Creating Greeting Card Messages for New Parents
There’s nothing quite like the joy, excitement, and general chaos that surrounds adding a new member to someone’s family. A thoughtful greeting card can be the perfect way to share in and contribute to the happiness that a new child brings while giving the family the space and chance to collect themselves that they undoubtedly need.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Here are some different ideas for greeting card messages to help you share your thoughts and happiness for the new family!

Messages for Parents
Their lives are changing forever. It’s hard to get all that across in a card, but you can still try.
- (First time dad) Congratulations on your first child! You will make a wonderful daddy, and I am just a little bit jealous of the playtime adventures that you two will share.
- You are such a special man. I have no doubt that you will do a wonderful job instilling the same strength, care, and love in your child simply by living every day as you do now.
- (First time mom) Congratulations on your first child! I am so happy for you and the wonderful journey you have begun. Best wishes as you grow to know your child better and in return as they grow to know the wonderful woman that you are.
- Best wishes for you and your newborn! You have so much to teach and to give, and you have always given of yourself so generously. Your child is the luckiest to have a mommy like you.
- (First time couple) Congratulations on the new addition to your family! You two are such wonderful partners that will make the perfect team of mom and dad. I hope you only grow closer as you navigate the weirdly wonderful world of parenthood together.
- (Single mom) Best wishes as you welcome your newborn into your life. You deserve nothing but happiness and contentment, and I hope that this child is a source of that for you. You are a loving and strong woman and your child is sure to learn and share in these same qualities.
- (Single dad) Congratulations on your new child! Anyone can be a parent, but it takes someone special to be someone’s dad. You are sure to make a wonderful father with lots of love and life to give. Best wishes on your new journey!
- (Humorous) Congrats on your new child! Sorry to report that there’s still no manual.
Gender Specific Messages
Some couples love anticipating their little prince or princess while for others part of the joy of giving birth is the surprise of learning if they had a daughter or a son. Gender specific messages can be a fun way to celebrate along with them.
- (For a son/boy) Congratulations on your new son! As he makes the journey from boy to man, I hope that you are able to enjoy every second of happiness and adventure that he will provide.
- Best wishes for your newborn son. He is lucky to have a father and a mother that love and care for him as much as you do. There is no doubt in my mind that he will grow up happy, loved, and proud to call you his parents.
- Welcome to the world little guy! There is so much waiting for you to discover and explore and a whole bunch of people that love you very much. I’m so happy to know you and am looking forward to getting to know you better and better over the years.
- (Humorous/funny) Congrats on your new boy! Surely you know that he will grow and change into a unique person throughout his life. Although honestly, once he’s potty trained, he’s much set.
- (For a daughter/girl) Congrats on your daughter! Watching her become a girl and then a woman is sure to be a wonderful journey of happiness and discovery. She could not ask for better guides than her amazingly loving family.
- I am so happy for you and for your new daughter. She is already the luckiest girl in the world to be surrounded by so much love and affection. I hope you treasure your time with her and all the giggles, tears, and smiles that come with it.
- Such a pleasure to meet you, miss. You have so many good times and adventures in store for you. Your parents are lucky to know you, and so am I! Best wishes as you being the crazy journey of life!
- (Humorous/Funny) Congrats on your new baby girl! Hopefully they didn’t overdo it with the sugar or the spice…
For Other Members of the Family
The mom and dad aren’t the only ones who are welcoming a new person into their world! Don’t forget to include those around them that are sure to play a vital part in the newborn’s life.
- (For an older sister) Congratulations on becoming an older sister! Being the oldest is a big responsibility that takes hard work, dedication, and lots of love. It’s a good thing your parents had you first, because I can’t think of anyone who could do a better job than you!
- (For an older brother) Congrats on your new sibling and becoming a big brother! You are lucky to have a new friend. Don’t forget how new everything is to them and the special chance you have to guide, protect, and teach them.
- (For an older sibling) Congratulations on your new baby sibling! Even if they can’t show it, they already look up to and admire you so much. And with good reason. You are going to make a smart and kind sibling like no one else.
- (For grandparents) Congratulations on your new grandchild. You must be endlessly proud to see your family continue and grow to include another happy member.
- Best wishes for you and your new grandchild. I am sure that you will spoil them with love and attention, and it shouldn’t be any other way.
- (For an aunt) Congratulations! You are going to make a fantastic aunt and a wonderful ally and companion for the new baby. Best wishes as you build your connection with them.
- (For an uncle) Congrats, Uncle! The new baby is a wonderful, unique bundle of a person, and they deserve a friend and mentor as good as you.