Birthday Poems for Aunt: Birthdays are always a special time in anyone’s life. When our family members celebrate these important milestones it’s always important to show you much you care, and not with a simple gift card, flowers that wither away, or chocolates that are eaten and forgotten –no; words are a lasting gift that will remain forever. So for your aunt’s birthday this year, give her your best wishes and express how much you love her. Tell her all your favorite things about her and celebrate the life of this important family member. Choose one of these poems, or write one for yourself and include favorite memories, best wishes, and love in this wonderful birthday gift.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Dear aunt, there’s no one quite like you,
You’re spunky, funny, and perky—it’s true.
When I heard it was your birthday I just couldn’t resist.
For your birthday I hope you have quite a day, a very grand birthday, that’s what I wished.
I know that we don’t see each other much,
But I want you to know, you have that special touch
When my mom’s not around, and I need someone to be around,
I know you’ll be there, you’ll always come to town.
When my parents are too busy, and touch have had too much,
I can always count on you, to get into touch
I wanted to say happy birthday to you,
You always have a special place with me, it’s true.
For my aunt on her birthday, I want her to know that I think she is beautiful just the way she is.
No matter how old, age is only a number.
So today on your birthday I want you to know that you look
as flawless as could be.
Happy birthday dear auntie, I love you so.

I want you know that I love you so,
today is your birthday and that is superbly, so please come celebrate with me.
And know the glee that I see when I see others happy like you.
Happy birthday dear aunt, not can’t tell you how much I love you.
Cake and balloons make the day a party, and today is the perfect day for that.
Today is birthday its finally here I want you know that you are a dear,
You are my aunt and I love you so much. Happy birthday dear aunt.
hope your special day is filled with happiness and joy
You are a wonderful, bright, amazing person
You deserve nothing but laughter and smiles on your special day
May today be filled with peace and happiness
I hope that there are many more days like this one, happy and simple
I hope that these days outweigh the bad ones
and I hope that when the bad times do come, that you are strong enough to get through them, and know that your family is always here to love you.
To many more!
Happy happy birthday!
I can not thank you enough or express in words how special a person you are
You are truly one of a kind
You are generous and kind
a friend and a mentor
wise and quick witted
you are everything I could ask for and more
You always put others find, including me
and i can’t thank you enough for that
you deserve all the best on your special day
I hope you have a great time celebrating!
I hope today is one for the books
I hope you smile more than you frown
and I hope that your cake is pineapple and upside down
or carrot or chocolate, or whichever you choose
I hope it’s exactly what you want,
because it’s your day and you can have whatever you like.
May your day be everything you hope for and more,
wishing you and your family a wonderful day filled with laughter and memories and many more to come!
Every aunt want to be the known
as the cool aunt
The type of aunt that let’s you stay
up pass bedtime
And you were this type towards me
And that’s why your my favorite
So have a happy birthday
You were my favorite family
member growing up
The one I could tell everything
and anything to
Without any judgements
Although you are another year
You still look the same as I was five
Happy birthday, my favorite aunt
Have a happy birthday, my favorite
May you have an awesome day
May you have a great cake,
An awesome party,
And maybe no one will bother you
I hope you have very happy
birthday, favorite auntie
When mum is angry with me, you
are my advocate. When there is no
money from home. Your call
comes in. You are always available
when I need you most. Happy
birthday dearest aunt.
you are like a mother to me and
you treat me like your child.
I couldn’t have wished for a better
aunt. Happy birthday sweet aunt
May the good Lord bless you on this
your special day. May you not know
a better yesterday and all men shall
call you blessed
You are a special auntie,
Like a sister or a friend,
Somebody I can turn to,
When my world feels at an end.
You’re like a second mother,
I’m very glad you’re there,
You always have the time for me,
And show me that you care.
Happy Birthday!
My auntie is amazing
In my heart she has a place,
She has a soft warm cuddle,
And a gentle smiling face.
We play games and laugh together,
She is a lot of fun,
She’s the best auntie in the world,
She is my number one!
Happy Birthday!
A thoughtful soul of kindness,
A great big heart of love,
A gentle caring spirit,
An angel from above.
My auntie is quite perfect,
So on this special day,
I want to tell her that I love her,
She deserves a great birthday.
Have An Amazing Birthday!
Let us sing in merriment
about the years that you have spent
living life in all its luster
with all the bliss that you can muster.
Now your day of birth is here!
We waited nearly half the year
to bake a cake and sing a song
and laugh and dance the whole night long!
Happy Birthday Aunt!
My aunt is one fantastic lady,
known me since I was a baby.
Brings the sweetest treats in town
and molds a smile out of a frown!
She always make me feel special;
she pinched my cheeks covered in freckles.
I am so glad to spend this day
making such a grand display!
Happy Birthday Aunt!
An aunt is such a special person
who loves you like her own.
Her heart open, her ears are perked
to call you on the phone.
She confesses all the secrets
of her lively youth.
She answers all your weirdest questions
and always tells the truth.
Happy Birthday Aunt!
Aunts are special women
who specialize in fun days
and awesome gifts.
They don’t act like mothers,
and act more like friends,
which is why “cool aunt” exists.
As far as aunts go,
I’m pretty sure I have one of the coolest.
Happy birthday!
Aunts make wonderful second-mothers
and their love is just as strong.
Enjoy your day, and as you say,
I have never been wrong,
so you will have the best of birthdays
and be loved by all who know you.
To the aunt who never doubted me,
who stood up for me,
and taught me all she could;
to the aunt that loved me
and never was embarrassed
by the things I did or said;
for the aunt who gave me everything,
I wish the happiest of birthdays for you.
You’ve always been there
To send birthday cards and call
When I need support and love
I love you, and that’s not all
You’re smart and loving
And your family and friends care
We all love you
And we just want to share
A happy birthday with you!
Dear aunt
I could have just wrote on facebook
For your birthday
But you deserve better than that
And I just wanted to say
How much I love you
For all of your love and support
I hope your birthday is wonderful!
Dear aunt
I could have just wrote on facebook
For your birthday
But you deserve better than that
And I just wanted to say
How much I love you
For all of your love and support
I hope your birthday is wonderful!
Happy Birthday to an aunt
I hold close to my heart
Who’s wonderful, witty,
Intelligent, smart
Who always been there
Whether far or near
I wish you another
Wonderful year
My aunt is amazing
She can’t be defined
So her birthday should be treated
As one-of-a-kind
To match the great woman
This day celebrates
With a beautiful heart
You can’t replicate
Happy Birthday to
The woman I can’t
Imagine life without
My wonderful aunt
You’re an inspiration
And a guiding light
So celebrate you When you party tonight
Happy birthday to my favorite aunt
Thanks for teaching me when to be a lady
And the times that I can’t
Thank you for laughter and smiles too
And on this day I am thinking of you
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday, I hope it is fun
And that you’re still breathing
When all is said and done
Because as my Aunt you’re always the wild one
Making me laugh and helping me learn some
I hope this birthday is all you could dream of
Happy birthday to my aunt and my idol
Do not sit back and do not be idle
For today day is your day, you’ve earned the title
And if it’s that time of the month, just take some Midol
Because it’s your birthday let’s celebrate
With champagne and ice cream and even some cake