Does your mother have a sense of humor that can’t be compared to any other mom? Does she appreciate a good joke every once in a while? This Mother’s Day, why not send her a card that involves a little bit of humor. This could add a bit of a unique perspective to celebration of your mom. You can show that you appreciate her humor by allowing humor itself to come through a heartfelt message, or you can just go ahead and spread joy in her life by using the funny phrases that you find on this page. Either way, your mom will appreciate the humor that is coming from your heart. Let your mom know how much you care about her by showing her how much you enjoy making her laugh. This will add a little spin to the typical notes that you could give to your mom on Mother’s Day. She may even have a comeback to your jokes, which will leave the two of you laughing for the remainder of the day. Be the one to initiate the type of conversations that will leave her smiling, and the laughs will last far past Mother’s Day!
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

I had chocolates for you
But they needed inspecting
So I ate them one by one
Not what I was expecting
They didn’t taste rotten, they were actually fine
Chocolaty and sweet, tasted divine
I’m sorry mom, maybe next year will be better
Instead of chocolates, I’ll get you a sweater
Get a massage, no need to worry
I got this darling, no need to feel sorry
Take time for yourself, as long as you need
I promise I’ll take care of the house, the kids I will feed
Happy mother’s day to you
What’s that, you can’t go?
Geez, I wonder who hid your other shoe?
Rain, rain
Go away
Please don’t return, on mother’s day
I like you a lot, on other days
But according to my mother, you can no longer stay
The mud can get sticky, her hair turns a mess
Do you really want to make my mother upset?
Rain, rain
Go away
Do no return, till after mother’s day
We celebrate you today
We love you and appreciate you
For all the things you’ve taught us
We have discovered that life isn’t simple
And it doesn’t come with a manual
And that is why we have mothers
Happy mother’s day

Our moms are the best
Their love is pure and real
I know this now
Because only a mother can like your childhood paintings
So much that she puts them on the fridge
Happy mother’s day to our biggest fans
Thank you teaching me how to use the potty
Thank you for cleaning my nose when it got snotty
Thanks for teaching me how to say thank you
Without those teachings how would I write this poem
Happy mother’s day to best mom in the world
Mum you brighten up my day
I think you are so funny
Even when you eat my lunch
And lose my pocket money
A mum like you is hard to find
You’re always drinking rum
I love you more than anything
Happy mother’s day dear mum
I need my mum more than I need fruit
I love my mum she’s the bomb
I miss my mum when I’m hungry
When I need food in my tum
I need my mum she bakes cookies
What will I do when she’s gone
I really must earn to thank her
And say happy mother’s day mum
Mum you are like the titanic
Extravagant strong and dynamic
You make everything seem so simple
You are a wonderful example
Of how every mother should be
Even though you are a bit lazy
I wouldn’t have you any other way
I love you happy Mother’s day
You taught me how to wash my face
And how to use the potty.
You made me eat up all my greens
And wiped my nose when snotty.
You taught me to say Please and Thanks,
Because politeness is the way,
So ‘Please’ can I borrow some money?
Just kidding. Happy Mother’s Day!
I thank you for the food you bring,
and for my little squeaky thing.
I thank you for your friendly talks,
and when you change my litter box.
I thank you for the naps we share,
and putting up with tufts of hair.
I thank you for these things you do,
but thank you most for being you.
So as I’m sat upon the mat,
Happy Mothers Day from me the cat!
For all the diapers that you changed,
For all the playdates you arranged.
For all the trips back and forth to school,
For cleaning all the spit up and the drool.
Why is there only one Mother’s Day?
You should have at least gotten the ENTIRE month to be celebrated.
Happy Mother’s Day Mom!
Moms come in all shapes and forms,
The nutty ones, the loud ones, the embarrassing ones,
But my mom defies the norms,
She’s pretty much all of the above.
She means well, this I know,
She’s taught me so much,
But she really is afraid of snow,
And it’s really kinda nuts.
But nonetheless, she’s my mother,
I love her and her loud mouth.
So now it’s my time to smother,
And kiss her on her special day!
Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!
You’re the bomb!
Please sit down and rest a bit.
Let me cook you some dinner,
Because you’re looking kinda thinner.
What would you like to eat?
Some eggs or maybe a roast?
Please don’t hate me, I burnt the toast!
I’m not good at this like you.
Let me take you out instead.
I don’t want to leave anything left unsaid,
I love you mom! Happy Mother’s Day!
I know you like everything to be perfect,
All straight and tidy.
But you look perfect to me at 3am,
When our baby is crying and you’re singing sweet nothings to her.
Your hair is a mess,
Ou have spit up on your chest,
But everything fades away.
You’re the best mom out there,
You’re doing great!
Happy first Mother’s Day, my love!
Oh happy mother’s day,
To the best mom I’ve ever had.
I love that you love me,
Even though I make you mad.
So today I get to thank you,
For the best job in the world.
I get to be the son of you,
The best mom I’ve ever had.
