Good Luck Poems for Exams: School can be quite stressful. With classes piling up and so much information crammed into so little time, exam time is never fun. The worst part of this is really that there’s nothing you can do to help a friend gearing up for an exam. You can’t really transfer information to them, you can help them study, but even that isn’t a lot. So when in need of an encouraging word for a friend getting ready for midterms, choose one of these poems that will lift them up and give them the boost they need before the big test.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

You’ve worked real hard, all through the night
Good luck on exams, you sure are bright
It might hard, it might be tough
But I know you can do it, no matter how rough.
Good luck on your exams!
It’s been months and months, the time of exams are near
But I know you can do it; I have faith in you, don’t you hear?
It might be hard, it might be rough
But you’ve worked real hard, I know you know your stuff!
The test is tomorrow, no more time to prepare.
It’s finally time, to get this out of your hair.
You might be nervous, you might be scared.
But I know you can do it, your intelligence cannot be compared.
Life often sends us a multitude of tests, to test us where we think we know best.
Today is the day, for one of those test, so I wish you good luck and i hope you know that your hard work will pay off.
Give your best and will totally see that studying is good it brings out the best.

Your bright eyes gleamed as I looked at your face. I saw the pride in your eyes as you started to beam.
You hold up your test grade for the whole world to see, then look at your paper to see your new A,
It was so big and shiny and you started to cry.
Suddenly I woke up to see you were gone, I suddenly remember what really was wrong. I
Looked down at my paper to see a big, angry F on my paper. I
Should’ve studied but I didn’t at all, when it comes to exams don’t be tardy at all, for
studying will pay off just remember my dream.
You’ve studied a week and it is finally here,
You’ve given it your best shot we will bring you some cheer.
We love to watch you grow, and its hard but it does show.
Give it your best shot you have nothing to lose. We are proud of you and all that you do.
You’ve sharpened your pencils
And gone to the classes
You’ve studied so hard
You’ve read all the books
You’ve quizzed yourself tons
You’re done all it took
You’re ready, you’re set
You can beat this old test
March in there and know
That now you’re a pro
Best of luck in there,
I know you’ll do great
You’re way too smart for any mistake!
You’ve studied you’ve crammed
You’ve prepared for plenty of tests
This one is yours, just like the rest
There’s nothing to worry about
Your knowledge is stout
Your brain is ready
And those books were so heavy
The preparation is done
It’s almost time for fun
But first you must beat this exam
Then you’re done!
Get in there and show em, you know all you do.
No matter what though, I’m so proud of you!
Tests aren’t so scary
No match for you
You’ve done all the work
You’ve read all the books
You’ve stayed up nights
Studying and learning
Quizzing yourself
Getting the answers like no one else. You’ve worked hard and long
I know you can do it
Go best this test, there will be nothing to it!
Good luck!
I know this time of year is stressful
Trust me, I was once there
Take a break from studying and
enjoy the day
No matter how things go we will
always support you
Best wishes on your exams my dear
It’s that time of the semester when
your extremely stressed out
Because you need to do well on
the upcoming test
In order to pass your classes
Don’t worry, you will do fine
Best of luck during this exam time
You get ready in the morning to
spend most of the day in the library
You look out the a window and see
it’s a nice day
Hopefully when this is done, you’ll
spend the day outside
Best of luck on your exams
Exams may not be the true test of
knowledge but has to be done for
progress to occur. As you go for
your exams today, may you have
perfect remembrance of all you have
You are favored as you go for your
exams. You know all the things that
you would be asked and nothing
shall be strange to you. Be
cheerful you are a success already.
Go into the exams and excel because
excellence is what you have inherent
in you. You have all you need to
excel in this exams so cast away
all doubts and fear because
this exams is a done deal.
I know that today,
Is the day of your test,
Just try to relax,
And just do your best.
There are questions to answer,
And much work to do,
So better get started,
Think things carefully through.
Good Luck!
Be brave, be courageous,
It’s time to be smart,
On this step to your future,
It’s about time to start.
So open the paper,
Breathe deeply again,
It’s time to begin,
So pick up that pen.
Good Luck In Your Exam
A dash of revision,
A sprinkle of time,
A spoonful of knowledge,
A school bell that chimes.
A drizzle of memories,
A moment to brew,
Good luck on your exam today,
It’s all up to you.
Hope It Goes Well
Go get ’em tiger! You know your stuff!
You’ve made it to your test.
I would love to wish you all the luck
for you to do your best.
But I don’t think you really need it,
I think it’s in the bag
because your preparation
kept you right on track!
The time has come to show them all
exactly what you are made of;
a fireball of energy
that cannot be chained up.
You are the great achiever
with aims toward the sky!
I know you will pass with flying colors
you don’t even have to try!!
Good Luck!
It’s normal to be nervous
when asked to pass the test
but I have so much faith in you
and I know you’ll do your best.
You’ve studied all in earnest,
and you’ve made it your only task
to become the academic
that certainly will pass!
You have studied all you can.
The classes have been
the papers written,
the projects finished.
One final task remains
before freedom reigns.
Good luck on your exams;
I know you will do well.
Be sure you get a proper rest
before you try to take that test
and try to eat a proper meal
in the days before or else you’ll feel
sick and stressed more than you should –
I’d take this panic from you if I could.
It’s a big test, yes, but I know you’ll do fine,
so dry your eyes and relax this time.
Don’t stress about this exam
because the hype will kill you faster
than the raw shock of receiving the test.
The panic will gnaw at you for days
and intensify over hours
as you fret and read until you mind
cannot process any more.
So try to breathe and put the notes down,
for you’ve studied all you can.
Here’s a quick word
Just for good luck
You’ll do great, I’m sure
You won’t even get stuck
Don’t let the stress get to you,
That’ll make it hard
So just take all that stress,
Throw it out and discard it
Relax and hold your pen
And I know you can do it
Now easy does it
And you’ll get through it
Now here’s a little something
Just to wish you luck
Your exam will be easy
Now remember if you get stuck
Close your eyes for a second
And take a deep breath
You’ll remember the answer
If you don’t, it’s not your death!
Remember don’t stress
It’ll just make things worse
Take a breather and relax
And close your eyes first
You’ll do great I know
And please don’t forget
There’s nothing to worry about
So really, just don’t fret
Good luck on your exam!
You’ve gone to class
You’ve studied hard
And you can walk
That extra yard
Trust in yourself
And as you review
You’ll find the grade
Deep inside of you
Search beyond
Those notes and book
And see a winner in the mirror
Whenever you look
I wish you luck
For all your tests
Although I know
You’ll do your best
Luck isn’t given
But it’s earned
And this semester
We all have learned
Luck isn’t given
But it’s made
And you’ve worked hard
To make that grade
Exams have come
They’re finally here
But knowing you
You have nothing to fear
So take a deep breath
Wash away all that stress
And don’t for a minute
Start to second guess
How smart that you are
How you will succeed
You’ve got luck on your side
And the power to lead
You’ve studied hard and you’ve studied long
The time has come for you to show your knowledge
Don’t stress about this test
Just do your best and let your brain take care of the rest
You’ve got this
Good luck!
There comes a time in everyone’s life when they face a true test
This exam is just one among the rest
So just relax and try your best
And when you are finally done we can have a drinking fest
Goodluck to you on your big exam
Stick to your guns and follow your plan
You’ve studied hard and now the time is near
So do not fret and do not fear
Stress free and relaxed is the way to be
And if you’re stuck, remember, just guess C