High School is an essential time of our lives. It’s a time that can yield big surprises. It’s also a time that can seem mundane. Either way, the small, short days of High School can amount to a big picture in the end. Overall, High School can produce a variety of emotions that mostly everyone has experienced at some point or another. If you are trying to put your thoughts towards High School into words, or if you just want to see if your words that you have written are on the right track, take a look at what has already been written here. You may find yourself stuck reminiscing of what used to be a large part of your life. If you are looking for a poem to share with someone else who is in High School, think back to the best times that you had during that period. You may discover that you and the high schooler have more in common than you thought you did. Some day the both of you can look back on the memories that you had toward High School.
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Bump, push, my way down the hall,
Where have I gone to, why are all these kids so tall,
I feel a little out of place
As if the world I’m in
Is from outside space
Ring goes the bell, I run to my class,
No more a middle schooler, in high school at last.
The click, the social class
High school can be so cruel
It won’t last, fighting and bullying
The reality of life
Still keep pushing through
The ladder of strife
There are good memories that you can make
Just take your time, this moment can be great.
High school days, new friends, cute guys
Gel pens, notebooks, lockers with books inside
Gossip, school lunches, all of the rush
Tripping down the hall ways
To get to class without a hunch
High school days, are amongst us once again
Time for a new year, time to begin
Back in high school life was tough coz I wasn’t a good reader.
As for sports, I only went to the games to look at the cheerleaders.
I was always late for class and the first student to violate a hall pass

High school, four long years it’s been
Memorizing formulas and doing homework
Studying for tests and memorizing answers
Playing three sports and joining every club
All those sleepless nights spent studying
And those college applications that we sent
High school was supposed to be fun
We are tired, we are exhausted
We are anxious and we are disappointed
It’s been four years
It’s been long nights
It’s been no sleep at all
It’s been extra periods and tuitions
But it will pay off right?
We will soon find out
What fresh hell is this
This is not my idea of bliss
I would much rather be
Studying under shade of tree
But no I am to conform
Fit into society
Become the norm
Recite Shakespeare
Or periodic table
I will never understand
Why I can’t learn on the sand
Read repeat remember
Starts every September
Uniform, dinner queue
Bunsen burner ember
Bullies who are taunting
Exams that are still daunting
Coursework essay overload
Cheats are caught out flaunting
Breaking up with friends
Make some new amends
Give me back my life
Childhood finally ends
Rope ladder swinging in the sunny gym
Lunch bell ringing a raucous din
Brand new shoes at the start of term
Rested well and eager to learn
Holiday films and mince pie dinners
Teacher’s play brings silent sniggers
Learning how to read and write
Dodging every angst filled fight
High school is a complex time
Good and bad but always a line
In high school our reputation is held on a thread
One mistake and the rumour is spread
You need to keep your chin held high
Just pass by and ignore the hurtful words but not the hurtful cries
Protect the ones in need of help and not favor the ones that create it all
High school is in need of more saviours,
Not ones that strive to belong.
Growing up.
The next four years start here.
Take a deep breath as you walk through the doors.
Hear the feet pounding the floors.
Eyes are watching, everywhere.
Look at the seniors, we wouldn’t dare.
Talk to old friends, the pressure ends there.
Decisions and choices, always in the way.
Affecting your future, day by day.
New things to learn, always a delay.
Stressful schoolwork and pressure to try.
They say always give 110%, but you just ask why?
Overwhelming, bored…you just want to cry.
Sports, pressuring you to do your best.
But you know you will never be as good as the rest.
Everything here is always a test.
They say these years will be the best years of our lives,
but others may think it’s just another few years of throwing knives.
So hold onto the memories already made,
because soon it will all fade.
School is a daily routine for us.
In the morning, we’re sure to make a fuss.
Even when the sun is still not up,
Here we are, awake at 6am sharp.
We feel that school is such a bore.
We feel that school is such a chore.
Parents say, “School’s great! Now, go!”
We say, “Well, what do you know?”
Late a minute and we have to run.
