Choose a unique way to celebrate your daughter’s birthday this year. Decide in your heart that you are going to find the words that speak life over her, well, life. A birthday should be seen as more than just another year to get older throughout- it is a time to celebrate everything that has gone well over the years. It should also be a day during which encouragement is given, because we all know that even during the good years, discouraging days do come. Here you will be able to easily sort through a variety of words and choose the ones that best speak to your daughter. You may choose to write them on a beautiful card or you may gather together the courage to read the encouraging words out loud to your daughter. Even if she does not fully know how to appreciate them at the moment, you can write them down and also have her look at them as she becomes older. As time goes on, children have a greater capacity to appreciate the words that come from others, esspecially the words that come from those who are close to her. Don’t hesistate to start looking for the words that she needs to hear the most on her birthday!
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Loving you, has been easy to do
My sweet baby girl
We absolutely adore you
You have a smile, which is so bright
Your love for us is so strong
It brightens our life
I pray you stay forever with us
Time and time again
With more birthdays to come
Happy birthday, happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
You’re not one, not twenty
Your two
Such a mile stone, with your heart filled with gold
Forever my baby, in my eyes I will hold
It is your birthday my sweet girl
Let us celebrate in style
With your crazy, loving attitude
Making our life worth wild
Mommy and daddy, love you so much
And pray you come to enjoy your day
Just want to wish you many blessings
Happy birthday from us
My pride and joy,
The apple of my eye
My sweet, sweet baby girl
How fast you’ve grown
Soon you’ll have a family of your own
Today we cherish you
And reminisce all the joy you’ve brought in our lives
Happy birthday my child.

In you we see the whole world.
We’ve loved you since the first day we saw you
You have filled our hearts with such joy
And today you turn a year older
And we hope you become wiser
Happy birthday princess
Another year has passed
And we thank God for each day
Look how far you’ve come
Each year you become smarter
And more beautiful
Daddy’s little angel
Slowly turning into a big girl
Happy birthday my love
And may your heart be full of joy
To the most beautiful girl I know
I love you with all my heart
You made my life complete
Right from the very start
I’m so lucky to have a daughter
As wonderful as you
Happy birthday to my best friend
You are so sweet and true
Another year has past
You grow more beautiful every day
I want to show you I care
Especially today
I brought you in to the world
With all the love I had
I’ve helped you to be strong
For that I’m really glad
It is your birthday today my lovely girl
I love you so much you are my world
I’ve loved every second of my life with you
I Can’t wait for the rest I’m so proud of you
Happy birthday darling
It’s your birthday today, a day that marks another year you were brought into this world,
a day you share with over 9 million others in the world,
But this day would mark the beginning of something new in your life,
Happy Birthday my dearest daughter.
We celebrate your birthday today,
but we have got the gift, just the perfect gift,
that on this very special day, God gave away,
a gift of love from up above, so unique and so rare
God has specially made you to the very tip of your nose,
as precious as a flower, as tender as a rose.
Fulfilled and blessed our lives we have and all because of you,
as sweet as honey, so innocent and pure
The twinkle of your eyes is brighter than any star,
the smiles you leave behind keep our days bright,
though our laps you have outgrown,
you will never outgrow our hearts
We watch and pray as you grow,
in love and in faith, in beauty and in grace,
you bring us joy and pure delight,
just to gaze upon your lovely face
My daughter is a dream come true.
this kind of thing happens to very few.
I feel blessed to have her love and caring
as she is an angel always sharing.
her love is such that it changed my life,
and now my little angel has become a wife.
the time may be changing but she is the same
so loving so caring that I have no words left to frame.
I just wish always she gets the best
and may God keep her always blessed
I love you my angel you are the best
my wish is to have you as my daughter again & again
as you filled my life with happiness & removed all the pain.
so wish you good luck and happiness throughout
my blessings are with you always without a doubt.
My, oh my, how you’ve grown so fast,
Our little girl is now an adult!
You have your freedom at last;
But you have many more years to go.
May age make you wise,
Determined and strong.
Be weary of guys,
That don’t treat you as an equal.
I know you will flourish,
You always have!
Just make sure to stay nourished,
And build your relationship with God.
Cheer to many more birthday, sweetie!
November is a special time of year,
Because it’s when I first met you.
It always brings me lots of cheer,
To see you out of the blue.
Today is your day, my dear,
So let’s celebrate with some fondue.
I want to make it crystal clear,
Happy Birthday to you!
The day you were born,
I knew you were special.
The sister to three older boys.
Each year you grow older,
And more delicate too,
Like a wild flower among the prairie.
My sweet, precious daughter,
I’m so glad I’m your mom,
Because you make me proud.
So here’s to you my lovely, child;
I hope you have a fantastic day.
You’re another year older,
How time flies by.
It feels like yesterday you were still so little,
It takes me by surprise.
