Ahhh food! Sweet, savory, and salty food. Food is one of those things that brings people together and creates an indescribable bond through the act of filling up our plates. Do you and someone close to you share a special bond over a particular type of food? Writing a poem about it is a light-hearted way to let them know that you are thinking of them. It seems as though certain items on the table bring people together in a way that other methods can’t. While it can be difficult to put into words exaclty how the magic behind food works, you can read some posts that might inspire you to figure out how to do so. Typically when you see a large gathering of various people, you can bet that food is somehow involved. Find the words that will show that food provides people with far more than just a meal, it provides an experience as well. Allow previous memories of get togethers with families to provide the inspiration for a delicious message that will make your mouth water.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Oozing from the mouth, chocolate goodness inside
The expression on my face, too enjoyable to hide
Rough exterior, yet soft texture, so hard to miss
Warm or cold, difficult to resist
Eat it on its own, or with some milk
Go ahead, take a bite, no need for any guilt
I can’t eat this, it will make me sick
With its green fluffy top, here, you can have it
It smells like an old dirty shoe, I have to hold my nose
Why the punishment, surely you should know what to do
No broccoli
It keeps looking at me, I’ll do it a favor and just set it free
Off I went to the big fair all alone
And to my eyes I did see
A yummy candy apple, just looking at me
My stomach began to rumble as my eyes widen with glee
Please someone, please, buy one for me
It’s half past midnight
The night is dead quiet
I tip toe across the hall,
Heading straight for the fridge
One thing on my mind,
My mom’s delicious apple pie
A bit of cherry icing on top
With a drop of maple syrup
I sit on the floor with my feet crossed
As I begin to devour this slice of heaven

I love cakes
I love chocolates
I crave Ice cream every single day
I have a sweet tooth
But then again who doesn’t?
I love my pancakes with a bit of syrup
I like my eggs scrambled just right
Every day is a feast
A chance for me to sample another treat
Let me tell you about my favorite dish
Fresh, Spicy, juicy and tasty grilled chicken
Covered in warm thick gravy sauce
You can smell the aroma from a mile away
Straight from the kitchen
Served with a plate of brown rice and a dish of potato salad
With black pepper sprinkled on the side
Do we live to eat or eat to live
Food for thought for me to give
I am so thankful at any rate
To see the contents of my plate
Even as I taste and bite
I satiate my appetite
I know there are people with food aplenty
But also those with stomachs empty
Food is the stuff that comes on your plate
Do not worry about how it got there
Eat and be thankful some people have none
Do not worry that it used to breathe air
Food is the stuff they feed you each day
Do not worry about where it came from
Eat and enjoy it will give you nutrition
Do not worry that a creature was harmed
Let food be thy medicine
And let medicine be thy food
The words of a great man
But the law’s not in the mood
Eat healthy ripened fruit
To keep the doc away
But only some can afford it
A lot you have to pay
A piece of popcorn escaped from the pan
And flew across the kitchen .
It ping-ponged back and forth between the oven and the freezer
Then it shot up to the ceiling like a daredevil trapeezer.
I tried and tried to catch it,
But I never missed a trick.
So I finally gave up
And ate a cheese cake
I don’t like peas;
I don’t like beans;
I don’t like squash Or other greens.
Instead I’d like some cake and pie,
A cone with ice cream
Stacked sky high
It seems that when you’re hungriest
you’d eat the foods you like the best.
So pass the sprinkles if you please
And pass the pie,
But keep your peas
Beans is the most versatile food you’d have
It goes along with anything and everything
Starting with its ‘eldest brother’, rice
It also goes with plaintain, bread, cassava flakes, yam.
Even one of the human organ takes a resmblance to this protein
In what we call Kidney Beans.
So be like beans, we versatile!
You’re as dark as the night’s sky,
In a city-suburb town,
Smooth as a glass of water.
I’m craving you always,
I can’t ever get enough,
Of your rich, rich favor.
You pair well with a glass of wine,
And you’re ever so sweet,
I can’t wait to have you again.
You go well with anything,
You take on many forms,
You have many traditional approaches,
You come from many places,
You go by many names,
You nourish me in the mornings,
After a long restful night,
You fill me up with fuel to take on the day.
You satisfy my cravings,
When I can’t seem to focus,
And my stomach is causing a scene.
You sustain me through a workout,
And help my body repair itself,
So it can grow stronger.
Food is good, food is great,
Food is easy to appreciate.
Food gives you energy,
All the energy that you need.
Food is delicious, amazingly so,
There are so many things that you can make with food.
All of them delicious.
Tacos are delicious,
Spaghetti is too.
Pizza is amazing,
Soup is good too.
Hotdogs, hamburgers,
Sandwiches galore.
Everything tastes so good,
All of the food that I adore.
I don’t know what else to eat,
I am so full.
When I get hungry,
I never know what to eat.
Everything is so amazing,
No choice could ever be beat.
If I could eat one of everything,
I think I would win.
So here I go for dinner,
I hope it’s something great.
Every day I get more excited,
About the things I ate.
Who does not love food?
