It’s that time of the year again, and it seems that everybody is graduating whether it be from high school, university, or a technical program. It’s during this time that stores are flooded with party supplies, gifts, and cards that seem to say the same thing over and over again. We all want to find the message of congratulations that is just right. This is even more important when you are giving the congratulations to one person, for example, a son. Use the greeting card messages below to help you tailor the perfect graduation wishes to the son in your life.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Consider a simple and to the point message.

(Graduation wishes for son)
- Congratulations on this great achievement, son!
- Congratulations on graduating, son!
- Son, may this day be everything that you wish it to be. Congratulations!
- Hoping that your future is just as bright as you are. Congratulations, son!
- Thanks for being the best son a parent could ask for. Happy Graduation!
(High School graduation wishes for son)
- Congratulations on graduating high school, son!
- The last eighteen years have just been a warm up for the challenges ahead of you. May you be prepared as you go off into battle, son.
- Graduating high school is just one small accomplishment on the list of many more that you will achieve in your lifetime. Here’s to hoping you have the desire and commitment to achieve ever better greatness throughout your lifetime, son. Happy Graduation!
(College graduation wishes for son)
- Congratulations on graduating university, son!
- Congratulations on graduating college, son!
- Wishing you the best of success in your future career. We are so proud of you, son!
(Graduation wishes from parents to son)
- Cheers to all the accomplishments you’ve already made, and cheers to the accomplishments that you will continue to make. Congratulations!
- It’s not every day that our son graduates high school. We are so proud of you!
- As we look back on how far you’ve come, we cannot wait to see what the future has in store for you, son. Congratulations on your achievement!
- It’s been an endless rollercoaster of love and happiness since the day we brought you home. Way to continue to make us proud, son!
(Graduation wishes to son from mom)
- My sweet boy, from the moment I found out you were inside of me, I knew that you would accomplish great things. Know that I am proud of you today and every day. Happy Graduation!
- Son, on your graduation day be patient with me if I hold onto you just a little too tight. Love your mother!
(Graduation wishes to son from dad)
- Son, I hope you grow up to be the man that I know you can be. Congratulations on graduating.
(Graduation wishes to step-son)
- Wishing you the happiest of days on your graduation day, step-son.
I’m proud to call you a son. Congratulations! - I’ve always loved you like you were my own. Hoping that you have a wonderful day!
- It’s been a gift to have you as a bonus child! Happy Graduation, son!
- It’s not every day someone blesses you with a bonus son, especially one as smart as you!
- It’s not always easy being a step-parent, but you’ve always made the job worth it. I’m so grateful to be able to spend this day with you, son!
For Friends and Family of Friends
Although you may not have a family member or son that is graduating, it’s likely that you know a young man that is close to you and your family that is graduating. It’s just as important to congratulate this person! Find the right greeting below to help commemorate the accomplishment of that person.
(Graduation wishes for friend’s son)
- The best of wishes on your graduation day.
- On your graduation day, I want you to know how much I’ve allows thought of you like a son. Congratulations!
- On this day, we just want to say how proud we are of you. Congratulations!
- Know that you are always in our hearts and minds. Your accomplishments make us just as proud of you as your parents! Congratulations!
- Thank you for sharing this day with us. Happy Graduation!
- On your graduation day, I offer you the love and support that you and yours have always given our family.
- We’re confident that you will make the world a better place. Go get ‘em!
- To the oldest of family friends. Wishing you the happiest of days on your graduation day!
Of course, you can’t properly congratulate someone without throwing in a bit of humor, right? If you don’t want to take the serious or ‘feel good’ route, humor is always a great detour and is likely to get a good chuckle from the recipient. Try a few of the greetings below on for size and see how you like them.
(Graduation wishes for son)
- I never thought I’d see the day where you would walk up on a stage and collect a diploma… Seriously, I didn’t.
- Thank you for staying out of juvey. Love you, son!
- Congratulations on your graduation! When are you moving out?
- Happy Graduation! Is it too soon to discuss how much you rent you have to pay now?
- Here’s to hoping you don’t trip and fall on your face while collecting your diploma!
(Graduation wishes to son from dad)
- May you never be too old to get a good laugh from my terrible dad jokes. Congratulations, buddy!
(Graduation wishes for friend’s son)
- You just learned how to spell gratuate and now you is one!
- Congratulations on graduating high school! Now thank your parents for handling that college tuition bill!
- It’s always difficult to find the right message for a son on his graduation day, so hopefully you found these suggestions helpful! Now kick back, relax, enjoy the grill out, and rest easy knowing that you found the right words to celebrate such an important day and achievement for the special young man in your life.