80th Birthday Poems: Birthdays are always a special time in one’s life, and important milestones. However, an 80th birthday is no ordinary accomplishment. At this point in someone’s life, 80 years of living, learning, and loving is something to be admired and celebrated! So for your loved one’s big 8-0 give the gift of a special poem, or create your own, to show your congratulatory and celebratory sentiments. Tell this person how special it is to have lived such a full life and to keep thriving even after 80 years of living.
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You’re bones start to creak and you can’t quite see,
But despite your age, you’re always there for me.
You may be 80, but to me,
You will always be my best friend, don’t you see?
Turn on your hearing aids; pull on your glasses
You might think you’re turning into molasses
You might feel old, you might feel rough,
But I know, deep down, you’re the real stuff.
Congrats, hurray! You’re 80 today!
You’ve seen so much, you’ve gone so far
You’ve outlived tricycles, horses, planes, and cars
While you might feel old and obsolete,
You truly make my life complete
Today is the day we celebrate you and appreciate the rare gem that is found in you.
We respect your wisdom and learn from your understanding.
With cake and balloons you help us see that it is the little things in life that count the most.
Happy 80th birthday our sweet friend.

Today is your birthday it’s finally here, some joy we shall bring you along with good cheer.
You’ve lived a good life we see that indeed.
We want you to know that we adore you so and we hope that your birthday is the best one yet.
Happy 80th birthday
Wisdom helps us see, what the world requires of thee.
Age comes with wisdom and with wisdom comes age.
Today we celebrate the wisdom of one who has wisdom of some and the age of none.
Today we celebrate the number 80. Happy birthday oh friend we will say it again,
Happy birthday to you indeed.
I can hardly even count to 80, I can’t imagine living for almost a century
You have seen more than entire lifetimes combined
I am sure that you know what genuine looks like and I hope that you see that when I say
You are amazing, I mean it!
Today is for celebrating all that you are, you’re wonderful and warm, a fighter, a lover, a friend, a well of generosity and a ferocious passionate soul.
I wish you many more birthdays to come, I hope you never grow old!
On this day 80 years ago, you graced the world with your presence
I am sure you have learned a lot over the years
About yourself, about the world, about people
I hope that this life has been kind to you
And I hope that it continues to show you good fortune, happiness, and joy.
Best wishes and many more, on your special day!
You have seen more than I could even fathom
You have lived through joy, through happiness beyond comparisons, through pain and suffering, through heartbreak, through hardships, through laughter, through loss, through renewal
You are wiser than I could even understand
I hope on this, your 80th birthday, you feel it is as special a day as any of the others
I wish you happiness and joy
Health and renewal
And love, all the love in the world
You have seen a lot during your
You have seen history be made
You have lost love and loved
But you never lost your youthful
And I want your birthday to be as
special as you are
You have grown old and gray
But you are still sprung and
You are more active and wild than
those more than half your age
So I want you to have an 80th
birthday that is as joyful as you
Today is a special day
You are turning 80 years old today
And I want it to be as special as
you are
I brought the cake and I hope you
like it
I want you to have a happy birthday
The 80th birthday is so special and
I promise to make this special for
you. You have imparted so much
into this world and the least that can
be done for you is to celebrate you.
Your children can only call you
blessed and your grandchildren call
you virtuous. You are indeed a
blessing. Happy birthday mummy
May your remaining years be filled
with joy and not bitterness. You
will always be in good health and
never be alone. Happy birthday sir.
You are worth more
Than an 80 year old wine
The life that you have lived
Is a testimony of time
All of your times of joy
And times that caused your tears
Have contributed to your life
Making memories through the years
Happy 80th Birthday!
May your heart be filled with happiness
Upon this special day
I hope that you are spoiled a lot
With gifts and a bouquet
You deserve a perfect birthday
And I’d really like to say
Congratulations on reaching 80
Have a truly lovely day!
Happy Birthday!
May you enjoy the summer sunshine
And butterflies in flight
The joy of simple things
The moon and stars at night
Your spirit is like a new day
Adorned with morning dew
And so this message comes
With a birthday wish for you
Happy 80th Birthday
Today is a birthday
that marks a celebration
that you have made it through the years
and brought with you affirmation.
We see that it is possible
to live life with vitality
and to keep the stories in your heart
and share them with your family.
Happy 80th Birthday!
You are an old wise cracker
as you would often say
getting into trouble
is how you liked to play.
You keep with you a childlike
twinkle deep within your heart.
And throughout the ages
you’ve turned the pages
and made attitude an art!
Happy 80th Birthday!
I hope to be as youthful
as you look today
to be as enthusiastic
on my 80th birthday.
You make it look so easy
to live through all those days.
It must be all the love you’ve got
for a tendency to play!
Happy 80th Birthday!
For someone as wonderful as you,
it seems only reasonable
that the years roll on heedlessly
and let you continue
to be the lovely soul you are
to your full capacity.
The years have not dampened your spirits
nor slowed your wit and joy
and I doubt they ever will.
Happy 80th birthday.
Eighty years of wisdom
and still going strong.
Still learning, still teaching,
still singing songs,
still helping wherever you can,
and I am proud to call you family.
The world has changed since you were young.
From transport to technology,
to social change and theology,
it’s been a whirlwind of change
and revolution.
And you’ve taken it in stride
somehow kept up with the times,
Not everyone can adapt so well.
Happy 80th birthday!
You’ve seen so much of life now
I can’t even imagine
All the wisdom you have, that you’ve gained
To be honest, I’m jealous
Eighty years have gone by for you
Happy Birthday today, well you know what to do
Eighty years
I wonder how fast they’ve gone?
For me it seems like forever
But then again, I’m young
Today’s another birthday
And I hope you have fun
Today it’s all about you,
Because you’re the one!
We appreciate you today
Happy Birthday
Eighty years, now doesn’t that seem crazy?
When it feels like yesterday, that you were a young lady?
Everyone is so proud of all you’ve done
Today it’s time to celebrate you, that means you’re the one
We’ll sing you a song and eat some cake
We all love you, that’s not something to fake!
Happy Birthday!
Let all of the people
Both far and near
Celebrate that your
Eightieth birthday is here
A time to honor
And a time to reflect
All that you have done
To earn our respect
After eighty great years
Upon this fine Earth
Let us all gather
To rejoice in your birth
And the life you have lived
Full of love and of laughter
For your accomplishments now
And all that you’ll do after
Eighty years young
Is a life to be praised
You’re a true inspiration
Who makes us amazed
With all that you’ve done
And all that you do
We can’t wait for more
Birthdays to gather with you
Wow, you’ve made it, you’re finally eighty!
Who knew you could do it and still look so gravy!
So let’s celebrate, and get a little bit crazy
All of these girls are smiley and wavy
So let’s pop some bottles, and Viagra (maybe?)
You’re finally here, you’re over the hill
So do as you want and say as you will
You’ve earned your spot endless in time
And do need reason and don’t need rhyme
Because you’re eighty
And it’s your birthday,
So let’s get crazy
Happy birthday to my grandpa!
Who knew that eighty could look so handsome?
I remember as a kid holding your denchers for ransom
And now you wear them to speak to your grandson
Happy birthday, have some cake and then some