Creating a Greeting Card Message for I’m Sorry
As a very famous singer once crooned, “Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word.” The words “I’m sorry” might seem simple and rudimentary; but coming from the mind and mouth of a person beset by feelings of genuine regret, they can be among the hardest to say.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

If you need to say “I’m sorry” for a mistake large or small, please allow the words shared here to both guide and comfort you; you may find that just a few words of genuine apology can do much to mend and bring needed succor to a very important relationship in your life.

For a Child
Children have such tender feelings; and while a bandage and a hug might soothe their cuts and bruises, it may be a lot tougher to mend their tiny hearts in the wake of an argument or misunderstanding with you. Here’s how to tell them you’re sorry:
- (For a small child) I made a boo boo. And I’m sorry.
- (For any child) You, my child, are the light of my life. That’s why I am so desperately sorry that my words and actions have dimmed that incredible, magical light; hurting the one person I’ve always sworn to love and protect. I love you, my child, so very much; and I’m so, so sorry.
- (For a teen) D’oh! My bad! My foul! Time for a do over. In other words, I’m sorry.
For a Loved One
Even the stars of the classic tearjerker “Love Story” recently admitted that the classic signature line of their movie is something of a lie. Love does mean having to say you’re sorry, at least once in a while. Here’s how to say it well:
- (For a husband) My dear husband, I just wish I could kiss and love away the words and actions that have hurt you. And although I intend to do just this, I’d like to start the healing process by saying a simple but heartfelt, “I’m sorry.”
- (For a wife) When we married, dear wife, I vowed to make you happy and protect you from all elements of pain and sadness. Now I’m afraid that it is I, your husband, that has brought the unhappiness and emotional grief that I swore would never touch your life. So in the wake of my mistake, which I regret with all my heart and soul, please accept my deepest apologies—along with a loving and heartfelt declaration of “I’m sorry.”
- (For a boyfriend/girlfriend) Sometimes I wish that life came with a rewind button; something I could push that would take us back to the time before I said and did the things that hurt you. I wish I could just rewind and erase my mistakes, then refilm our last scene to make our lives happy again—because you, my love, are still and always the star of my life.
- (For a boyfriend) My sweet boyfriend, know that you are still and always the man of my dreams. And though my words and actions of late have served to dampen those dreams, know that I will do whatever it takes to heal and sweeten that special bond that we share between us—to make our future together the stuff of dreams.
- (For a girlfriend) My sweet boyfriend, know that you are still and always the man of my dreams. And though my words and actions of late have served to dampen those dreams, know that I will do whatever it takes to heal and sweeten that special bond that we share between us—to make our future together the stuff of dreams.
- (For a friend) A friend is the one that heals and comforts you whenever somebody hurts you; how ironic, then, that your friend is the one that has caused you so very much pain. I’m so sorry, dear friend; forgive me?
- (For a parent) A friend is the one that heals and comforts you whenever somebody hurts you; how ironic, then, that your friend is the one that has caused you so very much pain. I’m so sorry, dear friend; forgive me?
- (For a sibling) We grew up together. We’ve shared so much. My love for you is nearly as endless as the regret I feel right now. I’m so, so sorry.
General and Humorous—for anyone
Sometimes you just make a minor mishap that requires no serious apology; just a quick, light-hearted note to admit your goof. Here’s how to write these miscellaneous missives:
- I goofed. I messed up. I made a pretty substantial mishap, for sure. I glitched (is that even a word?). There are altogether too many ways to admit I made a mistake—but only one way to say I’m sorry. And believe me, I am.
- I’ve heard of singers who have crooned sorrowful odes for people that they’ve wronged; but believe me, you DO NOT want to hear me sing. Just let me say, in the sweetest possible way: I’m sorry.
For co-workers
It happens every day, without fail and at all points and times around the world. Someone, somewhere, messes up royally. On the very off chance that that someone is you, then here’s how to say, “I’m sorry.”
- (For a boss or coworker) Great minds think alike—but not always. I respect you so much and so endlessly, and I regret our disagreement. Please accept my deepest apologies.
- (For a boss or coworker) Sometimes your brilliance eclipses mine and—well—I’m kinda a jerk about it. I’m sorry, my friend.