Receiving a greeting card with a pre-written message inside it can be great, but what makes a card feel even more personal is a handwritten message. This is especially true for anniversaries since those days are all about showing your partner how much you appreciate them. If you aren’t great at expressing your feelings or writing doesn’t come naturally to you, thinking up what to say in an anniversary card can be a struggle. That’s why we put together these ideas for what to write if you get stuck. From sentimental to silly, there’s a message for everyone in this list.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Year specific
If you want the message to be focused on the number of years you’ve been together, let her know that the months or years you’ve been together have been better because of the relationship.

6 months:
- Happy 6 months! This past half year has been the best of my life. Thank you so much for making my days brighter and loving me no matter what.
- Happy 6 month anniversary! Thanks for putting up with me for so many months. I love you!
1 year:
- Cheers to one year of being married! I wouldn’t wanna spend every day of a year with anyone else. Here’s to many more!
- Happy one year anniversary! This first year of marriage has been anything but perfect, but every day I wake feeling thankful you’re my wife.
5 years:
- Happy 5 year anniversary, sweetheart. I love you more and more every day, and every day you get more beautiful.
- 5 years! I’m so proud of us for making this work for half a decade. Through thick and thin, you’ve always been there for me. I couldn’t thank you enough in another 100 years.
10 years:
- Every day I spend with you is so precious, I can’t believe it’s already been 10 years. Here’s to all the memories, and many more to come. Happy anniversary, I love you!
If religion is a big part of your lives together, mentioning something biblical could make your card even more meaningful.
- Happy anniversary! I am so blessed to have found you, and I couldn’t be happier that we’ve made it another year together.
- Happy anniversary! You bring joy and blessings to my life, and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us next.
- Even in the rockier times of our relationship, I had faith that things would work out. That patience has always paid off, and God has brought us closer to each other every time. I love you so much. Happy anniversary!
If you and your wife have always felt that you were meant to be together, these messages could be perfect for your anniversary card. Tell her how lucky you feel, or how you’ve always known she’s the one.
- Out of all the people in the world, I am so lucky I get to call you my wife. My wife, my soulmate, and my best friend- happy anniversary! I love you!
- There are seven billion people in this world, and somehow I found the most amazing woman on the planet. You are the strongest, kindest, and most beautiful wife I could ask for. Happy anniversary!
- After all these years together, I am still convinced that we’re meant to be together. I’ve never met anyone as amazing as you, and our marriage is the best part of my life. Happy anniversary, I love you!
Everyone likes to be appreciated. Let your wife know how amazing you think she is. She’ll enjoy a reminder of her best qualities.
- Year after year, I continue to be impressed with everything you do. I will always admire your ambition and resilience. Thanks for letting me tag along. I love you, and happy anniversary!
- Happy anniversary! I love how much you care for everyone around you, and how you always put others before yourself. You are infinitely giving and kind, and it inspires me every day. Thank you for loving me even on my bad days. I love you!
For Families
If you and your wife have started a family together, mentioning the kids or what a great mother she is could make the perfect message for your anniversary card.
- Happy anniversary, love. I am so proud of the family we’ve created together, and I know our children will grow up to be as beautiful and strong as their mother. Making a family hasn’t been easy, but it has always and will always be worth it.
- Happy anniversary! I know that between all the changing diapers and buying baby clothes, we’ve been a little too busy to do much talking. But, I wanted to let you know how much I love you and the family we’ve made. I don’t know what I would do without you, and you make the most beautiful mom.
Long Distance
Maybe your wife is currently away on a work trip, or for some reason you can’t be together on your anniversary. These messages are perfect for letting her know how much you care about her even if you can’t tell her in person.
- Happy anniversary, darling. Thank you for all the laughs and memories that we’ve shared over the years. Even though we aren’t in the same place, I’m thinking of you and I love you so much. I can’t wait to see you in person, but until then, just know how much you mean to me and what an amazing wife you are.
- It’s pretty cool that we’ve been together for so many years. I wouldn’t wanna get in fights over who took the dog out last with anyone else. Happy anniversary!
- We’ve made it! Another revolution of the earth around the sun that we celebrate for some reason! Just kidding, I wouldn’t want to celebrate revolutions around the sun with anyone else. Happy anniversary!
If you’ve looked through all these ideas and still haven’t found the perfect one for your anniversary card, just try writing what you’re thinking, or telling her why you appreciate your marriage. It doesn’t have to be perfect. You can always start off with one of these ideas and change it to be more specific or personal. Good luck!