Your sister is one of the first friends that you have in the world. Let your sister know that she matters and send her a special message this year on her birthday. Poems from this post include messages that deliver heartfelt, humorous, sentimental, and kind emotions for your sister on her special day. Take this opportunity to let your sister know just how important she is to your life by selecting one of these touching poems. Write it down on a greeting card or post it virtually to wish her well.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Dear Sister,
I love you so; you’re the greatest around, you know?
Dear Sister,
You do so much; you have a special touch.
Dear Sister,
The best way to repay you is the only way I know how; with a card and a kiss, right here and now!
Happy Birthday!
Sometimes we bicker, and sometimes we fight
But you’re still my beacon, my guiding light
When I feel bad, and want to close up shop,
You’re always right there, to life me up.
My best friend is my sister ,
We fight and we bicker
But we always help each other,
And stick together
When times get rough and tough,
I can always count on my best friend, to cheer me up
Here’s to the one who was my first friend, the one who pulls my hair and doesn’t care; the one who gives me advice about how to live life, the one who taught me all about sharing yet still isn’t fair. Today is your birthday my dearest darling sister, and I wish you much happiness all the days of the years. Happy Birthday Sis, I love you.

Fire trucks are red, blueberries are blue I am your brother and you are my sister. Today is your birthday the day you were born. Even though we are different in so many other ways you will always be my sister and that will never ever sway. So hey, sis, I love you to the moon and back, I love you till the stars go black. Happy Birthday Sis.
Happiness is what makes the world go round, happiness is what takes the world back down. Today on your birthday we want you to know that you make us happier than the stars in the sky, our dear sister we love you so much, happy birthday.
You know, some people aren’t as lucky as us
They and their siblings do nothing but fuss
Not we, though, oh no.
We never did fight over silly things like
Shoes and boys
Or quibbled about sharing our favorite toys
Hand me downs are a gift, doesn’t everybody know?
And who wouldn’t want to bring their tag-along kid sister to the picture show?
I know you’ll agree, because it’s easy to see
The two of us, are the best sisters to ever be!
Happy Birthday!
To my sister and my best friend
I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am
To be able to call you my sister
No one else can warm my heart like you do
We share a bond like none other
And give white hair to our poor mother
We cry, we laugh, we fight like crazy
But you never cease to amaze me
Sister today, and everyday, I wish you happiness, love, and joy.
Sometimes I wonder, what life would be like if today were just like any other
If today wasn’t the day you were brought into being
I probably wouldn’t be missing as many shoes
I would magically be able to find my favorite black dress
And I probably would have cried less
There would have been no fights
But that means too, that we wouldn’t have had all those sleepiness nights
Talking and laughing,
Making plans and sharing stories
Thank goodness it’s your birthday!
Without you, my life would have been so boring!
Years ago on this day
I was introduced to you next to
mom’s hospital bed
As you celebrated your birthdays
I saw you grow from a cute little girl
to a beautiful woman
Sister I hope your birthday is
amazing as you
Today you are the sun and the
world revolves around you
Because it is your birthday and I
hope it is as special as you
Since I cannot be there with you,
remember the fun we had on past
I wish you a happy birthday today
kid sister
A happy birthday to my favorite
May your day be filled with
You should get the cake you want
along with that party
I wish you a great and wonderful
My favorite and beautiful sister
Queen of the house!!! Today is just
for you. So as a queen that you are, give your wish and it will be my command. Do not let anyone treat
you less than the queen you are.
Happy birthday priceless jewel, Happy birthday baby Sister.
Just like yesterday, I changed your
diapers, I rocked you when you
cried so loud in the middle of the
night and mom was tired and I did
you homework with you. Now, you
have become a beautiful independent
damsel with a voice so soothing to
the ear. Happy birthday baby Sister
As the word “sister” has six letters
so is the word “beauty”. The beauty
queen of the house, it is your day.
The sun rose so beautifully this
morning because it is your day and
at night, I know there will be many
stars in the sky to grace your day.
Make sure you have all the fun you
can possibly have. Happy birthday.
