Have your grandparents done a lot for you, and you want to let them know that you are thinking about them. They typically perform a lot of tasks that go unnoticed by many. Be the first in a while to let them know that they are being thought of and cared for. Sometimes they need that little reminder that they are doing a great job, in order to have the motivation and encouragement to continue doing a great job at being grandparents. Grandparents have even been known to step in and help out with children in the family. They help out their own kids as well sometimes. Whether you feel as though your grandparents help out in a tremendous way that could never be repayed, or whether you just want to thank them for their every day help with the little things, sending them a card with a sweet poem could be the one thing that puts a smile on their face the second they recieve it. Be that person in their life to light up their heart. Don’t hesitate to let them know that they are making a difference in your corner of the world.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Slowly behind him, creeps small little feet
As he rushes behind, trying to keep up with the speed
With his fishing rode, with his string on hold
Now it’s time, to get into the boat
Little guy and his grandpa, fishing out in the sea
Nothing but love and small talk, as happy as can be
The love of a grandparent, is different than any others have ever known
Their kind, sympathetic and always have a welcoming home
They’ll feed you with love and will always be there
The love of a grandparent, is one no one could bare
Take care of your grandparents, they won’t be here for too long
Always enjoying your company, the way you dance and the things you say
Let’s enjoy their company for all their days
Learn from them, pay attention closely
For it’s their heart and presence, you’ll miss mostly
Grandparents are kind and understanding
They are full of knowledge and wisdom
They are always ready to guide us
They love us no matter our shortcomings
Grandparents are special people
Who devote all their love to their grandchildren
They make us feel special and loved

I look up to my grandparents
They have always been there for me and my siblings
I admire their devotion and honesty
They always tell us the truth no matter the case
I love and respect my grandparents
And I hope one day I can become as good as them
To those lucky enough to meet their grandparents
Learn to cherish every single moment you spend with them
Learn to listen to their words of wisdom
Grandparents are a blessing
That many can only dream of having
To all the grandparents in the world
We love and appreciate all of you
Grandparents are for giving love and cuddles
Morning walks and splashing in big puddles
Eating chocolate fudge cake after midnight
Telling ghost stories with a secret torch light
Giving me far too much pocket money
Making really boring things seem funny
The day I met you I felt safe
Deep blue eyes met my gaze
Kind and humble old and wise
Fishing and weaving, blueberry pies
Kitted jumpers far too long
Round the fire singing songs
Cakes and jellies Sunday tea
Show how much they both love me
Grandparents are the finest gift
Love you more than sherbet dip
Snuggle me close while I watch tv
Comfort me upon your knee
Tell me bedtime horror tales
Let me pick up slimy snails
Let me stay up very late
Give me the world on a silver plate
I was thinking of love, and you came to mind.
I have many memories I would like to rewind.
Do you remember those days I would lie in your lap
As you doodled my ears, I would take a short nap.
I’m remembering the nights that we spent together.
You would scratch my back gently, ever so tender.
As I rewind a bit more, I am seeing much fun.
I’m remembering the fall and all the raking we had done.
So many leaves piled by the tree,
You would cover me up till I couldn’t see.
Those are just a few of the memories I have.
Let’s rewind a bit more to when I was bad.
I’m sorry for the times when I made you cry.
Looking back at the past, I’m not sure I know why.
I know as a child I was stubborn, selfish, and strange,
But look at me now, and how much I’ve changed.
I assume looking back, it’s hard to understand
That today I’m quite normal, I think God lent a hand.
The ending is near, I think I’ve said enough!
I could go on forever, but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
All joking aside, I would be up all night
If I continued this poem and continued to write.
There are just not enough words to express all the love
Other than the words written above.
So I thank you!
From the bottom of my heart for loving me no matter what.
My Grandpa is the best by far,
He’s loving, kind, and good.
He always gives me wise advice,
He’s always understood.
Whenever I am needing him,
He’s always there for me.
He says life has a purpose,
Just you wait and see.
My Grandpa does remind me
Of God’s unending grace.
I believe him as he says this,
For love lights up his face.
My Grandpa’s always faithful
To Grandma, his special wife.
They’ve been together lovingly
For almost their whole life.
Whenever Grandpa’s laughing,
Grandma laughs along.
When they laugh together,
It sounds like a sweet, sweet song.
One day when I grow up,
And I am old and gray,
I hope to be like Grandpa
In each and every way.
Her smile can light up a room
Her presence is of grace
Her opinions are heard without one word
but by the look upon her face
Her touch is so gentle
Her heart as big as the moon
Her spirit is kindhearted
and warm as a summer’s afternoon
Her hair a river of gray
Her eyes radiant as the sun
Her time she’ll take no matter how long
until the work is done
Her kisses are so soft
Her hugs preferred from the rest
My granny is mine forever and ever
and she’ll always be the best
The wrinkles on your hands,
Tell stories of moments past.
Hard work, pain, capabilities, losses.
Wherever you two go,
It’s always hand in hand.
Leading, protecting, loving.
How did you find the hand that fit yours so perfectly?
What happens when one lets go?
Enter through the door,
Smell the riches from the kitchen.
Like a dinner fit for a king.
Grandma cooking up a storm.
Sweet onions sizzle alongside the earthy mushrooms,
My mouth waters.
Papa’s on the grill out back,
Letting the steaks get ever so slightly charred.