Eyes half open, shoelaces undone.
We reach school and we see our friends.
Immediately, the torture ends.
We have a chat and go with the flow.
Then the bell rings; it is time to go.
We may at times find school stressful.
To have some fun, we have to bend some rules.
Talk back to teachers, and detention we serve
No doubt, it is sometimes what we deserve.
Sometimes they are as cold as ice,
And other times they’re actually really nice.
They teach us and give us a helping hand.
They’re forever ready to listen and be a friend.
They have built much confidence in us.
Just not when they are being really harsh.
Over the years of education,
Never have we had so much learning with action,
Such as camps, experiments, concerts, and activities.
We’ve learned so much and even saved the trees.
A wise teacher once said aloud –
Success is failure turned inside out,
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit.
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.
Some may see school as a torture chamber.
Some cannot wait for the holidays in December,
But it depends on how we look at school.
Honestly, positively, school is cool!
High school is like an aquarium,
A bunch of odd animals,
Floating around, bumping into stuff.
Some hiding from others, some hiding from themselves.
Some are very pretty, they are the popular household names.
And everyone is staring at them.
I walked through those doors on the very first day,
Excited, a new beginning.
I’m going to find my people,
Hopeful, a longing to belong,
Finally making choices on my own,
Decisive, paving my own path.
Soaking in all of the opportunities,
Hungry, chomping at the bit.
Teenage drama,
Goes round and round,
Rumors spread hurtful words,
Words that cut you deep,
That make you want to cry,
Crying would only cause more pain,
You’re trapped inside these walls,
Like a prison cell,
Waiting for the final bell.
When you were in middle school,
You felt like a kid.
Now that you’ve reached high school,
You’re finally an adult.
The courses keep you busy,
And the homework is a lot.
But the clubs keep you happy,
Filling your time with fun.
High school is said to be the best four years of your life,
And now you’re finally there.
You heard horror stories,
About being thrown in trash cans.
That teachers were mean,
And they give you too much work.
But the reality is different,
You find its unique fun.
You have friends all around you,
And teachers are there to help.
It’s still really busy,
But you make it through.
The next four years are a challenge,
But full of fun adventures, too.
You’re told high school is supposed to be the best four years of your life,
But you don’t think so.
You struggle with your studies,
You have fights with your friends.
You’re barely passing your classes,
And club duties seem to never end.
You worry you won’t make it,
But you fight until the end.
You go to summer school to help your grades,
And ask your teachers for help.
It’s nearing graduation,
Those four years flew by really fast.
You didn’t think you would make it,
But you made it in the end.
It’s about time for graduation,
You’ll leave with diploma in hand.
You made it through high school,
And the memories will never end.
Ah, the High School years
These you will want to remember
Take in all of the good information that you can
And leave the rest behind
Extract the lessons that are prevalent
But the negativity, well…
That you can never mind.
High School contained good times,
Of which we can reflect
The best of what we have learned
Is what we should still detect.
There were some tough times too,
But what we can take away from it,
Will serve as the glue.
High School is a place to make memories,
Ones that we will not soon forget.
A place where our thoughts can wander.
A place to make friends,
A place to learn
A place to gain wisdom
And a place to discern.
Lunch on the lawn.
Oak tree bullseyes or heads.
Sitting in a circle we told each other stories at sixteen about
who we would be at thirty.
Each day elongates into summer shadows lengthening.
Limbs tangled like seaweed
we laughed as only friends could.
Halls of high school.
Hard back chairs, clock ticks.
Plants hang from the ceiling: ferns, forget-me-nots.
History dates drag deliriously long through time.
Third floor window view of rooftops releasing heat.
Heartthrob down below waves, winks.
When will this day begin?
Your red car, speedy. Sweet sixteen birthday gift.
We thought the world would lead endlessly towards the future.
Windows rolled down we blasted music as the lunch bell rang
releasing us from learning.
Longing to be this young forever.