A heart of love and kindness,
A gentle hand to hold,
Memories shared and remembered,
Stories and secrets told.
A bond that’s rare and special,
It truly has no end,
Not only are you my sister,
But also my life-long friend.
Have A Happy Birthday
My sister and friend,
A true bond forever,
I love all the moments,
And the time spent together.
My sister and friend,
I’d just like to say,
You’re one in a million,
Have a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday Sister
Remember when we built a fort,
And danced under the stars?
And baked some tasty cookies,
And rode unicorns to Mars?
And now that we are older,
Come have some cake and tea,
To celebrate your birthday,
And spend some time with me.
Hope You Enjoy Your Special Day
As we eat cake, my sister,
to celebrate your day,
I am reminded of all the funny times
We’ve had along the way.
Pillow fights and playing tag,
and talks about the boys.
Trading clothes, wearing makeup
and stealing all your toys.
As we grow older, and do it together
I’m proud that I can say,
That funny girl I call my sister,
Is growing up in a wonderful way.
Happy Birthday Sister!
My dearest sister, I sing to you Another birthday song
About the years that are leaping by
and our bond is growing strong.
I love you most, my sweetest sister,
when we spend the time,
to help each other over mountains
that together we must climb.
Another year has come to pass,
but wither we never will,
because the heart that we share
between us,
is beating ever still.
Happy Birthday Sister!
Sisters are like magic,
where the blossoms grow,
and unicorns are running
through the valley below.
The air it is so sweet here
where we braid each others hair,
counting all the petals
on the daisies there.
And now it is your birthday,
and we get older together,
and we keep, under lock and key,
our secret places forever.
Happy Birthday Sister!
As children we used to dream
of how wonderful life would be
when we had finally grown older
we thought we’d be stronger, bolder.
Now here you are, a woman now,
with gifts and graces endowed.
Happy birthday, sister dear –
you’ve done it all, so have a great year.
Well, sis, I’ve just got to say:
I hope you have a splendid day.
It’s time for a party,
let’s make this one hearty
as we throw all the presents your way.
Birthdays are a time for rest
and merriment.
So pour your favorite drink,
kick off your shoes,
and lounge around
and stop worrying for once.
Today is your day –
enjoy it.
We’ve grown up together
And so I know you well
I was there for you successes and failures
And I’ve many stories to tell
Today is a day to celebrate you
It may be cliche
But I love you, dear sister,
Happy Birthday
Dear sister
I could talk about all the good times
That we’ve had together
But then I’d never stop talking
Today is about you and I hope you never forget
How much we all love you
And wish you another great year
With lots of memories and little fear
Happy Birthday
To the best sister ever
I want to thank you
For our times together
Through thick and thin
We’ve seen it all
And I know how wonderful you are
None of your successes are small
Now comes another year
And I wish you the best
Happy Birthday sis
From me and all the rest
A sister shares more
Than family and blood
But secrets and smiles
And laughter and love
And as you grow older
So does our bond
Unbreakable, solid
From birth to beyond
Sisters are special
But mine is the best
Whose smile could put
The stars’ shine to the test
With another gone
And another year older
Another year’s here
For her brightness to smolder
Here’s a message sent straight
From my heart to you
To the sister that’s been there
Whenever I’m blue
To the sister that passes
When put to the test
Whose support and advice
Are always the best
To the sister who I
Wouldn’t have another way
I send you my love
And a “Happy Birthday!”
Dearest sister
I’ve watched you grow throughout the years
Through endless laughter and countless tears
Always reliable and by my side
I’m glad I’ve got you along for the ride
We’ve been together through and through
My dearest sister,
I love you
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to my friend for life
Through all our joys
And our strife
We’ve been together through it all
From school time bells racing through the hall
Through ups and downs
And trips and falls
I hope today is most special of all
Happy Birthday
Today is the day that I gained my best friend
I know you’ll be there until the end
Through and through I can count on you
No matter where I am or what I do
You’ve got my back, and I’ve got you
Happy Birthday