Graduation is one of the most phenomenal accomplishments in life. You can share this milestone with your friends and let them understand how much you are proud of him/her. Send them the best graduation wishes. Whether you are hoping to congratulate your girlfriend/boyfriend, best friend, or close friend, we have pulled together great graduation messages for you to use or personalize to your preference.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

For Boyfriend
- Congratulations on your outstanding achievement! It’s time for you to enjoy yourself since we’re celebrating your graduation. I hope you continue to grow, challenge yourself and you will definitely be successful. Congratulations to the man I love.
- Now that you’re graduating, you are about to take a new flight. No matter what happens from here, know that I’m always proud of you for everything you’ve achieved. It’s been a long fight to get here, and you’re worthy to be celebrated. So enjoy this, congratulations, sweetie!
- Congratulations dear! It’s your graduation, and I know you are scared, so am I, but if anyone knows how awesome you are, I think it’s me. It’s going to be hard, and it might take you a while to find your place in the world, but that’s fine, some things take time. Know that I’ll always be here for you the whole way. You are the most adorable and hardworking boyfriend I know. Try to enjoy yourself; it’s your graduation!
- This congratulation wish is for that special person in my life who is graduating today. I wish you all the luck for a brighter future that awaits you, dear.
- Congratulations to a super smart and sexy man. As you get ready to take the next step, I wish you bright career and greater future. Congratulations dear! Here’s to our future together!
- Congratulations, my love! We have both been imagining this day for a long time, and finally, it’s here. So here is to your awesomeness and may it never cease.

For Girlfriend
- Since we met, you have always been my source of inspiration; you always challenge me to be a better person. Now, you are graduating, and this shows me that anything is possible. You had a dream, and you didn’t allow anything to stop you from reaching it. Never stop dreaming sweetheart. Congratulations!
- A cheerful congratulation on your graduation and I wish you all the best for the new beginning in life. Keep on following your star! You’ve made this guy so proud.
- Education is the journey of a lifetime! Never stop learning, and I know you are most confident in yourself. Congratulations, Sweetheart! I know all your dreams will come true.
- Congratulations to the best girlfriend in the world. The endless hours of studying, camping out in the library, nights of homework, and semester-long projects is finally over. You’re worked so hard, and your reward is finally here, and you totally deserve it. I have watched you fight for those grades, enjoy this moment of joy, you’ve earned it. Congratulations, and I love you.
- You inspire me daily dear. Your ambition and strength make you the woman I love. Congratulations and good luck, I know you’ll achieve greatness!
- You are a superwoman. You are graduating, and I do not doubt that you will be successful in whatever you do. You’re creative, smart, analytical, loyal, and hardworking. Anyone would be lucky to have you. Congratulations to the most worthy woman I know.
For Best Friend
- Dearest best friend, you made it! The door to success has opened for you, choose the right path for you. I’m so much happy for your success and wish you best luck in future.
- Congratulations moron! You did incredibly well. I really don’t expect such fantastic success from you! Just kidding! You made your best friend proud. It is not an easy task to graduate with such a brilliant grade; I wish you more success and best of luck!
- Congratulations on completing an outstanding student career. Now that you are a graduate, you are about to start a brand new journey. Good wishes to you my best friend in your brand new life and achievement. Congratulations graduate.
- Sweet best friend, it’s your graduation day, so let’s celebrate together. Good luck on your next voyage, don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere and will be with you all the way,
- You are ambitious, able, brilliant, and you will always walk the glory road. I bless you with everything you need to earn more feats and achievements in life head. Well done and congratulations my best friend.
For a Friend
- Finally, you can say goodbye to uncountable sacrifices of enjoyment and late night studies. Your brilliance and determination have not been hidden from anyone. Now you have achieved something no one can take away from you. I’m happy to call you friend! Congratulations.
- The journey of life brings both chances and changes. Wishing you the best in the career you have chosen. Congratulations on your graduation!
- Many best wishes to you on your graduation day. One more significant step is taken, and a stage is passed. Every of your decision keeps taking you higher, and I’m sure you will reach all your goals. Congratulations on the graduation!
- Graduation is one of the sweetest and most memorable events in our life. It is filled with ambitions, joyful memories, and hopes for a better future. I’m proud of the things you have achieved and now wishing you best of luck in all your future endeavors. Congratulations friend.
- Brighter future is waiting for you ahead. Graduation is an exciting time in everyone life, so seize all the opportunities that come your way and make the most of them. Congratulations buddy, have fun!
- Congratulations my friend on being the latest graduate in town. I hope it is the foundation of many significant accomplishments to come your way. Let us celebrate because today is the day you become a graduate.
- I don’t know how you managed to get your degree with all the socializing, drinking, partying, and extracurricular activities, guess you are pretty special after all. Congrats friend.