My once baby girl,
You’ve grown up so fast.
To my sweet little girl,
Happy birthday to you.
Today is the day
We get to celebrate you.
With cake and friends
And presents, too.
You’ll always be my
precious girl.
You bring so much joy
To my entire world.
Now go enjoy your party,
My sweet birthday girl.
A party with people and presents,
Outside by the big oak tree.
Your friends and family,
Here to celebrate you.
My beautiful birthday girl,
Oh how much you’ve grown.
Forever my sweet little angel,
You’re quite the young lady now.
It’s your birthday, my little girl
Time to open your presents.
Go on and give it a whirl!
I hope you get all that you wish for
While maintaining the desire
To go after more.
Happy Birthday, my little girl!
Happy Birthday, baby girl!
You are another year older
Another year wiser
I do not know where the time has gone.
But I do know that you have made time beautiful in your presence.
My daughter, you have taught me
How to love in the way that I should
I hope you have the happiest of birthdays!
My daughter, can it be?
You are older today,
Than you were just yesterday
More than a number,
Your spirit has grown as well.
I cannot wait to see how you will grow.
You have already learned so much.
Happy Birthday!
you are the sunshine in our life.
Can it be possible to have a daughter more brilliant?
To a birthday girl bursting with potential, you are forever reaching for the sky.
May your gift be a basket full of stars, stardust in your hair.
To a birthday full of glitter, sparkles and rainbows.
You are a princess perfect in every way.
Wearing a dress or a bow your face brightens any room
more than candles could.
Each year we watch you grow in confidence
It makes our hearts glow to see all you have done.
To become someone who makes us proud.
Take this day for you, let our love carry you
into a new year.
Another year older, another year more; You’re growing up so fast; Before we kick you out the door; We want this time to last; Daughter, your birthday has arrived; Our hearts are filled with joy; But until you’re old enough to drive; The car is not a toy!
You’re birthday’s here, hip-hip-hooray!; Go outside to run and play!; With a doll or with a friend; You’ll hope this day will never end!; You’re the girl we’ll always love! Heaven-sent, from above!; Cake and pie and other sweets!; Get ready for some birthday treats!
Three cheers for the birthday girl!; The one who broke the mold; You’re the bestest daughter in the world; Smart and fun and bold!; May today grant all your dreams; Whatever they might be; For you deserve it all, and more; You’re a dream come true for me!
My sweet daughter
It has been a pure joy
To watch you grow up
It has been a sweet adventure to watch and cheer you on
Through your many outstanding achievements
Thank you for continuing to make me proud everyday
Happy birthday
When you were little
You were my princess
Now you are a young lady
You present yourself
With poise and grace
Always a friendly smile on your face
Today I just want to you to know
It’s been an honor to watch you grow
My beautiful daughter
Your future is surely bright
Thank you for always being my shining
Guiding light
My daughter
It is not secret
How much I love you
I am just so proud
Of everything you do
Makes you stand out from the crown
Your intelligence
Your bravery
Are something to be known
You’ve created your own life
Making something special of your own
I love my sweet little girl
Even though I know you are grown
I will always check up on you
Your laughter cheers me up
When I’m feeling blue
Happy Birthday!
happy birthday
dear daughter
words can’t describe
how amazing you are
from your brown hair
and blue eyes
happy birthday
dear daughter
time seems to fly
happy birthday
dear daughter
it’s your day
hope it shines
as bright as you
a birthday dress
a bow or two
shoes pink and shiny
a dress just as bright
here comes your first
open up hold it tight
a smile as bright as
the sun
a laugh to warm
any heart
happy birthday honey
from my heart to you
a year older
a day taller
becoming a young lady
right before my eyes
time stand still
your growing to fast
a tear for happiness
at who you have become
that sweet smile
and sassiness for miles
a beautiful little princess
a time to party
a time to dance
happy birthday princess
i wish you the best
Give the world a chance to flabbergast
With my yell out
To my wonderful little girl
You shouldn’t feel like a disappointment
Truly! It’s one day
Being appreciative and thoughtful
To your family and companions
Who got ready for you is progressively imperative
Tomorrow is s new day,
Cheerful birthday my daughter
To my sweet and enchanting little child young lady
My firstborn, my pride, my wellspring of joy
My Inspiration and my very explanation behind living and endeavoring!
Glad fourth birthday celebration, you’re developing and getting more brilliant every day
Also, for that, I want you to enjoy all that life has to offer and more endowments from Lord
We guarantee to be always you’re strong,
Understanding and cherishing mother and papa
Happy Birthday!
On the off chance that you can’t eat cake,
Treat yourself some other way decent
Put a flame in your dessert
Parenthood is a stunning chance and a stun!
It is time that the whole experience is shared
There is nothing more profitable to me than my kids
I was extended as a lady all the while