Happy mother’s day to you,
My one and only mother.
You’re a mother like no other,
And I love you oh so much.
I love the way you make butt jokes,
You say them without a care.
Everyone who hears them chokes,
But that’s your special flair.
Most mother day poems,
Speak of great feats and love,
Shown from a mother to a child,
But that’s not our style,
So on this wonder day,
I’ll tell you the truth,
You did alright,
Whether you dropped me or not.
Mommy dearest, You are truly looking fine.
Even though you have put up with my whine.
I sincerely hope I did not age you.
You do not look as ancient as you could.
But you look just as you should.
Mom, I don’t know how you did it
But you really did survive
My teenage years
And even sort of thrived.
I am glad you set me straight,
Even though, sometimes, I was afraid.
Mom you rock! Happy Mother’s Day!
Mom, I can’t believe
That you put up with me
You have something magical
Tucked underneath your sleeve.
I am glad that you stuck by
Even when I would cry.
Happy Mother’s Day!
How could I have forgot,
this most important day?
I was just out to play, and on my way
I found this flower with a magic power.
Purple, your favorite color, right?
Please accept this gift.
Happy Mother’s Day.
A token of my love, I want to give to you.
What to choose for a mother wonderful as you?
Should it be my favorite toy lying broken on the chair,
or the spider on the chair?
Mother I just can’t decide what should I do?
How could I have forgot,
this most important day?
I was just out to play, and on my way
I found this flower with a magic power.
Purple, your favorite color, right?
Please accept this gift.
Happy Mother’s Day.
When I think about you, mother; And the times that I was bad; When I was with my brother; And we would make you mad; It sure does make me think; When I look back at what we did; No wonder that you drink; I was such a rotten kid!
Happy Mother’s Day to you; From a kid who’s always spoiled; Who plays in grass and mud; Who gets his clothes real soiled; I know I can be wild, sometimes; I know it really sucks; Would it help you a bit mother; If I gave you ninety bucks?
No more shopping, no more cooking, no more clean the house; No more working, no more feeding, no more “Kill that mouse!”; Take some time just to relax, ’cause we are here to say; We love you for all that you do, and Happy Mother’s Day!
It’s no secret
I’m you favorite child
I know I’m a handful
I was born wild
I think that why
I’m so fun
I will always be
Your number one
You love my siblings
It’s not a test
But let’s be honest
I’m the one you like best!
Happy Mothers Day
You aren’t like other moms
Who make their kids do chores
When I’m hanging with you
Life is never a bore
Sometimes you get stressed
You say you need wine
I know it’s hard
When the kids get out of line
You have surely been through enough
I love my mom
She is strong and tough
Happy Mothers Day
Thank you for giving me such a fun childhood
You always took us to cool places
Caring so much for your brood
Always so very patient
When I got an attitude
When I was a teenager
You taught me to show respect
Telling me the consequences
If I wanted to become a reject
Gently pushing me in the right direction
Teaching me with ways of life
With strength and affection
Thank you for always being so funny
I miss hanging with you
Playing Gin Rummy
You even let me have a sip of wine
Telling me that when I grow up
I will like it just fine
You told me not to take life so seriously
Telling me to take chances
To look at life with glee
Thank you so much for
All the care you took when raising me
Happy Birthday
dear mother
oh mother
your pan is on fire
oh mother
oh mother
the chickens run wild
oh mother oh mother
today’s about you
oh mother oh mother
i got you some shoes
happy mother’s day to you
i made you a cake
but it tasted to good
i picked you flowers
but oh me there dead
i wrote you a song
but i forgot all the words
i got you a present
it’s big and blue
i bought you a rainbow
but a leprechaun took it to
so i’ll just say
happy mother’s day
you don’t smell like a zoo
there’s no spit up on you
but i think there
is a pea in your hair
you don’t look funny
your clothes are not torn
dear mama i love you
even if your blue
dear mama
i love you
more than a kazoo
Some of the time you’re senseless and in some cases you’re odd,
Incidentally I feel humiliated and need you vanished.
Some of the time you pester me and I holler and yell,
What’s more, once in a while you make me frown.
Frequently I express things to you which I don’t mean,
Furthermore, I may even act like an insane twit.
Be that as it may, regardless of what occurs or how I may act,
My adoration and thankfulness for you is an interminable fact!
You shown me how to wash my face
What’s more, how to utilize the potty.
You influenced me to gobble up the entirety of my greens
What’s more, cleaned my nose when nasty.
You instructed me to state Please and Thanks,
Since good manners is the way.
So ‘Please’ would i be able to get some cash?
Much appreciated!
Simply joking. Happy Mother’s Day!”
Mom you know the most noticeably awful of me,
My shortcomings and habits,
I realize you’ve seen me crap my jeans
what’s more, cut the heads off dollies.
You know all my most humiliating minutes,
You realize that I’m a nut,
So what would i be able to do to reimburse your affection…
…what’s more, ensure you keep your mouth closed!?