Nurses often do what a lot of us could not do. They work long hours, they ensure the safety of those that they are caring for, and they often tend to those who are in their midst. They tend to become family to those who are sick and suddenly discover that they are lacking loved ones to surround them. Most of us know someone who puts their whole heart into this type of occupation, but sometimes we fail to express the appreciation that we have for them. Just sending them a short note could change the course of their day. Nurses never know beforehand if they are going to walk into an easy day or if they are going to face a day that is full of difficult challenges. You could be that one person that motivates them and encourages them in the job that is too often chaotic. Sometimes a simple “thank you” is all that a nurse needs to continue working in a field that they already love and enjoy. Surprise them by sending them some encouragement that is unique to their occupation.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Encouragement, strength, sweat dripping down the face
I got you, I got this, running all over the place
Feet do hurt, and backs can too
Never take for granted, the work a nurse is put through
N is for never giving up
U is for being unique and sweet
R is for hearts racing fast
S is for never getting enough sleep
E is for encouragement, something we could all use
Thank you for your dedication, to which you never abuse
A fearless warrior, who takes pride in being a helping hand
Heart of such shimmering gold, hearts that are so grand
Such an awarding feeling, that overwhelms me so
All thank you aren’t enough, I hope how well you all know
A nurse’s heart
As big as Noah’s ark
And that’s what sets them apart
They are strong and determined
Yet loving and caring
We may forget their names
We may forget their faces
But we’ll never forget how they made us feel

A nurse is like a guardian angel
That takes care of you with a smile on their face
A nurse will make sick kids laugh
And give them reason to celebrate
A nurse will give you medication
Just to take the pain away
A nurse will hold your hand
As you’re rushed into the emergency room
Nurses are angels who walk the earth
And people need to appreciate their worth
Always smiling so sweetly
And loving so freely
Nurses are people who devote their lives
To look after others
Nurses are caring and kind
Nurses are everything that is good in this world
Gentle and loving, attentively caring
Compassionate moments, endlessly sharing
In the hands of an angel, the warmth of a smile
A nurse will stand by you and comfort the cries
Does the angel have a home
Someone who cares for them alone
A soul that gives so much to others
A person that never stops giving
Someone who puts their own needs last
An angel amongst the living
Tirelessly caring for those who need aid
Silently giving their all
Sharing their kindness without reprieve
Patiently taking the fall
A nurse is like the poles in a tent
Holding it all together I meant
Quietly running things from the heart
Making it all seem like an art
Caring for those that need it the most
Comforting loss restoring lost hope
Giving a gift more precious than time
Patiently healing your body and mind
Let me dedicate my life today
To the care of those who come my way
Let me touch each one with healing hands
And the gentle art for which I stand.
And then tonight when the day is done
O let me rest in peace if I helped just one.
They are dependable and honest with strong virtues
They work hard, they walk fast, yet they have a gentle touch and quiet spirit.
You can sometimes hear their laughter and
More often than not, see their tears.
When you are hurting they are there to provide comfort
Or an ear to simply listen when you need to talk.
They are educators, never ceasing to share their knowledge with patients and families.
They are Nurses! God’s angels on earth.
When all of your loved ones are gone
And you’re waiting for the doctor to come,
I’m the one that you’re getting angry at
‘Cause you see me coming around.
Instead of hating you or getting mad,
I try to show you how to understand.
Though I’m not a doctor to save someone’s life,
I ‘ll sit close beside you and I will listen
To your complaints, suffering, and pain
Somehow, I may take away all your fears.
Though I’m not a doctor who prescribes medicines,
I’ll serve you with tender loving care.
For me, that’s something I should be proud of.
Even in your slightest discomforts,
I am with you always
Making sure that you’re alright,
As you’re taken care with love and respect.
I am the one who believes in miracles
With my soft and gentle voice,
I bring you love and hope,
Render you my skillful care,
And show you my priceless smiles.
I am the one that comforts,
Stands and cares for you.
The one who dares to touch your hands
In your delicate moments
When you’re feeling lonely and hopeless.
I’m the one who lets you know
That I will stay close beside you
When there is no one to embrace you.
Yes, I am the one with white uniforms.
A nurse with a caring nature
Who has compassion and empathy for others.
An advocate nurse
That the ultimate goal on earth is
For the best of the human race.
To be a nurse,
You must have a strong stomach,
Be willing to give it your all,
To go the extra mile,
To defend your patients,
To educate them,
To tell them to get their shit together,
Help them when they need it,
Encourage them when they’re sad,
Be a listening ear.
She works the night shift,
Her hair is a mess.
She has to clean up poop,
Her job is thankless.
She never sees her family,
Patients can be rude,
Yet she’s prideful of her job,
She never gives an attitude.
You stayed with me through the night,
When I was scared and alone,
The beeping and the flickering,
Oh how it kept me awake.
You’d come and bring me presents,
Little Jell-O cups and ice cream pops,
You’d let me draw on your clipboard,
And tell me jokes to make me smile.
Thank you for being my friend nurse Jackie,
And helping me get better.
I thank you for your hard work,
Helping those in need.
You are so overlooked,
And what you do is special, indeed.
You give care to so many,
And help them everyday.
Dear nurses, I respect you,
in so many ways.
You soothe the fear of strangers,
And bandage up their wounds.
