Three year olds are the best! They simply offer to others what they have already been carrying around in their minds. They rarely think long before they speak. As a result, we hear incredible things coming out of their mouths. Sometimes they can be serious and sweet, but more often they are funny and enjoy making others laugh. This is the reason that these little ones can tell the same joke constantly and seem to never become tired of telling the punchline. For Mother’s Day, check out these poems that are made for preschoolers to give to their moms. They contain words that are skillful, kind, and sometimes what you would hear coming from a preschooler. On another note, you could take the approach of interviewing a preschool and asking them what they think about their moms. This may yeild some hilarious and shocking answers. However, if you choose to do this, you willl know that their answers will be coming straight from their hearts and they won’t likely hold back what they are thinking.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Finger painting, funny drawing with shapes all over the card
Silly sayings with crazy faces, but love in their heart
Happy mother’s day to you mommy, I made this just for you
Sorry for the messy drawing and all of the glue
Sticky boogers and smelly farts
Oh my sweet little hearts
Holding hands, warm hugs
All the cuddles and snugs
Bugs crawling, fearless acts
Brave souls, kisses stacked
Jumping off the walls
I know what it seems
Yes it’s mother’s day, and my kids mean so much to me
I tried to write a letter, but I don’t know to spell
Daddy tried to help me, but my expressions he couldn’t tell
I mainly drew shapes and mostly pictures
Wishing to express myself better, with more than just fixtures
Yet, happy mothers, here’s a kiss for you,
I love you mommy an all that you do
Honey is sweet
Candy is, too
The greatest mom in the world
Is no one but you
She cooks and she cleans
She feeds me too
There is nothing that she can’t do
That’s why my mom is the best
Better than the rest

I will not always be this small
One day I will be big and strong
I will not always cry
When you leave to go to work
But you will always be my hero
And I will always love you
For a million years to come
Happy mother’s day
I love my mommy
She is always funny
She makes me happy
And loves to rub my tummy
I love my mummy
Because she bought me my favorite bunny
And when I’m feeling hungry
She always makes me a sandwich
Mums are great but mine’s the best
I love her more than my batman vest
She makes me laugh, she holds me tight
She leaves the light on in the night
And if I am very good she will cook my favourite food
I love her more than Santa Claus, I love her just because
You’re the best mum in the universe
No one is prettier than you
Your cuddles are amazing
And you take me to the zoo
You’re the best mum in the universe
No one loves me so much
Your cakes are so delicious
And you clean my rabbit hutch
Mummy you are the bright light in the dark
You help me when things get scary and hard
Without you I wouldn’t have a clue what to do
I hope that one day I can do this for you
Happy Mother’s day mummy I love you too
I will always be there for you.
You will never be alone.
I will be that candle in the window,
So you can always find your way back home.
I will be the sun in the sky
To brighten up your day,
I will be the moon shining above,
So in the dark you can find your way.
I will be the blanket when you’re cold.
You will feel my warmth around you,
I will be the shoulder for you to cry on
When you’re upset or feeling blue.
I will be the listening ears
When you need someone to talk to.
I will be the advice that you need
When you don’t know what to do.
I will be the voice inside your head,
Telling you not to give up, to fight,
I will be the hand patting your back
When you stand up for what is right.
I will be those stars you wish upon
To help you realize your dreams.
I will be the needle and the thread
If it all falls apart at the seams.
I will be the map to anywhere,
To help you when you are lost.
I will be that number you can call for anything,
No matter what the cost.
I will be that feeling in your heart
That let’s you know I’ll love you like no other.
I will be anything you need at anytime.
I will always be…your mother.
Here’s my handprint,
Five fingers in all
Outside they are short
But the middle is tall.
You will find them on windows
You can find them on the wall
They will make a big mess for something so small.
One day I will grow and leave them no more
My hand prints would be missed
Of that I’m sure
So here is one now
That you can’t wipe away
My present to you
This Mothers’ day.
My child, it is when I watch you sleep
That I am touched most deeply by the miracle you are
Perfectly quiet
Perfectly beautiful.
Long before I knew you,
Every fibre of your being was woven flawlessly together
Not even the smallest detail was left unfinished.
My dear little child,
I would be forever contented to watch you while you sleep
And be touched again and again by the wonderful miracle.
Happy Mother’s Day Mommy!
I love you!
I’m going to give you a big hug when I see you after school.
Can we go get some ice cream?
Daddy gave me money.
I really want chocolate with those chocolate sprinkles.
I love you mom.
Even when you kiss me in front of Kimmy and Rachel.
I really like your curly hair.
I made this card for you.
I drew us together at the beach!
I hope you like it.
And have a good day!
Today is the day for mommies.
My mommy helps me with lots of stuff.
She lets me play in the car.
We sing songs together.