Bullies, teachers, homework, tests; A life of many stresses; High school’s a hell that never rests; A place with many messes; Your grades too high, your friends too lame; A pimple on your chin; High school is a vicious game; That you can never win!
Cheerleaders, jocks, burnouts, geeks; These cliches forever war; Your high school years stretch many weeks; And then stretch many more; If your grades aren’t up to snuff; You might repeat the year; Rejections, bullies, other stuff; There’s so much there to fear!
Some people might tell you stories; About high school being nothing but strife; But I say cast aside your worries; You’re having the time of your life!; Homework gives you extra days; To get all of your work done; And I can think of many ways; For you to have much fun; Ball games, field trips, fairs, and dances; That stuff is so much win; I’d do anything to take my chanches; On being a teen again!
High schooler
Working hard in all your classes
Making sure you wear your glasses
Always doing your best at math
Being kind to other students
Making them laugh
You are a joy to have around
The projects you create
Always astound
With perseverance and hard work
Showing your personality
With your smile and quirks
Our school would not be the same
Without you as a student
Cheering loudly at the games
Every practice and class you attend
Is sure to greatly pay off in the end
Thank you for being a wonderful student
Football games and parties
Having so much fun
Working hard in classes
Until the day is done
Always finishing homework
Getting it in right on time
This school year has be challenging
But I made it mine!
Even when I have a bad day
I have my friends and family
Who help me and they say
“You made me proud!”
And I wipe my tears away
Highschool can be really hard
But my heart is strong
I can face the rest of my years
With hard work, nothing can go wrong!
Science and history
Can be really hard
Writing many papers
Practicing sports in the yard
Everyday there is more to do
Panicking when big projects are due
High school has been a lot of fun
Always exhausted when the day is done
Graduation seems so far away
But I know I will be so ready
When I finally see that day
a high school experience
a clique or two
in or out with
the popular crowd
make a friend
a friend for life
school books
some homework to
classes here
lunch there
a cheerleader
football player
or prom king
teacher’s pet
a science geek
all can be really cool
someone’s laughing
someone’s crying
the bell just rang
classes start
books are open
let’s begin
doors open
we file in
let the school year begin
football games
talent shows
prom what’s the theme
freshmen, sophomore, juniors
and seniors to
powderpuff, parades
great pretenders to
graduation day , yearbook
some cheerleaders to
friends , enemies teachers to
all in a day of high
After these 60 days,
I will never observe you at your storage again.
I will never go the long route through the lobbies
Just to give you a grin as I stroll by.
After these 60 days,
I will never tousle your hair in the first part of the day,
Or on the other hand compliment your outfit,
Or on the other hand check to ensure your vehicle is in the parking area.
After these 60 days,
We will never sit together in band,
Continuously a second from giggling,
Your stimulate battles astounding me still.
After these 60 days,
We won’t make music again together,
At any rate not similarly we once did,
Inside these four band room dividers.
So in these 60 days,
I will love every minute,
Each stimulate battle,
Each note that our trumpets play together.
Since after these 60 days,
That will all be gone.
The place where
Companions become foes
The blameless become tainted
Truth moves toward becoming falsehoods
It’s debasement for us
It indicates individuals,
How they truly are inside
What’s genuine and so forth
It’s the place companions that have been there for quite a long time
Choose their going to leave,
Where “love”,
Is utilized to much,
It’s going to be that way
Continuously will
So highschool,
Gimme your best shot
Dusty transport windows,
Smell of warm AC,
Red crisis exit.
Children half snoozing,
Solid that shimmers,
I wonder what they’re tuning in to.
Void parking garage,
Try not to give the sun a chance to dazzle you,
Bike in a similar spot as usual,
Mannequin’s waking dreams.
Hoodie with pockets excessively full,
You will now be taken to jail for being penniless.
Bicycle sign painted twice,
Crisply lain black-top,
Crows blending through wet grass,
Shower hair covering their face.
More bizarre companion maintaining a strategic distance from me,
Pine trees developing from rooftops,
Shadows hosting a move get-together,
The chime rings,
I wish I could rest.