Creating Greeting Card Messages for Birthdays
The hardest part about writing a message to someone on his or her birthday is quite often finding the exact right message for that person. Everyone has a birthday but no two people are the same. Adding your own personal touch and individual spin can go a long way in making someone’s special day even more special. If you get stuck, here are a number of ideas to help you along the way for all the different kinds of people in your life!
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

For family
- (for friends/ acquaintances) Happy birthday! You always brighten my day, so I hope today is full of people doing the same for you. Best wishes.
- Happy, happy birthday! I can’t wait to celebrate with you and share in the fun that we have planned for you.
- (for facebook karma) Happy birthday! Today is the first day of the rest of your life. So kind of like every other day-except today you get cake.
- (for grandmother/grandfather) Happy birthday, Grandma! You have so many things in your life to be proud of-including me. I’ve learned so much from you, and I’m glad for all that you’ve given me. May today serve as a reminder of all you’ve done and all that love you.
- Happy birthday, Grandpa! I hope that when you count your blessings that you come up with a number that’s even bigger then the number of candles we got to put on your cake.
- (for husband) Happy birthday, sweetheart! I can’t think of a man more deserving of a break than you. Enjoy today for all you do for me.
- Happy birthday to my husband. When I said I couldn’t wait to grow old with you, I could never have guessed it would turn out like this. And I still wouldn’t change a thing.
- (for wife) Happy birthday! You are the most beautiful, kind, and caring woman and should to be celebrated every day. I hope you enjoy your special day as much as you deserve.
- Happy birthday, honey! I’m not like other husbands that forget their wife’s birthday. Today is your birthday right? I bought this card a while ago.
- (for daughter/son) Happy birthday to my dear child! It’s been such a privilege watching you grow into the person you are today. May today be full of laughs and smiles and memories to last you a lifetime.
- Happy birthday! I am so proud of you and hope you have a great day. But you don’t usually have a problem having fun. So maybe be safe too?
- (for kids) Happy, happy birthday! I hope you have a great day and lots of cool adventures in the coming year.
- (for cousin/extended family) I hope you have a great birthday and go a little crazy! Although with family like ours, I can’t imagine how you haven’t already.
- (for niece/nephew) Happy birthday, nephew! You’re one of a kind and a treasured part of our family. Have a one of a kind day!
- To my niece on her birthday. They say that kids grow up fast, so fast in fact that I’ve forgotten how old you are. Regardless, I do know that you’re the kind of kind that should be happy, proud, and have an amazing birthday.
- (for girlfriend/boyfriend) Happy birthday! I hope you have a day that’s as fun, adventurous, sweet, and beautiful as you are.
- Happy birthday! I love every day that I get to spend with you, but today is just a little extra special.

For work
- (for boss) Thank you so much for all the time, energy, and effort you dedicate to us. I hope you have a happy birthday and today feel proud of your accomplishments and the leadership and care that you continually demonstrate.
- Happy birthday! I hope you have a great day and take a much-deserved break. Plus, we get to go crazy when you’re not in the office.
- (for coworker) I’ve learned so much form you, especially that hard-working, kind people deserve to be rewarded. If anyone deserves a great birthday it’s you. Have a happy birthday!
- Remember when we were kids and people would bring cupcakes into school to celebrate their birthdays? I guess what I’m saying is where are the cupcakes? Oh, also, happy birthday!
- Let no one look down on you for your age. You have already done and accomplished so much to be proud of. Happy birthday to a good, strong, and kind-hearted person.
- Age is rewarded with wisdom and discernment, putting away childish things for greater concerns. So, you must be pretty wise at this point. Happy birthday!
- Happy birthday! May your day be blessed with joy, contentment, and peace.
- Happy birthday! I give thanks for knowing you and having you in my life. May today be a reminder of all the blessings that you are surrounded with as well.
Age Specific
- (turning ten) Happy birthday and congratulations! Double-digits is no easy feat! Next year, you’ll have to grow extra fingers if you want to show people how old you are on your hands.
- (turning thirteen) Happy birthday, teenager! You’re cooler and smarter than you were a year ago. At this rate, it’ll only take a couple years until you know everything.
- (turning eighteen) Welcome to the world of adulthood! May your day be filled with all the things that a cool grown-up like you gets to do-like voting, lottery tickets, and active military service!
- (turning twenty one) Happy birthday! You are surrounded by people that love and care for you. That’ll come in handy later tonight.
- (turning thirty) Happy 30th birthday! Here’s hoping that all the experience and wisdom you’ve accumulated by this point finally gets put to some good use. All joking aside, you deserve to have a great day and an even better year.
- (turning forty) Congratulations on turning 40! Congratulations as well on not being the kind of person that pretends they’re not 40.