Who doesn’t love talking about the change of the leaves on beautiful autumn trees? The change in the air that is brought on by this season deserves a poem that appropriatly expresses all of the feelings that are involved during this season. As you look over these poems, seek after one that fully encapsulates your feelings for the type of season that we are entering into. Between the changing of the colors of leaves to the change in the types of foods that are prepared during this season, find the words during this time that will offer you stability. A simple poem has the capability to capture what mostly everyone is feeling but what few people have the time to articulate. While the air may becoming more crisp, allow your eyes to settle on a myriad of words that will warm your heart. So go ahead and grab a cup of coffee or your choice of hot beverage and pick out one or many poems that dispel what has already the feelings that have already been within your mind during this time. You can either keep the poem to yourself to serve as a reminder that change is okay, or you can send it to a friend and share with them the nostalgia of the moment.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

One leaf, two leaf three leaves, four
Clenching my rake, as down pours more
Five leaves, six leaves, seven leaves, eight
Morning to evening, all I must do is rake
Nine leaves fall, then here comes ten
I lift up my pants
As I rake, rake again
Withering trees, leaves fall to the ground
Smells of warm apple crisps, surround us all around
The change of the season, orange skies
Makes my heart happy, so happy inside
With the days that come and go
Keeping you on your toes for good reason
Autumn is present, present for the season
Red leaves fall, orange pumpkins arise
There’s a shift in the air, autumn has come in surprise
The weather changes, the breeze feels nice
No too cold, not too warm, feeling just right
Such a friendly feeling we feel
Now that autumn has arrived
On an autumn day pretty as you please.
Looking outside you could see the children chasing the falling leaves.
The wind was blowing with so much ease
And the pond was full of water and plenty of fish
On an autumn day what more can I say.

The autumn wind began to blow
Slowly and steadily the swaying trees were putting on a show
The fallen leaves disappeared as the green grass started to grow
The birds on the trees sang in harmony
It was a peaceful morning, just another autumn day
Summer has come and passed
The winds of change are blowing, it’s that time of the month again
Autumn is upon us once again,
The fallen leaves are washed down the drain
The darkness bids farewell to the fading sun
A Crispy golden bed of leaves adorns the forest floor
A gentle autumn breeze dances waves along the shore
Crimson speckled trees stand half naked in the gloaming
Berry-laden boughs shake their wares at night beasts roaming
As I walk along a leaf strewn lane
A myriad of colours wane
A hazy field of tangerine
Sets the tone for Halloween
Creatures scurry, insects die
Children beg to passers by
Smoky tendrils everywhere
Autumn moonlight fills the air
Falling leaves scattered around
A carpet formed over the ground
Crunching as I walk along
Blowing in the breeze
Evening strolls by the sea
Berries hanging from the trees
Fungi springs up everywhere
Crisp and cool autumn air
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells.
In the other gardens and all up in the vale,
From the autumn bonfires see the smoke trail!
Pleasant summer over,
and all the summer flowers,
The red fire blazes,
The grey smoke towers.
Sing a song of seasons!
Something bright in all!
Flowers in the summer,
Fires in the fall!
Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away;
Lengthen night and shorten day;
Every leaf speaks bliss to me
Fluttering from the autumn tree.
I shall smile when wreaths of snow
Blossom where the rose should grow;
I shall sing when night’s decay
Ushers in a drearier day.
Cool breeze, falling leaves,
Oh, how this time of year excites me!
Shorter days, bails of hay,
Let’s go on a hayride!
Pumpkin patches, candlestick matches,
I found the perfect jack-o-lantern!
Campfires, trick or treat attire
Mhm! These s’mores are delicious!
Homemade pies, sad goodbyes,
Why can’t it be fall all of the time?
Seasons change,
We know this is true,
But why can’t all of the seasons be just like you?
Everywhere you go,
People are buzzing about,
The beautiful leaves and the postseason strikeout.
It’s getting colder,
Put on some boots,
Gather round the fire and listen to the coots.
It’s colorful;
It’s cool, crisp air.
Fresh sounds of leaves rustling in the wind.
Autumn air filling every breathe.
The feeling of change;
Holidays on the horizon.
Old and new friends;
People coming back into town.
Scarves and hats adorned heads.
Spiced pumpkin lattes in hand.
Stomachs full of turkey and pie.
Dozing off on the couch.
I look out my window,
To a sight of red and gold.
The air is crisp and breezy,
The sky a clear blue.
Autunm is upon me,
With changes in the trees.
The leaves have started falling,
And scatter all around.
The scene is quite a beauty,
It has brought me joy.
The leaves were once green,
But now autumn is around.
My pumpkin pie is baking,
The smell of spices fill the air.
My garden is full of squash,
The leaves freshly raked.
It’s Thanksgiving time already,
And my family is in town.
Pumpkins and squash,
Apples and corn.
Peas and carrots,
With greenbean casserole too.
Broccoli and cauliflower,
Potatoes and gravy.
