This section will help you find the words for your personal baby shower greeting cards. Baby showers are a grand celebration in anyone’s life, and every celebration deserves a creative card. There are many different types of baby shower cards that you can choose from.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Baby shower cards can be funny or sweet. Show the new mom how much you care with a gift and a creatively written greeting card. Feel free to use these messages or tailor them to your own unique style for the next time your friend or loved one shares the news of a new addition! We’ve also included some card writing tips so you write the perfect card for the occasion.

Baby Shower for Boys
- (Christian) May God bless your new little boy as you welcome him to the family!
- (Dad) If he’s anything like his father, he’ll be a handsome baby boy! Congratulations!
- (Cute) Congratulations on your bouncing baby boy!
- (Wishes) Here’s wishing you the best on your new baby boy!
- (Son) Congratulations on your new son! We’re excited for the big day!
- (Health) May your new baby boy be healthy and happy, every single day!
- (Soon) “It won’t be long. The new baby boy will be just as blessed with you as you are with it! We’re excited for you”
- (Funny) “Baby boys aren’t all fun and games. Just wait ‘til your first diaper. No one wins that game!”
Baby Shower for Girls
- (Christian) Soon you will be blessed with the new addition of a beautiful baby girl; may God bring you joy every day!
- (Mom) Your daughter will be beautiful, smart, and happy—just like her mother! Congratulations!
- (Cute) Looking forward to our future tea parties with your new baby girl! Best of luck!
- (Wishes) We are wishing you the very best with your new baby girl! We’re happy for you!
- (Daughter) Your new daughter will be a welcome addition to the clan; we can’t wait to meet her!
- (Health) May your baby girl arrive healthy and happy, and find joy every day!
- (Funny) “Your new baby girl will be a cherished gift. No returns.”
Funny Baby Shower
- (Mom) “You get huge, sick, moody, and eat ice cream out of the pail. And that’s just during the pregnancy! Here’s to vanilla ice cream and your new adventures in motherhood!”
- (Peace) “You better remember this baby shower. This will be one of the last showers you enjoy in peace!”
- (Childhood) “Kids cry, throw fits, eat all your food, and keep you up all night. Don’t worry, that’s only for the first 18 years!”
- (Sleep) “Enjoy a great night’s sleep tonight. Soon you won’t remember what that even means.”
- (Driving) “Here’s to your new baby driving you crazy. Enjoy it. Soon they’re just crazy drivers!”
- (Discipline) “’Because I said so.’ Is going to be your new catchphrase.”
- (Stains) “Have fun learning how to remove a whole new spectrum of stains!”
- (Joyous) “Enjoy your new baby. Your new baby will make sure you don’t enjoy anything else!”
- (Little bundle of joy) “Some call them little bundles of joy. They’re also little bundles of diapers, tantrums, and sleep deprivation!”
- (Busy baby) “They cry out of one end and poop out of the other. You and dad each pick a side!”
- (Lesson) “This will teach you to have fun!”
- (Either way) “It might be a boy, it might be a girl. It WILL be a handful!”
- (18 Years) “Here’s to 18 years of pulling out your hair, putting out fires, and fixing scraped knees. Here’s to babysitters!”
- (Tipsy baby) “Babies are like drunk people, they can barely walk, you can’t understand a word their saying, and they’re always throwing up!”
- (New Addition) “Babies are like a math equation. They’re an addition to the household, they subtract your time you use to sleep, and they divide your patience in half!”
High Hopes/Well-Wishing Baby Shower
- “Happy day! We’re wishing you luck with your new, bouncing baby!”
- “To the soon to be parents, we hope every day brings you genuine joy and love with your new baby. Congratulations!”
- “To the proud new parents, here’s wishing you the best during your special occasion.”
- “Wishing you full days of excitement and merry, your world is about to get much brighter!”
- “Wishing you magic, merry, and mischief. Congratulations on your new kid!”
- “The stork is in town, and he has a healthy, cute, beautiful baby on the way! Wishing you the best!”
Baby Shower for Twins
- “If there’s anything more special than a new baby on the way, it’s TWO babies on the way! Congratulations!”
- “Twice the diapers and twice the mess, twice the smiles and twice the love! Congratulations on your two little miracles!”
- (Christian) “God decided you were so special that He blessed you with not one gift—but two! Wishing you happiness and many more blessings!”
- “There are many reasons to smile, and you just got two more! Congratulations on your twins!”
Can’t Wait!/Excited Baby Shower
- “Congrats on the pregnancy. You will soon have a whole different life; we’re so excited to watch you live it with your new arrival!”
- “We can’t wait to see your new baby. Have a wonderful baby shower!”
- “What an exciting occasion! We know you’ll make the best parents. You have the best days ahead of you!”
Baby Shower Invitation Messages
- “We’re tickled to say… There’s a baby on the way!”
- “Join us to celebrate the news—We’re having a baby!”
- (For boys) “We’re all jumping high for joy, we’re going to have a little boy!”
- (For girls) “A brand new girl is on the way, join us on our special day!”
- (For twins) “We are having little baby twins, join us as our new life begins!”
Baby Shower Cake Messages
- Write the expected baby’s name
- Write the expected due date on the cake
- “We can’t wait for the arrival of _______ !”
Supportive Baby Shower
- (Babysitter) “Congratulations on the bun in the oven. Let us know if you ever need a babysitter!”
- (Let us know) “Let us know if you need anything when the new baby arrives. We can’t wait!”
- (Always) “We’ll always be here for you and your new baby. We can’t wait to meet the little bundle of joy!”
- (Helping Hand) “We’re so excited for the stork to visit you, and we’ll always be here to lend a helping hand! Best of luck on your new addition!”
A few helpful hints to remember when it’s your turn to fill out the next baby shower greeting card…
Have fun with it. Use your sense of humor. New babies are a time of celebration and laughter, and there’s no better way to show you care than by including a funny line in your card. If you have fun writing it, they will have fun reading it.
Try writing the card directed at the baby and its parents. It’s humorous to write the card out to the baby only, too. This will give a great reason for the parents to keep their card as a souvenir for their child when it gets older.
Be genuine. Messages straight from the heart, showing how you really feel, are always cards that are memorable and unique. Take your time to think of how you really feel.
Share a personal experience. Everybody loves memories from childhood or the first time you became a parent. Use a card that’s blank inside to have enough room to write a concise story that you think the new parents will enjoy. Someday they can show it to their child as well.
Share some advice about being a parent (only if you are one). This can be truly helpful and will be appreciated by the expecting parents, even if they don’t put it to use. With cards, it’s the thought that counts!