’ve helped me start.
You’ve helped me find the focus
to lead me on my way
to someday be as smart as you
and teach the kids someday.
Happy Retirement!!
As you look forward to retirement,
you deserve to know
that you have changed the lives
of hundreds,
maybe thousands
of children.
You have given your time
and energy
so selflessly
and now deserve
the peace of mind
you taught to others.
The day at last has come!
You’ve joked about this day forever –
you didn’t really expect it, I expect.
You never truly thought of a time
when you wouldn’t be here to teach,
and because of that philosophy,
each student has left you with knowledge
that they will not learn elsewhere.
Thank you for the years of teaching,
and enjoy your rest from grading.
A teacher’s retirement –
especially one such as yours –
is so bittersweet.
That you’ll be gone
is a loss for our school
and the students too.
But no one deserves the rest –
the lack of homework to grade
the end of essays to read –
more so than you.
So enjoy your retirement,
and come back to visit us all!
You’ve always done your job well
And I hope you’ll remember
How much you were appreciated
Now and forever
It’s time for a new part of your life
Which is scary I’m sure
But thank you so much
But you’ll remember
That life is all yours
We can’t believe it’s your time to leave us
We want to make sure that you know
How much we appreciate all that you’ve done
That you love us with all the love we owe (you)
Go with our blessing, and go with grace
Have the rest of your life, and live it in peace
Your students will never, ever forget you
Nor stop appreciating what you’ve done for them
It’s time for a new part of your life
But don’t forget, you’ve always been a gem
The best of teachers, above the rest
I mean it so much, I’ll say it again
You’ve really always been the best
Don’t think a single second
That your presence won’t be missed
When you leave us very soon
With your final class dismissed
With your heart in all your lessons
You’ve done your job so well
And we know you’ll do great things
Beyond that final bell
Far beyond the classroom
Your teaching’s been on display
For you’ve shaped us every turn
Into who we are today
And as you go to retire
Know your lessons still remain
Because under your instruction
You’ve grown our hearts and grown our brains
Your students have been so lucky
To learn from a great teacher like you
Because you’ve demonstrated learning
Is more than drilling and review
But you’ve also taught us the value
Of kindness and of friends
And while you’re going to retire
Know our affection never ends
You’ve taught a lot and guided so many
You’re insight is endless and wisdom is plenty
You’re kindness is sure and warmth is far reaching
You’ve changed the lives of many with the ways of your teaching
Happy Retirement, you deserve it
Teachers are staples in everyone’s life
They teach you skills
And how to live right
Guiding you along whenever you falter
Helping you grow, up until the alter
You’ve changed many lives with the lessons you’ve taught
Enjoy your retirement, and please fret not
You’ve shaped the lives of so many children
Teaching them values and instilling skills within them
The endless gratitude that’s shown in your favor
Can never be valued
Not now, or even later
You’ve made a difference in this world
Now take this time for yourself and let your journey unfurl