Creating a Greeting Card for a Child Graduating from Elementary School
Parents love to capture and document their children’s accomplishments as a means of creating lasting and meaningful memories. They give them gifts and accolades to demonstrate to them how proud they are of them for reaching a certain milestone in their life.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

While getting a new toy or a treat is a great reward for children when they’ve reached a milestone in their lives, words of encouragement and endearment can be just as exciting to hear to young children growing up and working hard to reach their goals. Letting children know how proud the adults in their lives are of them can be done in a colorful and memorable way if done properly.

Below is a small list of ideas of words of commendation and encouragement, for children who have graduated from elementary school and are making their way into middle school. These are ideas that can work in various scenarios.
The truth of the matter is, all of us no matter how young or how old we are, crave a friendly word of commendation every once in a while. Children, who have reached the point of graduating from elementary school need to know that their hard work has not gone unnoticed, and that the adults in their lives appreciate the efforts they’ve put into reaching a goal. Examples given are for a son, daughter, granddaughter, grandson, nephew, niece, and younger sibling. The greetings are simple and easy for children graduating elementary school to understand and grasp, and they are sure to incite warmth and pride inside of the child’s life.
- (For a son) Congratulations son! Your mother and I are so proud of you for graduating from elementary school. Next stop is middle school! Continue to keep up the great work and soon, you’ll find yourself graduating from college! From Mom and Dad.
- (For a daughter) Great job, sweetie. We are so proud of you! We hope that you continue to work hard in school and to get good grades. You make us proud to be your parents, love Mom and Dad
- (For a granddaughter) To a special granddaughter for her special day. We are so proud of you. Keep up the great work. Love, Grandma and Grandpa.
- (For a grandson) Be proud of all that you’ve accomplished so far, we certainly are. Keep stretching forward to greatness, continue to learn and work hard, and take pride in who you’ve become. Love, Grandma and Grandpa.
- (For a nephew) Happy graduation (Name)! This is a special day for you, meant for special memories. Keep up the great work, Aunt and Uncle.
- (For a niece) (Name) congratulation, you did it! You’re a shining star in a darkened world. Keep sharing your light with the world! We’re so proud of you sweetie! Love, Aunt and Uncle.
- (For a younger sibling) Today is your day, we’re celebrating you! I’m so proud of you and happy for you. Keep learning and keep growing!
I hope that these short and simple examples gave you a little inspiration in creating greeting cards for children graduating elementary school.