Brothers are the first and longest friends that we have in our life. From getting into trouble in the school yard to staying up late at night talking, your brother always has had your back and has been by your side. Show your brother just how much you care about him on this special day with one of these original, humorous, heartfelt poems from this post. Sending your brother one of the following poems is an excellent way to express your love and gratitude to your brother on his birthday.
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Sometimes we fight; sometimes we bicker
But I want you know, it’s all playful anger
I want you to know I love you forever,
No matter whose stronger or bigger
So have a happy birthday,
From me to you, because we’re here to stay
Happy birthday, from me to you
This is your special day, you know it true.
When I think about you, I think of all the memories,
All the great memories that we had together—I know you’ll agree
You’re the greatest brother to have around,
You make me laugh; you make me proud.
When I feel down, you help me up,
I know that you aren’t my brother because of some mix-up
I love you, you see
So happy birthday, to you from me.
From the day I first met you up until now, I haven’t told you how much mean to me.
You are my brother this is true, there is none like me and you.
But today is your birthday so I want you to know that despite all our differences,
You are my best friend.
Happy birthday little brother.

Looking up at you, I can’t help but think how that could be me 5 years from now.
I move towards your present, to give it to you because today is your birthday
And I want you to know that I look up to you, with all of my heart and all of your height.
Today is your birthday, I started to cry; you were another year older and I still another year shy of being
a big boy just like you.
Happy birthday big brother you are always by my side.
All of our differences are aside today, it is your birthday it’s practically here.
All blessings with presents and lots of good cheer.
You are my dear brother despite all our fears, I’m sorry I’ve dissed you all of these years.
Today is your birthday and I want you to know that I love you all in between.
Happy birthday sweet brother, and your nothing but swell.
I love you more than words can say
But I wanted to tell you again
On your special day
I love you more than chocolate cake
More than bright summer days
More than all the money I could take
I’ll love you forever and I’m glad that you’re here
Let’s celebrate you today and another year!
Sometimes I wonder what life would have been like without you
I would have had less bruises
Less tears
Less pranks
Not as many fights throughout the years
No memories of mud fights
Or chasing nighttime lightning bugs
Definitely not as many hugs
Brother I love you
And even though sometimes you make me worn
I couldn’t imagine a life where you were never born!
Happy Birthday!
From the time we were babies
You were always special
You walk with a swing in your step
And your chin held high
I love that about you
You are, no question, one of a kind
That will never change
Just like my love for you will always remain
Another year has gone
And I know you’re celebrating
Let’s toast to you, all all your quirks!
Happy birthday brother!
I remember the cakes mom used to
The colorful frosting and the
different designs
That coordinated with each
theme to every party
I might not have baked you a cake
nor can I come visit you on this day
But happy birthday brother
Today you turned a year older
As daunting this seems,
I wish your day is as awesome
as you
I may not be there with you in
But I am with you in spirit
With that, happy birthday brother
Since today is your birthday
I hope it is as extra special like you
I hope it is a nice day outside, that
your cake is perfect,
And everything is going your way
I hope your birthday is great brother
My lovely and wonderful brother,I canstill vividly remember all your pranks. I enjoyed every moment with you and even the pranks. I wish you all the best in life this new year.
You are the best brother in the universe. Your smile is unique, you are the cutest and you have such a great heart. Helping other people is all what you do and that is why I
want you to have the best birthday
A happy birthday with a long life to fulfil
all your dreams is all I wish for you
today. May you not have a better
yesterday and may you have a glorious
When we used to argue,
And have a fight,
Sometimes I was wrong,
And you were right.
We used to pick fault,
And annoy each other,
But that’s the whole point,
Of having a brother/
Happy Birthday!
I think I’m very lucky,
To have you for my brother,
I think that I must have the best,
You’re not like any other.
We share happy childhood memories
And had good times together
No matter what life brings us
You are my brother forever
Happy Birthday
A brother holds your hand as kids,
Is there through thick and thin,
Picks you up in times of trouble,
And cheers you when you win.
