Breaking up sucks, There’s no way around it. Going through a break up can be depressing, and color your perception of the world with a hint of grey. When you’re going through this tough time, all that you want to do is get through it. When you’re down on a breakup, even the smallest sign of positive encouragement can get you through the day. The poems in this post are the best way that you can send that hint of encouragement and push someone to perservere through this tough time in their life. The poems in this post range from inspiring, humorous, and touching, giving you a wide spread utility to accomplish the message that you want to send.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

I’m done, I’m through
I don’ want to have to think about the likes of you
Some days were nice, but most of the time it just wasn’t true.
I’m done trying to make it up to you
When I looked at the mirror, you were gone
I thought I’d die, singing my lone swan song.
When I looked at the mirror, you had left me,
You broke my heart, broke my heart until it bleeds, don’t you see?
I thought we had something, I thought it was true
Now that I look back, I can’t believe I thought that about you.
Leave me alone, I’m through
I’m done thinking about the likes of you
I can’t give you my all,
I couldn’t even fall for the fact that you were mine and I was yours.
I want you to know that it was never you, but it was all of me.
I wish you much happiness, but I can’t be there to watch it unfold.
We almost had it all, but instead I fell for the lie that you couldn’t care less.
I will bow out gracefully, yet still be thinking about you now with a heart that is heavy with grief;
But I could never give you my all, it just wasn’t to be.

You made me feel ten feet tall,
But I’ve now shrunk down to the size of a broken heart.
I gave you my all,
But you couldn’t at all make me feel like my best was good enough;
You left me in the trenches to sit on the benches of the war raging on in my heart.
In the bank of my heart I had millions of dollars,
But in the bank of my life I had none.
I dated you now, you were mine I swear,
But you cashed all your checks and left me dead inside.
You didn’t want me, you wanted money and honey you got it.
In the bank of my heart and life I have nothing.
They say all good things
must come to an end
This much is true
But don’t cry because it’s over
Remember all the good times
And be grateful
Some things are simply not meant to be
And I know you’re hurting now,
And that these words do little for you
But know that this difficult time will pass
And love will find you someday soon.
It might seem like the world
Is crumbling around you
Like there is no hope for tomorrow
I know your heart is hurting
But don’t cry my dear,
This hurt will pass
And you will find other ways to be fulfilled
One day this hurt will pale in comparison to the love that will, no doubt, come to you
Until that day comes, I want you to know
Through thick and thin, through these hard times
I won’t leave your side
What’s meant to be will be
This just wasn’t for you
I know you’re hurting now
But you deserve nothing but the best
And the person who will give that to you will come
Maybe not today, or tomorrow but it will happen
because you are wonderful.
I know it may not seem like it now
But there’s a great big world out there
Waiting for you to go out and love it!
So cheer up, friend
Let’s go paint the town red
And discover all the world has to show!
There cannot be a day without a
A sun without a moon
You just never found your moon or
your night
This feels terrible and I know it
But you need to move on to find
this moon
I know your heart has been broken
And you think your world has ended
But your heart will heal one day but
not today
Until then, take solace in the fact
that it happens to all of us
I’m sorry about your broken heart
You have tear stains on your face
as you eat ice cream
You have been watching the same
movie for the past day
I cannot take your pain away
But I can send my love and I’m
sorry that your relationship ended
I can not do this again. They say
when a butterfly flies away, let it go, if it comes back. Then its yours. I
have let you go a thousand times,
you never come back fully. This
time wont be an exception.
I am sad about how everything ended.
We had so wonderful moments
and some really dramatic ones.
I will still love to have you as a
friend but we can not be lovers
again. Ciao
I have heard of many breakups in the
past but never thought I would be
a victim. It is very sad how sweet
moments became sour and joyous
moments became filled with tears.
We have to part but I will miss you
I just can’t do this for one more day
I really have no more to say
You killed my dreams and broke my heart
I think it’s best if we break apart
No more secrets no more lies
No more bonds, no more ties
Nothing more for us to do
As now there’s no more me and you.
I lost me when I met you,
A shadow I became,
An echo in the distance,
A book without a name.
And now that this is over,
It’s very plain to see
Just how much I gave away,
The day that I lost me.
You took my dreams and made them fears,
You threw away my heart,
You took my trust and nights of lust,
And broke them all apart.
You took my mind, you were unkind,
You heard my cries of pain,
You had your time, but now it’s fine
You never will again
It’s Over
When your heart is shattered
and it’s pieces fill the floor,
when life just doesn’t matter
or fill you anymore.
The sun may keep on setting
into the cold blue sky
leaving only darkness and bitter tears to cry.
I find it hard to breathe
with your choice to leave.
I thought I knew you well,
but now it’s hard to tell.
How can this be true that
I have to live without you.
My heat is surely aching
from this love that’s breaking.
The room feels so empty
now that you are gone.
I wish I’d seen this
coming all along.
I would have kept my distance.
I would have stayed away.
I would have kept my heart safely
in my chest to stay.
I won’t pretend that this won’t hurt
I won’t blame you if you’re mad
I won’t assume you will forgive
when I say we were just a fad.
I won’t take back these words I say
I won’t come back to you –
we can’t see each other anymore –
goodbye, my dear, we’re through.
I wish that I could love you
and brush your tears away
but I seem to be the cause of them
at the end of every day.
I want you to be happy
and all we are is misery.
You deserve someone who loves you
but that someone isn’t me.
Please forgive me
as I look you in the eye
one final time.
I remember our last kiss
and realize we didn’t know
it was going to be our last.
Our final hug was stiff
and uncomfortable
and our words are terse
so how can we be surprised
that this is the end.
I’ll never let you know
How I still feel
How when I’m alone
I still don’t know how to heal
I’ll never let you know
How much you hurt me
How when I’m in a crowd
I still wish you were with me
It was like you left
And took a part of me
I don’t know what to do
I don’t want you to see
What you did, and what you’re still doing
I hate that I remember
When all you did was woo me
Things are over, and I feel good
That I’ve let you go
Things were great and then they weren’t
And I really just want you to know
I loved you, I really did
But now things are over
And I want to say it again
Now things are over
The emptiness in my heart
Can only be measured against
The gulf of silence that now separates
Two souls that once were one
And so we sit in a silent duet
Sadness whispering at every turn
Irreversible words echoing
In both our minds
The last thought
We will ever share as a couple
They say pain is only weakness
Leaving the body
So are these sharp pangs I feel
The shattered fragments of our relationship
Ebbing away like a tide on the shore?
Erasing, eroding all that we had
Until they are nothing but grains of sand
Smaller than pebbles in the history of mankind?
One day only to be a speck in the chronicles of our lives?
At the grocery store
I look at the products
And read expiration dates
Cleverly disguised behind
Advertising and packaging
And can’t help but wonder
If that’s all we ever were
Two people packaged together
Our relationship slated to end
Before we even began
Would I have purchased the package
Had I ever known?
Or would I have left it on the shelf
Never to be opened?
And so we’ve come
To this fork in the road
Each of us bearing
Our separate load
We’ve laughed and loved
And learned a lot
But now it’s time we leave this spot
I wish you the best
Down this road,
And don’t forget me as you carry your load
All good things seem to come to an end
Regardless of what happens
Know that you’ll always be my friend
You gave me joy and a reason to smile
I’m just glad that I got to feel that for a while
Good bye my lover
Good bye my friend
I’ll remember you
Until the end
We took on the world
Hand in hand
But now we depart
Each to their own land
Just know you’ll be in my heart
As the one I loved,
Always, from the start