The goodnight card is far more than a simple greeting; it is intended as a tender, personal sentiment meant to soothe and succor. Much like a gentle kiss goodnight, this card is sure to bring peace and infinite comfort to all those that receive it; making sure that they do indeed enjoy a good night, one filmed with warmth and pleasant dreams.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Goodnight card messages for anyone
Just about anyone can give or receive a goodnight card, at any time of year.

- “Goodnight, sweet dreams.”
- “Goodnight and sweetest dreams; may the moon smile upon you and the evening breeze be your lullaby.”
- “Bonne nuit. Buenas noches. Buonanotte. Guddo naito. In other words, goodnight!”
- “May your dreams be filled with the ambitions and adventures of a lifetime; and may you awake refreshed tomorrow morning, to make every one of those dreams a shining reality.”
Goodnight card messages for a spouse or lover
Those in serious romantic relationships also might find cause to exchange goodnight cards; usually when one or both partners is about to leave for a trip. Couples in love but not yet cohabitating also might exchange these cards; to ensure that their partner will be thinking of and dreaming about them at the end of day.
- {For a married couple} “Although you sleep alone tonight, know I’m never far; think of me as you cast your eyes to the sky, see me in the stars. Then when you dream I’ll be right there to take away your every care, with a single ethereal kiss…”
- {For a deeply romantic couple} “Night night, Love. I’ll see you in my dreams…”
- {For a couple apart for a long time} “Right now we might be far apart but we still can meet in our dreams. So hurry up and fall asleep, my love—I’m waiting for you.”
- {For a serious relationship} “Dream tonight, not only of me, but of the precious past and beautiful future that we hold together. Know that, although we’re apart, these are the things that bind us.”
- {For a fiancé} “Soon there will come a day when we will never be apart—until then, my love, we can meet in our dreams. Let us share this ‘good night…’”
- {For a girlfriend} “A warm goodnight to my beautiful angel; may your dreams be as special and radiant as the woman that dreams them.”
- {For a boyfriend} “A warm goodnight to the man of my dreams; and may yours be extra sweet (Get the hint, dude? Dream of me!”)
Goodnight card messages for a child
Parents give goodnight cards to children who are about to go away for sleepovers, slumber parties, summer camps, overnights at grandma’s and grandpa’s, and other absences that might temporarily take the child out of their natural element. Their very understandable feelings of tension, uncertainty and overexcitement can be allayed easily with the help of a beautiful, comforting greeting card—one either presented to the child right before they leave or slipped into their backpack, duffel or sleeping bag.
- {For any child} “I may not be there to sing you a lullaby, but you can hear me in the sweet song of crickets and the song of the nightingale. I may not be there to kiss your cheek, but you can feel my tender affection on the wind that flows free through your window. I may not be there to tuck you in, but just know that we sleep beneath the same blanket of clear, crystalline stars. Goodnight, my child.”
- {For any child} “My sweet child, I may not be there to tuck you in or kiss you goodnight. Just know, though, that I’m always there in spirit; from the day you were born I became a part of you, and you a part of me. So although we sleep in different places, we are still and always one. Goodnight, my child.”
- {For an older child or tween} ”Sleepover checklist: Pajamas—check! Sleeping bag—check! Toothbrush—check! All of my love—double check! I’ll be thinking of you, dear; enjoy your sleepover!”
- {For an older child or teen} “Bonne nuit. Buenas noches. Buonanotte. Guddo naito. OK, I have now bid you goodnight in four languages! Now go to sleep! All right? Goodnight!”
- {For a toddler} “This card contains just a sprinkling of invisible fairy dust—just a few specks to fill your head with good dreams and chase the bad dreams away. Sweet dreams, little one, and goodnight!”
- {For a younger child} “A kiss, a cuddle and a bundle of love, just for you. Goodnight, my little one!”
Goodnight card messages for a person in need of support
People also give goodnight cards to friends and relatives that are having tough times; those undergoing divorces, serious health problems, hospitalizations, and other life conflicts may have trouble sleeping; a goodnight card is sure to give them comfort—and, hopefully, a hearty dose of “Zzzz’s.”
- “A night spent in sweet dream will refresh and revitalize you; suddenly the worries that plague your mind will seem not so very important. Goodnight, and here’s to a better tomorrow!”
- “Sleep. Pause. Rest. Refresh. I promise tomorrow will be better!”
- “This card entitles the bearer to one good night’s sleep—one filled with sweet dreams and thoughts of a bright tomorrow. Goodnight!”