I Miss You card messages: What to write in an I Miss You card
Whether it is for someone who has moved, you’ve broken up with, or passed away, sometimes getting your feelings out can really help you. Not all cards have to be delivered. Articulate what you miss in the message. Is it their perfume/cologne, their smile or laughter, their personality, their intellect, their comforting words and hugs? Even if it things that annoy you, you can still miss them, so put them in too. Write down your favourite memories with the person. And write down if they were right there with you now, what you would say to them or do with them. Sincerity is the key to winning someone’s friendship or love back, if it is there to still be won.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples
I Miss You message examples for partners:
Remind yourself or your partner (or ex as the case may be) of what brought you together. The good times. The fun times. Your spark. Things that were inside jokes between the pair of you. Sometimes the things that seem the most mundane are the things you miss most, like sitting on the couch together watching tv. It isn’t just what you do, it’s often who you do it with.
- “I remember the good and the bad. Our first kiss, your last breath. The way would always steal my socks. How I’d cringe my nose at your random made up recipes, but then eat them with delight of the new flavour combinations.”
- “The best part of my life is being apart of yours. The worst is now being a part from yours.”
- “Every time I miss you, I think of you more.”
I Miss You message examples for family:
As we grow up, we often grow apart. Move away for college, for careers, for partners, for new experiences. Sometimes it is nice to just send a card to your family to let them know no matter how far apart physically you are, you are still thinking of them. These types of cards don’t need a reason or occasion to be sent. However, sending them on anniversaries are really effective. Like sending this sort of card to your Grandmother on the anniversary of your Grandfather’s passing with a message about how you miss and remember fondly spending time with your grandfather is a really sweet thought. It also let’s your Grandmother know she isn’t alone in her thoughts.
- “Whilst my mind may forget, my heart never will.”
- “Not all pain is bad. Sometimes we can’t learn and grow unless with love and lose.”
- “The times spent in the shed with grandpa, building toys and laughing are the fondest childhood memories a kid can have.”
- “I just wanted to let you know how much I miss seeing you and the rest of the family. Hope whilst you’re all growing older, you’re all growing wiser and happier.”
I Miss You message examples for friends:
As life goes on, you couple up, start a family, career gets busier, time just slips away and friends can sometimes fall by the way due to diverging paths. Despite social media, we still often don’t get enough time to spend and keep truly connected with friends, so why not send them a message that you miss them.
- “Miss your face.”
- “This diet I’m on has me missing carbs, sugars and gluten, but I’d happily forego those for another month to spend a minute with you.”
- “Missing a friend is only missing them if they aren’t in your heart.”
Funny I Miss You message examples:
Not everything has to be serious. Why not reconnect with a light-hearted message.
- “I miss you. But don’t worry, I’m taking driving lessons and you won’t be so lucky next time.”
- “Missing you darling wife. Because there’s only one take-out place that delivers.”
- “I could never miss you, your arse is too big.”
- “My heart aches for you. Where’d you put my pills?”
- “I miss everything about you, but especially your money, honey.”
I Miss You message examples for deceased loved ones:
When someone passes on, often we have things left unsaid or regrets. Lighten the burden by expressing those final messages or apologies. You can either throw the card into the gravesite at the funeral, put it on the grave at the cemetery, burn it in a remembrance of the person, or just store it away until you are at peace with everything. You don’t have to deliver it.
- “Time is said to heal all wounds, but I just feel empty without you here with me.”
- “I know you’re in a better place, but I wish I was with you so I didn’t have to miss you so much.”
- “Love surpasses all boundaries.”
- “Your smile has brightened the sky to help me never forget your brilliance.”