High School
- Today you’re one step closer to freedom. Congratulations on your graduation.
- Once you were young and it was your first day of school. Now it’s your last. Feel old yet? Congratulations!
- It hasn’t been easy but you’re here and you’re smiling! Well done!
- The future is on your doorstep. Congratulations for graduating!
- The world is your oyster. Go out there and find what makes you happy!
- I’m proud of my daughter for graduating. You’ve grown up so fast, maybe too fast. But now it’s time to conquer the world.
- Now it’s time to party hard and have fun. You’ve earned it.
- I could list the opportunities my daughter has, but it wouldn’t fit on this card. Congratulations on your graduation!
- Every day you make me proud, but today is the day I can tell everyone. Congratulations on finishing school!
- Congratulations on how well you balanced work and play!
- Year after year you’ve worked hard. Congratulations on making it pay off.
- From the first day of school to the last, you’ve made us so proud.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

- Welcome to the real world. It can be tough, but I know you’ll conquer it. Congratulations on your graduation!
- You’ve made it so far. First school and now this. I’m so proud of you. Congratulations!
- You studied hard and it paid off. Now you can smile and receive your diploma. Congratulations. You deserve it.
- ConGRADulations!
- I can’t believe my daughter has made it this far! Every day you make us prouder and prouder.
- Ever since you were born we knew you’d be a success. Thank you for proving us right!
- Well done! And remember us when you’re finally living life!
- All the work was worth it. All the studying and the long nights in. Now, you can smile at your graduation and have the life you always wanted.
- Life begins today, only today there’s champagne.
- You’ve finally made it! Congratulations on your degree!
- One more milestone completed. Congratulations on your degree!
- Every day you make us proud, but today there’s champagne and garden parties.
- It’s time to dance to your favourite songs. Take a break before you conquer the earth.
- We always had faith in you. You’ve proven us right every single day.
- Gradu-and what? You’re a graduate now!!

- You’re a master of so many things, now you have a piece of paper to prove it!
- You’ve mastered education. Congratulations!
- Not only are you now a master of your subject you’re also a master of your family’s hearts.
- Another year has come and gone, and another qualification to carry with you. Congratulations on your masters.
You’ve made it! You’re ready for the future! - Keep us in mind when you’re changing the world!
- A Master of the Arts! Ever since you could write, we saw your creative potential. Now the whole world can see it too.
- A Master of Sciences! You’ve always been intelligent and had a critical eye. We’ve always known that one day that you would use it to help the world.
- Doctor Doctor my Daughter just got her PhD! Congratulations on making it!
It’s taken a while, but all the blood, sweat and tears have paid off. Congratulations on your PhD! - Doctor Daughter, you’ve made us proud.
- Education has been with you for your entire life. Now you have surpassed it and can make the world as proud as you make us.
- You’re in the height of your field. Congratulations on your PhD.
- Since you’ve been small we’ve known you’d make it this far.
- You’ve proven to everyone that you can do amazing things. Never stop.
- Congratulations on finishing your PhD. We always knew you could make it.
- My heart is swelling with so much pride that I might need a Doctor. Can you help?
- Your thesis was incredible. Well done on your PhD!
- Could you make it any further? You’ve dedicated so much to your studies and now you’re here. Congratulations!
- Mum has already told all of her friends how incredibly intelligent you are.
- You’ve made us so proud. Congratulations!
- You are a pioneer, so continue your quest into a new world of knowledge.
- You know things most could only dream of. Congratulations on bringing your knowledge to the world.
- Your wisdom has grown alongside your knowledge. But your kindness and light have never faltered.
- So today is the day you graduate. You’ve done great. Now it’s time to tackle fate.
- First school and now this. Congratulations on your amazing diss. You never did settle for less.
- Graduation time. You’ve had so far to climb. So forgive my rhyme, but you’ve always been in your prime.
- It’s the end of one step and the start of another. Prepare for an amazing summer. You have so much you can discover. And don’t forget to thank your mother.
- You are so knowledgeable. Time at Uni isn’t always stable, but you threw your cards onto the table. Because of this, a great life you can enable.
- Your knowledge has grown. Day by day it has made us proud. All the things that were unknown. Now you can shout them clear and loud.
- This is a message of goodwill, now go out there and make some dollar bills.
- It’s time to party hard, just don’t ruin the backyard. We hope you enjoy this card.
- You’ve written your thesis. Your hard work was ceaseless. Yet your knowledge still increases. So go out there and create more masterpieces!
- You’ve finished school. Isn’t that cool? Seriously, you rule!
- You’ve got a degree. Now you’re free! You’ve filled me with glee. Try not to forget me!
- You’ve got your Masters. You’ve finished one of life’s chapters. I hope the rest of your life is filled with laughter.
- You’re a Doctor. You’ve always been a great scholar. Now you can experience everything life has to offer.
- You’re a professor. A real knowledge processor. Never settle for what is lesser. Because you are a joy possessor, and will always be a people impresser.