Rolls with butter,
And sweet cornbread aplenty.
Yams and stuffing,
Macaroni and cheese.
Turkey and ham,
With cranberry sauce, please.
Dinner with family,
Fall is around.
Thanks autumn gardens,
Time to chow down.
When the leaves begin to fall
Is a special time indeed.
So begins a time to realize
That we have everything we need.
The trees show us that
They know exactly what to do
And if they have been provided for
How much more will you?
Fall tends to be
The most beautiful time of all
When the earth abounds
With rustling sounds
When change both
Begins and ends
When anything can be
Heard quite happily
Fall tends to be
The most beautiful time of all.
Autumn comes upon us
To remind us that seasons change.
The beauty that ensues
Is wonderful to behold
Make sure you take the time to do so.
Before we know it,
The season will change again
But this time…
Our reminder will be gone.
Trees march onwards,
in their cloaks of orange and gold.
Going as they do each year- seasons slip into
one another.
Even in their bursts of color
a hint of cold whispers in my ear a reminder
Taste of autumn
apples change to pumpkins.
Toasted, salted seeds
break between my teeth.
Autumn takes my afternoons as
I curl around a mug of
steaming spiced cider.
Sipping in solitude I could watch the leaves tremble
and fall until their branches are bare.
Air crisp as a starched shirt,
short fogs of breath billow like sails.
Boots crunch on brittle piles of leaves
who flow into gutters and grow into piles.
Into which I imagine jumping, landing as if upon a cloud.
In autumn, leaves turn orange and red; And this means that the trees are dead; Then comes winter, cold and white; A time to bundle up at night; But winter won’t last very long; Spring will come to sing its song!
In autumn, it gets very cool; And leaves fall off the trees; Children venture back to school; And kites blow in the breeze; Halloween, and then Thanksgiving; A time to celebrate; Bless this season in which we’re living; Autumn sure is great!
Autumn is my favorite season; Ask me, and I’ll give you a reason; There’s pumpkin pie and apple strudels; Roasted turkey, or chicken and noodles; Winter’s too cold, and Spring is too green; Summer’s too warm, so autumn is keen!
The smell of crisp Autumn is in the air
Fallen leaves are everywhere
Red, brown and yellow
Colorful leaves fallen everywhere
Oh how I wish to jump in a pile of leaves
To bask in their colors, to throw them all around freely
Oh how I cherish these Autumn days
As the seasons turn
Fallen leaves shift color
Golden brown and red
I turn on the fireplace
Cuddling up next to you
Feelings of warmth and comfort
Scents of pumpkin spice fill the room
Beaming from my festive candles
Relaxed and cozy
On this blissful Autumn night
When it becomes October
I think of my wonderful memories
Pumpkin carving at the kitchen table
Giggling as we picked out the seeds
Sipping apple cider by the fire
Picking juicy red apples in the orchard
Working hard on Halloween costumes
Finding our way through corn mazes
Laughing the whole time
Oh, what glorious Autumn memories
I will cherish them forever
leaves from green to yellow
flow to the ground
a shower of orange
on a sidewalk near town
red leaves all over
a trail from here to there
yellow, orange and red
blow past my head
a whirl in the wind
yellow here orange there
sprinkles of red
in a tree over there
the smell of apples
fill the air
all signs of summer
have disappeared
the smell of pumpkin
the feel of the air
a walk in the crisp
night air
the taste of apples
the color of fall
the browning of the grass
no more green at all
long t shirts and jeans
a scarf for the breeze
i saw my first pumpkin
on a hay bail near the street
no signs of summer for
autumn it will be
My distress, when she’s here with me,
Thinks these dull long stretches of harvest time downpour
Are delightful as days can be;
She cherishes the uncovered, the wilted tree;
She strolls the saturated field path.
Her pleasure won’t let me remain.
She talks and I am fain to list:
She’s happy the winged animals are left,
She’s happy her straightforward worsted dark
Is silver now with sticking fog
Not yesterday I figured out how to know
The affection for uncovered November days
Prior to the happening to the snow,
Be that as it may, it were vain to advise her thus,
What’s more, they are better for her applause..
It’s every one of the a joke,— these stories they tell
About the breezes murmuring,
What’s more, groans astir o’er field and dell,
Since the year is biting the dust.
Such standards are generally silly,—
I care not who previously educated them;
There’s nothing known to monster or winged animal
To make a serious fall.
In grave occasions, when melancholy holds influence
With face troubling,
You’ll take note of the a greater amount of dark and dim
Will at that point be utilized in dressing.
Why, it’s the peak of the year,—
The most elevated time of living!—
Till normally its blasting cheer
Just melts into thanksgiving.
In different greenery enclosures
And all up the vale,
From the harvest time blazes
See the smoke trail!
Lovely summer over
And all the mid year blossoms,
The red flame bursts,
The dim smoke towers.
Sing a melody of seasons!
Something brilliant taking all things together!
Blossoms in the mid year,
Flames in the fall!