Yet in the middle of the mess,
They take each other’s hand and dance,
Enjoying the moment.
Musk, vanilla, and a slight hint of stale coffee,
Fill my nostrils as she leans in for a hug.
Yet my gag reflex extends as she pulls away.
He pats me on the back,
With his big, boney hand.
Chills run down my spine.
My senses are on high alert;
Death is on the horizon.
You took care of your children,
Until they were able to do it on their own.
Now you look after your grandchildren,
And spoil them all.
You are wise and understanding,
And give out lots of love.
Grandparents are amazing,
And we love you all.
Grandparents are amazing,
They give you love and care.
They spoil you with all their love,
There’s really nothing better.
So love your grandparents,
Love them with all your might.
Cherish them forever,
And give back to them all you can.
Grandparents give so much,
They spend their times,
For all their loved ones.
Grandparents should be cherished,
And they should be loved.
Grandparents should be taken care of,
Since they took care of all of us.
So love them hard,
And do what you can,
For the time is at hand.
Grandma and grandpa,
I miss both of you.
Without you both,
I wonder what I would do.
Your presence upon my life
Has been incredible.
I love you both,
Thank you for always being there.
Grandparents are the best
They feed you all the time.
And yet they can be stingy,
They will even save a dime.
They can be funny like that,
But I sure do like them this way
Most importantly, they love abundantly
Each and every day.
Grandpa and Grandma,
I send you my love
You two were sent from up above.
You have blessed my life
As well as that of other’s
You exceed my expectations
And burst my limitations.
Thank you!
Grandparents guide lives of young hearts.
Holding small hands, helping them to learn.
Generations building tandem joy-
A youngster shares their favorite toy, an elder a song.
Shared wisdom a bond fastening two souls never to
be apart.
Growing up Grandpa you were always there.
Each time I skinned my knee or needed advice
I knew just were to turn.
You truly were the one who taught me how to learn.
Although your words were tough it showed you cared.
Thank you, grandpa, for all that you have shared.
Grandma, generous in all you do.
Your tenderness soft as rose petals
pulling me into an embrace.
A smile forever upon your face,
love clearly placed.
Gentle hands my guide,
your love sweet as apple pie.
You are the twinkle in my eye.
Grandparents aren’t Mom or Dad; They don’t have final say; They won’t spank you if you’re bad; With them, feel free to play; They lavish you with gifts and stuff; Before they send you home; At grandparents’ house you can play rough; A paradise to roam!
To grandparents, I am a gift; A person to adore; High above their heads they’ll lift; Me, ’till I’m wanting more; They lavish me with plenty praise; No matter what I do; I’d happily spend all my days; With grandparents–I love you!
Grandparents are my role models, they show me what to be; They love to show me all the world, from sea to shining sea; My parents are at number one, they raise me till I’m grown; But I’ll always love my grandparents for all that they have shown!
Nana and Papa
Patient and kind
Spoiling me and my siblings
Giggling and laughing
Long car rides and time spent in the yard
Gifting us with treats and surprises
So many fun days spent with you
Always so generous with your time and heart
Thank you for all you did for us growing up
Grandma and Grandpa
When I was younger
We spent so much time
Playing games
Gardening outside
Now that I’m older
Busy with school
There are still days
I want to spend with you
You have both always been so nice
Teaching me lessons
You are very wise
Thank you so much for loving me
And keeping me safe
I hope you are having
The most wonderful day
You took care of me
Giving me baths
Aiding scraped knees
When I think back
On being a kid
I think of all the nice things
That you always did
Always taking the time
To play when me
Even when I knew
You were really busy
Thank you,
Nana and Papa
For loving me so much
All you have done
It’s definitely enough
I love you
they have given me
so much
taught me things
i didn’t know
there always there
helping out
and love me with
all they have
they are kind
and love to travel
there door is always open
there grandparents
and mine are grand
grandparents are
true and kind
they know things
from here well
they love you more
and more each day
grandparents work
and work
and will help you read
that book
grandparents can be
one of a kind
an ace no love
out of place
they spoil our kids
feed them sugar
and buy them toys
they have no rules
and love hugs
they treat our
kids like their own
only with more
sugar before they
send them home
a grandparent knows
no bounds when
the grandkids
come around
Sympathy that I can see
In the eyes, there is sympathy
You both are a diamond throughout everyday life
You have your very own stunning sparkle
My granny is the best on the planet
Grandpa is likewise the equivalent
Along these lines, cherishing and minding are your ways
I have had the best time with both of you
Adapting such huge numbers of things and new
A debt of gratitude is in order for all the affection and backing
A debt of gratitude is in order for continually being there
I realize you individuals dependably care
For my beautiful grandparents
The magnificent accounts of blessed messenger and witch,
There is no contrast among poor and rich,
Going around me when I was little,
Showing the significance of standing tall,
Shielding me from indignation of father,
Encouraging me when I was tragic,
My granny and grandpa you are unrealistic,
What’s more, I need to state,
That I really cherish you!
Grandparents are the best throughout everyday life
Grandparents are the best in
Everything that they do throughout everyday life
Show us exercises of hardships and endeavor
Approaches to make us solid and shrewd
Having grandparents close to is an aid
That we should all be pleased with throughout everyday life
Much thanks to you my superb granny
Much obliged such a great amount of grandpa for being there
My adolescence has been flawless with you
My adolescence has been incredible with both
Of you, a cherishing bless your heart