She makes me feel better when my tummy hurts.
I love my mommy so much!
I am like a little flower,
My mommy is like the sun.
She takes me to the beach sometimes,
We have a lot of fun.
Mommy takes good care of me,
and helps me grow up strong.
My mommy is super duper cool,
And she is never wrong.
Mommies are amazing,
Mommies are real neat.
Mommies are super cool,
Mommies are so sweet.
Mommies give the best hugs,
Mommies are also kind.
Mommies always love you,
Mommies never leave you behind.
Mommies never forget,
Mommies are the best.
My mommy is a super hero,
She’s kind and brave too.
Mommy beats the super villain,
And makes a snack for you.
My mommy loves me very much,
She always tells the truth.
My mommy really is a hero,
And I have real proof.
Mommy, I love you!
And everything you do.
I like your hugs and kisses
And everything in between
I love that you take care of my boo boos
And care, and cook, and clean.
Mom, I love you with all of my heart.
You gave me the greatest head start.
You taught me to love, you taught me to laugh.
You taught me how to take a bath.
I love you Mom!
Mom, you are sweet like snickers.
Thanks for being understanding
When my siblings and I bicker.
Thank you for taking care of me!
I truly do love you, Mommy!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Mom I have a special gift, something just from me.
Can I sit upon your knee?
When you see what is inside I know it will make you cry.
All the love I have been saving is ready to say “hi.”
My heart has your handprints all around,
You are the frame that fits mine best.
did I tell you all I know?
Snow is cold, hearts are red,
I forgot to make my bed
Mom I love you.
I love you more then dirt, insects, or cheese.
I appreciate you are there every time I sneeze.
Snuggles are my favorite way to pass the time with you.
How is it that when I’m feeling blue my heart beats red for you?
You may be too young now; To appreciate your mother; To truly love your sister; Or to truly know your brother; But in time you’ll see; No matter big or small; How much love she gives; A mother to us all!
Mommy, you are very nice; Mommy, you give good advice; When I’m sad, or when I’m happy; When it’s time to change my nappy; When I cry, and when I shout; When I whine,and when I pout; You support me anyway; To you a Happy Mother’s Day!
Mommy, you teach me all I know; Mommy you watch me as I grow; You help me put on shoes and sox; You make a spaceship from a box; Play peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek; Fun new games through the week; For this and more, I have to say; I wish you a Happy Mother’s Day!
Braver than a superhero
Stronger than a dinosaur
Mama, you are the toughest
The best mama that I could ask for!
Thank you for your kisses
And for always helping me
When I’m with my mama
My heart feels wild and free
To Mama
I just don’t know where to begin
You will always be my very best friend
From running around and playing with toys
To baking cookies and making lots of noise
Whenever I am with you, we have so much fun
I wake up with a smile before the day has begun
Because I know that when I’m with you
I will have so much fun before the day is through
Happy Mothers Day
We have so much fun
Hanging out everyday
You always let me pick
What games we play
You always make me
My favourite food
Peanut butter and jelly
We drink apple juice
When I am sad
You make me feel better
You are the best mommy
Hope you love this letter
I love you, Mommy
your eyes look like circles
your hair looks
like spaghetti
i promise i won’t touch
you know your numbers
shapes to
you count to 1
and then your done
i love you mommy
your so much fun
your nose is
made for smelling
your mouth for kissing
your arms are made
for hugs
your eyes are made
for seeing
your ears are made for
your heart is made for love
happy mother’s day
mommy you are number one
i love you more
than goldfish
mom you can
count to three
i love you more
than circles
mom you can write
your colors super well
i love you more
than mickey
even though he’s swell
mom you run
really well
i love you more than
my abc’s
happy mother’s day
mom your the bestest mom
My Mommy Cuddles Me
My mama snuggles me
kisses me, embraces me and misses me
spoils me, applauds me, generally
stuns me
Washes my garments for me,
stimulates my toes for me,
laughs and chats with me,
and furthermore goes on strolls with me,
Says “”sweet dreams”” to me,
Sings sweet melodies to me,
I am happy she has a place with me
I Said a Mother’s Prayer for You
I said a Mother’s Day supplication for you
to thank the Lord above
for gift me with a lifetime
of your kind love.
I expressed gratitude toward God for the minding
you’ve appeared as the years progressed,
for the closeness we’ve delighted in
in time of giggling and of tears.
Thus, I thank you from the heart
for everything you’ve accomplished for me
what’s more, I favor the Lord for giving me
the best mother there could be!
Mother is Just a Simple Word
Mother is only a straightforward word
however it’s particularly dear…
What’s more, it appears to mean much
more as time passes…
Each expression of Love and Affection
portrays you mother…
It’s a word that is loaded up with affection,
a word that reflects everything that is
great – Wonderful simply like you.