The bond we share is very strong,
In fact there is no other,
In my eyes you do no wrong,
Because you are my brother.
Happy Birthday
I remember, little brother,
how we used to play
outside dressed in our raincoats
jumping puddles half the day.
And now you are one year older
and it seems to me
that raincoats are not as brightly colored as they used to be.
But your face still has that parlour
of a boy who’s taken sail
on the winds of imagination
come wind, come rain or hail!
Happy Birthday Brother!
We traded toys for candy,
and chased around the house
looking for spots to hide in
till mother kicked us out.
You teased me about my freckles
I stole your dinosaurs.
Under my breath I’d chuckle
as you searched the house for hours.
Some things they may be changing
with the passing years
but you’ll always be my brother
and together we are quite the pair!
Happy Birthday Brother!
As my older brother,
you have shown me the ways
and how to stand up to bullies
and never show the pain.
You taught me how to drive a car
and when to shift the gears
you watched me get my licence
and tried to hide the tears.
You growled at my boyfriends
to keep them on their toes,
and waited up till curfew
to make sure I got home.
You’re still my big brother
and this will never change
no matter where we live
and no matter how we age!
Happy Birthday Brother!
It’s your birthday!
You’ve been reminding us
for weeks
and the day is finally here!
It’s time to tear open presents
and eat cake
until your stomach hurts.
Today is all about you,
little brother,
so I hope you like your gifts
and you are happy
from sunup to sundown.
Prepare for puberty!
As your elder brother,
it is my duty to warn you
of the perils coming your way.
Girls aren’t quite scary –
just do your best to think with your brain.
Embrace the breaking voice
since they think it’s endearing.
And if you ever need help
remember: I went through it and survived.
Happy birthday, little brother!
I’ve looked up to you my whole life.
When you went to school, I wanted to,
and I only became involved
because that’s what you did.
In elementary school we chose a hero
and though I didn’t realize it then
it will always be you.
Happy birthday!
Dear Brother
I can’t believe it’s your birthday today
You’ve grown up so much
Even since I’ve been away
I couldn’t be prouder
Of my little brother
Of all your accomplishments
I’d never want another
Happy Birthday My wonderful sibling
Heres to another year, and lots of new beginnings
Another birthday is here
For my brother so dear
So I want to remind you
Of all that you do
All of your wonderfulness
And your amazing progress
Is celebrated today
Because it’s your birthday
I love you so much
And you know as such
Happy Birthday from your sister
Here you go, Mister.
Brothers are so special
Even if they don’t know it
Luckily you have me
So that you won’t forget it
Since today is also special
I’ll just remind you
Of all the things you’ve done
And the hard times you’ve worked through
Three cheers from my brother
On his birthday
Here we go, Hip Hip Hurray!
It’s hard to find the perfect gift
For the perfect brother
Whose constant love and support
Are always like no other
But as you celebrate your day
And grow another year
Know my love extends beyond today
And that I always will be here
Brothers are special
They’re one of a kind
And good ones are rare
Even harder to find
But I guess that I’m lucky
Because I have you
Who’s funny and smart
And talented too
Happy Birthday, dear brother
Happy Birthday to you
May your successes be many
And your failures be few
Brothers are always there
They never let you down
They’ll always keep you smiling
Even when you want to frown
They’re the bond
That is unbroken
They’re the strength
That is unspoken
You never want them to leave
But you always want them to stay
So Happy Birthday for this year
And many happy future days
To my dearest brother,
My friend for life
I hope this day is all you deserve
Because it is from you that much I have learned
We’ve been through a lot
Side by side
Thanks for being there along for the ride
Today’s the day that you were born
Coming into this world and into my life
So let’s go out to celebrate
And do this right
You’ve been my rock and shining light
Someone to count on to always burn bright
Happy birthday
My dear brother and best of friends
You’ve given me joy and chances on whims
You’ve taught me much
And I’ve learned as such
So enjoy this day that is most special of all
And know
I’ll always be there when you call