You care for so many,
You need time for you too.
You calm angsty children,
When they need their shots.
You hold the hands of many,
And you have never forgot.
Overlooked by so many,
You always do a great job.
You try to help everybody,
No matter how big or small.
The gentle care you give,
Is soothing all on its own.
Thank you dear nurses,
For doing what you do.
You work so very hard
To help all of those
Who can hardly help themselves.
You deserve special recognition
And since you may not receive a
“Thank you” from those you watch over
I just wanted to let you know
That I am so proud of you!
I appreciate what you do
For not many others could
And given your personality
I am thankful that you would.
You help those that are in need
By planting a tiny seed
Of love and hope and everything nice
You don’t even see what you pay, but there is a price.
A nurse is more than an occupation
It is more than going through the motions
And hoping everything turns out okay.
Nurses help to redefine life
By helping those in need
Whether it be a small gesture
Or something major,
Thank you nurses for all that you do!
Thank you nurse for the courage you show
every day.
Darting from room to room offering a word, a wink,
a whisper.
Without you it would be hard to heal.
Hospitals knew nurses are the guardians of health.
Thank you.
Nurses know just the words to soothe.
A stomach ache or cough can go quickly away just
by listening to the words they say.
Always patient.
Please I want to let you know how much it means
when you let your caring show.
A world without nurses, what would that be?
Who would be there to bandage each knee?
To take vitals and visit each patient,
knowing a kind word can heal too.
Where would we be without you?
Thank you nurse for making me well.
Nurses help us when we’re ill; If we catch a fever, or take a spill; They draw our blood to test disease; Put bandages upon our knees; Doctors’ helpers, thus we praise; Thank you for healing us through all our days!
Nurses are angels, heaven sent; When necks get cricked, and knees get bent; They put them in their proper places; Wipe the frowns off of our faces; Check to see if we have a cold; If we’re young or if we’re old; No illness is safe when they are near; To nurses everywhere, we cheer!
Nurses know our bodies, outside and in; If I get the flu, or scrape my chin; They have the tools to fix what ails; To help me through my life’s trevails; With them around, I’m in good hands; Three cheers for nurses in all the lands!
Bandaging the bruised
Aiding the broken
You care for everyone
With a cheerful smile on your face
All of the sleepless hours your put in
Are meaningful and important
Your pure heart shows so clearly in all that you do
Thank you for being such a wonderful nurse
Putting your whole heart in all that you do
Your love for your work shows to be true
Although being a nurse is a tough duty
You kind heart shines through with all of its beauty
You care for other as if they were your own
Dedication for this job is all you’ve ever known
On this day, I thank you for your help and healing
Gratitude for you is what I’m always feeling
When I was my sickest
You were there for me
The very best on my team
Always checking in
Making sure I was stable
It is because of you
That I now feel able
You were so kind to me
While I was healing
Grateful for you
Is what I am feeling
Thank you for being a great nurse
an iv here
a blood draw there
wait there should
be a patient over there
check in check in
that room there
vital signs
your blood pressures
kind of high
wait here wait here
the doctors running late
who are you
i am your nurse
i put on my scrubs
grad my crocs
time to punch in
oh boy i’m on the clock
admit this one
sign that one out
hey nurse he needs
a stick
scan this restock that
my job never ends
punch out i’m off the clock
they scan our id bands
check us in
they even do paperwork
a doctor’s right hand
they run here they run there
they put in a test
and even take our blood
they count with us
and bring us food
a doctor’s go to
is what we call a nurse
They’re generally who we see. They
convey news, great and awful.
We sit in lounge areas just
holding up perpetually it appears.
Gazing at a TV or floor until
an entryway opens and a medical caretaker
shows up and we as a whole marvel
on the off chance that our cherished one is here or
gone and what completes one
do in death? Who to call
who to clutch in sorrowful
Passing a shakers move away?
I stroll through those entryways with pride,
Who’s life will I spare today around evening time?
Somebody is sitting tight for me,
Somebody is alive today due to my obligation.
Now and again we cry cause we can’t spare them all,
God once in a while won’t let us meddle when he calls.
A child’s first breath when he takes a gander at me,
The delight of my first conveyance.
The tear I wipe a route with my own hands,
The existence closure of a delicate elderly person.
The night appears to be so dull and the morning so brilliant.
Being an attendant you see life from an alternate perspective.
Who will I spare this evening?
Who will hold my hand amid their final gasp with no dismay?
Who will enter this world on my day of work?
What number of moms will welcome their infants with a kiss?
I don’t have the foggiest idea who these extraordinary individuals are
be that as it may, I will meet them with each call
I will hold them tight and help the agony
I will hold them up when they feel black out.
I will be solid when I am required
That is my activity, I am a nurse..that is my obligation.
The we feel the glow developing in our souls.
All the awful sentiments vanish and supplanted by the guiding principle that we present:
human poise, empathy, commitment, trustworthiness, stewardship, initiative and greatness.
So when the terrible feelins start to indicate take the occasions to state this supplication:
Ruler, help me to bring solace where there is torment.
Boldness where there is lose hope.
Acknowledgment when the end is close.
A touch delicate with delicacy, persistence, and love.
What’s more, dependably recollect, all Nurses are really honored.
For you see – God gave of Hearts of Gold.