Obviously that was rhetorical,
As it puts everyone in a good mood.
From cake to pizza to ice cream
And maybe some snacks that are in between
Food can be shared my one or many,
Or even by a team.
Food can provide comfort
Which is why we have our snacks.
Sometimes an event calls for more.
A home-cooked meal will always have your back.
So come on over any time
And we will cook and talk and dine.
Food is more than substance for our bodies,
It helps us to connect,
In a way we otherwise could not.
So as you’re gathered around the table
Remember this special moment
Cherish it. And then eat some more.
Like a large alien tear drop landing upon earth.
Avocados firm and ripe.
Rough skin of a dinosaur, flesh of silk.
Slice smoothly into this delicate fruit.
Mash with a fork, sprinkle in some salt.
Now guacamole is what you’ve got!
Dark, light, milk.
Dotted with nuts, dried berries, candied orange peel, hint of mint.
Palates bursting with sweet flavor- can it all be savored?
Peel back the crinkling silver foil.
Trying not to spoil that first
delicate bite of sweet delight-
Curved fruit of the tropics.
From a heart you come.
Slung yellow in the sun.
Growing upwards in bunches,
leaves big as umbrellas
Oh banana!
Unpeeling your skin to reveal
such sweet curves.
Carrying a taste of the Caribbean sun.
Fill up that glass, load up that plate; Give me more of that good stuff; Although it appears that I’ve only just ate; There’s never such thing as enough; Food is what fuels me and keeps me alive; To the kitchen, make haste; A perfect meal’s something for which I will strive; Food is forever good taste!
Food is that which gives us life; The edibles that nourish; Sipped by spoon or cut by knife; It allows us all to flourish; Whether vegetable or meat; It ends in the same place; There’s not a food I’d hate to greet; It’s time to stuff my face!
I know it may sound somewhat rude; And fill weak hearts with dread; But I can get an attitude; If I don’t get well-fed; I live for food, need food to live; It always hits the spot; There’s never too much food to give; Cold or piping hot!
Cupcakes with chocolate icing
Are my favorite treat
Add rainbow sprinkles
The flavors can’t be beat
Sugar and sweets are so good
I would eat a cupcake everyday
Oh, only of I could!
Vanilla cupcakes
With strawberry icing
Now, those are also good
I love every kind of cupcake
Probably more than I should!
Pizza is so delicious
It may be my favorite food
There never is “too much cheese”
Saying that is rude
Peperoni, sausage and bell pepper
Are my favorite toppings
When my pizza finally arrives
I eat it all, there is no stopping!
Pretzels, popcorn, cookies
Oh, I love to snack
When I go grocery shopping
It’s snack food that I never lack
Always splurging on something yummy
If it’s sweet and salty
I want it in my tummy!
Maybe I will get a chocolate pie
It’s something special that caught my eye
When people tell me to eat healthy
The mere thought of it makes me cry
I just like to eat what makes me happy
Talking about snack food
Always makes me feel sappy!
donut , pizza
a cake to
a slice of pie
a hoagie to
yum it’s good
chocolate, cheese
some whip cream
a twinkie
a cookie to
yum i think i’ll
have those to
yum yum
the pizzas great
that donut looks good
give me some
of that cake over there
chocolate , strawberry
vanilla to
ice cream , cake, cookies
i want this i want that
food food
is good they say
i’ll make a pizza
bake a cake
i’ll fry some donuts to
bake muffins
i’ll need eggs
milk maybe flour to
vanilla or strawberry
i don’t know you chose
icing or glaze
who knew baking
would be fun
muffins, cake
hey i’ll bake cupcakes
We as a whole appreciate flavorful sustenance,
Fulfills us, fixes our inclination.
It’s about the delicious taste,
Doesn’t make a difference, where the sustenance is set.
We ought to consider, wholesome help,
We will require it, on the off chance that we participate in a game.
Vitality; sustenance gives – bounty
Need more, in case we’re more than twenty.
An extraordinary dish, we should all enjoy,
Eat gradually, as we taste the flavor.
Pick our most loved food,
Is it red? Or then again is it green?
I’ll take sweet, any day over acrid,
Mouth-watering baked goods rely upon the flour.
Pastry typically comes, toward the finish of the feast,
Sugary sensations, the taste is strange.
Belgian chocolate truffle cake,
Fixes each and every, enthusiastic throb.
Some may state, it’s a bit excessively rich,
I’m infatuated, I’ll never switch.
What about grandmother’s crusty fruit-filled treat,
I couldn’t care less, if goes to my thigh.
When I see it, I consider paradise,
Feel so fortunate, call me Seven.
Food is great and tastes delightful,
Keeps you sound, it’s nutritious.
Nourishment will likewise enable you to develop,
Make you solid, when you toss.
Eating nourishments that are purple and green,
Will make you into a sound youngster.
Numerous extraordinary sustenances, are extremely yummy,
On the off chance that you eat excessively, you’ll hurt your belly.
About sound sustenances, you should persue,
Realize what kids truly need.
Nourishment data you could share,
With your family, and show you give it a second thought