A Special Birthday for Granddaughter
If you are lucky enough to have a wonderful granddaughter in your life, no doubt you enjoy doting on her during her birthday. Birthdays are a wonderful time to bring families together and to celebrate the person your granddaughter grows into every day. Sometimes it can be hard to find the right words to say without being embarrassing or overbearing. If you are looking for the perfect birthday wish for your perfect granddaughter, look no further. We have compiled a great list to refer to when writing in your granddaughter’s card. But remember: a birthday wish is a wonderful gift, but showing your granddaughter you love her is even better!
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Long-Distance Love
If you are not able to visit your granddaughter on her special day because of distance, one of these birthday wishes will be perfect to let her know you are still thinking of her.

- To my special granddaughter: I am thinking of you always and wishing you so much love on your birthday. I am so proud of you! Happy birthday.
- I hear that today is your birthday, granddaughter! Although I am not there to celebrate with you in person, know that I am sending happy wishes your way.
- If I could fill the ink on this card with my love and send it to you, I would surely do so. I love you so much, sweet granddaughter, and I am wishing you the happiest of birthdays.
- Although we cannot spend today together, know that I am thinking of you now and always. I wish you the happiest of birthdays and I am so proud to call you my granddaughter.
- Happy birthday, dearest granddaughter! I hope you are enjoying today and that you send plenty of photos.
- I cannot be with you today, so please pick up this card and hug it close to your heart. I love you so much granddaughter and I am so proud of you. Wishing you the happiest of all birthdays.
- Though we may be miles apart, our hearts are never so far away. Happy birthday to you, granddaughter. I cannot wait to see you soon!
- Happy birthday, granddaughter! It feels like only yesterday you were born and you are now growing into such a special girl/woman. When we are together again, expect a great big hug1
- Let me spoil you with kisses and hugs from afar as you celebrate your birthday today, dearest granddaughter. I love you so much and I hope that today is everything you are hoping for.
- Even though your absence may be only temporary, I am missing your sweet smile especially today. I hope that smile shines brightly on your birthday, granddaughter, and I cannot wait to see it and celebrate together when we meet again!
Growing Girl
If your granddaughter is younger but you are still looking for a message that will make her happy, one of these birthday wishes will be perfect for her.
- You are growing to be a very big girl and I couldn’t be more proud. Remember to always be kind and stay true to yourself, sweetest granddaughter. Happy birthday, I love you!
- Happy birthday to my very special granddaughter. I love you so much and I am so proud of you. I wish you years of happiness and joy and hope that all of your birthday wishes come true.
- When you were born I thought my heart could not be any more full, but knowing you has only filled me with even more love. Happy birthday to my beloved granddaughter. May today be all you wish for!
- You are the light of my life, sweet granddaughter, and I am very proud of the girl you are growing into. On this special birthday, I hope all the dreams of your heart are met!
- Happy birthday, granddaughter! You are growing into such a big girl, but I hope you’re not too big for me to smother you with kisses and hugs!
- Every day, you fill our lives with so much joy! Happy birthday sweet granddaughter. I hope you know how proud we all are of you and how excited we are to see what a big girl you are becoming.
- Dearest granddaughter, you are making me prouder with every passing day. I know you will continue to grow into a wonderful person. Happy birthday, my love!
- There is always so much pride whenever I think of you and who you are growing up to be, granddaughter. Happy birthday, sweet girl!
- May your birthday today lead you to even more fantastic adventures and great achievements! I am so proud to watch you grow and to be able to call you my granddaughter.
- Happiest birthday to the girl who has made me the happiest and the proudest grandmother ever! I hope today is filled with smiles, laughter, and delicious cake!
Mature and Meaningful
Even when your granddaughter has grown up and potentially moved away from home, her birthday is still a special day to celebrate and these wishes are written with that in mind.
- The day that you were born was one of the happiest days of my life and I have been filled with joy and pride ever since, granddaughter. Happy birthday.
- My dearest granddaughter, thank you for becoming the wonderful woman you are today. I am so proud of your many accomplishments over the years. I hope your birthday is just as amazing as you are.
- To my sweet granddaughter: I am filled with pride at the woman you have become and the way you continue to grow and learn. Wishing you much love and success on your birthday.
- Happy birthday to a granddaughter who has always made me proud and fills everyone she meets with joy.
- Watching you grow from a little girl to the amazing woman you are today has been a true pleasure, granddaughter. Happiest of birthday wishes today!
- You are talented, sweet, kind, and so much more. Every day, you make me more and more proud! Happy birthday, dearest granddaughter.
- Happiest of birthdays to the sweetest of granddaughters. You have grown into an amazing young woman and I cannot wait to see you continue to succeed.
- It has been a pleasure to know you and to watch you grow, beloved granddaughter. Take today to celebrate all you have accomplished. You deserve it, birthday girl!
- Happy birthday wishes to you, sweet granddaughter, and may you continue to grow and thrive.
- I knew you were full of great potential the day you were born and you continue exceeding my expectations every year. Happy birthday, granddaughter!