It’s Time to Say Goodbye to High School
High school graduation is an important milestone that every student looks forward to from elementary school and onward. Not only does it mean the end of extremely early mornings and piles of annoying homework, it closes one chapter and opens another. High school graduation signals a time of growth, decision, and celebration. Whether students are graduating from public or private school (or even homeschool!), it is an incredible accomplishment and should be treated as such. Just like every significant life event, high school graduation is a time to celebrate!
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

If you know a soon-to-be high school grad, you are no doubt looking for the perfect message to write in their graduation card. The best wishes not only celebrate the event of graduation, but also leave a lasting impression on the recipient. So how are you supposed to find the perfect words to write in your grad’s cards? Well, we’ve collected some great graduation wishes that are perfect for graduating high school seniors! Take a look at our list below to gather some inspiration for the perfect graduation wish for the high school student in your life approaching this exciting milestone.

Generic Wishes
Sometimes the grad in our life may be a bit hard to read or you may want a message that can easily be built upon and customized. These wishes are a bit generic in nature, but perfect for cards nonetheless!
Short & Simple:
- Congratulations on graduating high school!
- One chapter closes and another one opens. Congrats on graduation!
- Congrats, grad! Time to celebrate all your accomplishments.
- Say goodbye to the last 12 years and hello to the rest of your life. Congrats, grad!
- Congratulations on all your high school achievements!
- Congrats on graduation and good luck in your future endeavors!
- You’ve accomplished so much in your high school career, congratulations on graduating!
- Hip hip hooray for my favorite high school grad!
- Congrats to the coolest high school grad I know!
- Good work! Congrats, grad: can’t wait to see what you do next!
Long & Lasting:
- As you leave your high school halls this final time, I implore you too look back over the past 12 years and celebrate all that you have achieved. This is the end to one chapter and the beginning of an exciting new one. Congratulations on high school graduation and good luck for the future!
- Congratulations on finally graduating high school! Remember all the valuable lessons you’ve learned during your time here. Whether your next step is college or career or anything else, I wish you the best of luck. I know you can do great things if you put your mind to it.
- Say goodbye to Friday night football games, stacks of algebra homework, and boring homeroom teachers. You’re a graduate, now: congratulations! You’ve worked hard to get where you are today and that should be celebrated. Good luck on your next step!
- You have achieved something really great today! Congratulations on your high school graduation. Here’s wishing you many more achievements and a future filled with success. Today is a day to celebrate, but just remember: the best is still yet to come.
- Congratulations on all of your hard work and finally reaching high school graduation! I know that sometimes things were tough, but you powered through and should be proud of all the you have accomplished. Good luck moving forward!
Proud Wishes
If the soon-to-be grad in your life has faced a lot of adversity in their academic career or you feel they deserve a little boost, these wishes are perfect. They are proud and congratulatory in nature: perfect for a little ego fluffing!
Short & Simple:
- I’m so proud of you today and every other day! Congratulations on high school graduation!
- Congratulations to a grad that has always done great things–and will continue to do even greater things!
- Congratulations on this fantastic achievement! You are finally a high school grad.
- You deserve to celebrate all your hard work and accomplishments today, congratulations!
- Congrats to someone who continues to inspire me with all their hard work and dedication!
- Good luck continuing to do great things! Congrats, grad!
- High school was a time for you to shine, but I know you will continue to shine even brighter!
- You’ve accomplished so much these past 12 years and I couldn’t be prouder of you! Congratulations on graduation!
- I just want to wish you congratulations on graduation! I’m so proud of you!
- I’m so proud to know someone as hardworking and high-achieving as you! Congrats, grad!
Long & Lasting:
- I have watched you struggle these past 12 years with balancing school and the rest of your life, but you have done an amazing job. I couldn’t be more proud of you and I know that you have a bright future ahead of you. Congratulations on all your hard work, now it’s time to celebrate!
- Congratulations on working so hard and achieving so much throughout your high school career. You truly are an inspiration! I know that all of your unique talents, hard work, and great attitude will continue to help you succeed in the future.
- You’ve done it: you’ve graduated high school! As you prepare to take the next steps into the rest of your life, I hope you remember how proud we all are of your accomplishments. Good luck in everything you do. I know you will continue blowing us all away.
- Congrats to a grad who always inspires me to keep working towards success! High school is a mere stepping stone in your great journey of success. Today’s achievement is a momentous occasion and I know you will continue to thrive and succeed.
- Today is a great accomplishment and should be celebrated! Today you graduate high school and start the rest of your life. I’m so proud of all your hard work and I know you will continue doing amazing things in the days to come. Congrats to my favorite grad!
Funny Wishes
After all the hard work they’ve put in, high school graduates deserve to have a good laugh! Choose one of these wishes to bring in an element of humor on graduation day while still congratulating that special grad.
Short & Simple:
- Are you really sure you passed all of your classes? Kidding! Congrats on graduating!
- Look at you, adulting all over the place now! Congratulations, grad.
- Congratulations on graduating high school: the easiest years of your life are officially over!
- Today it’s high school graduation, tomorrow it’s the retirement home. Congrats, grad!
- Congrats, grad! Go grab that diploma and get off the stage.
- Congratulations on completing the bare minimum of education!
- Welcome to life after high school graduation: it sucks!
- The fun is over now, grad! Welcome to life after high school.
- Here’s some paper to congratulate you on your fancier piece of paper. Congrats on graduating!
- This is not a drill: you’ve finally graduated high school!
Long & Lasting:
- Despite all the spitballs and napping in the middle of class, you’ve finally done it: you’ve graduated high school! Remember the keep your chin up as you enter this next phase of life and don’t forget to laugh at yourself every now and then.
- Time to break the bad news to you: life after high school is not exactly the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Still, you’ve worked really hard these past few years and today is a day to celebrate. Congrats, grad!
- Congratulations on earning your super fancy piece of paper! Good luck on these next four years–or however long it’s gonna take you to graduate college! Time to kiss the high school halls goodbye and buckle up for the rest of your life.
- Congratulations on all of your “hard” work throughout high school. Now that you are such a smartypants, it’s time to buckle up and see where life is gonna take you! Good luck on the next chapter and remember that real life has no cheat sheets.
- The best thing about high school graduation is getting to wear a funny hat that makes your brain look as big as you pretend it is. Nonetheless, congratulations on all your hard work and success! Looking forward to you joining the rest of us in the adult world.