25th Anniversary Poems: Marriage is a bond so special, so sacred, to two people. It can be difficult though, to share your life with someone, to love and live with one person for twenty-five years. So when this couple reaches such a momentous milestone, congratulate them with the gift of words. A poem is a gift that will last, and will articulate how much you admire the couple’s lasting love. So choose one of these poems, or create your own and fill it with well wishes for the next 25!
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Congrats, hurray! You’ve made it so far
You two have changed so much, you are who you are
25 years is quite an achievement
You love each other, that is quite blatant.
Happy Silver Anniversary!
25 years is really quite impressive
It really calls for something truly festive
You made it a quarter of the century, and that’s quite far
You’ve changed for the better because of each other, and now you are who you are
A quarter of the century, that’s quite long
I can’t believe that you’ve been going at it so strong
Your love is inspirational,
Your devotion admirable
I hope that one day, I can make it to 25, too!
Our love is brighter than silver,
Worth more than gold.
We’ve been through it all,
But together we stand hand and hand, 10 feet tall.
Happy anniversary, my darling it all was so worth just to be with you.
I would do it again to be with you till the end of time.

I adore you so,
I love you more
And I want you to know that I’m happiest when I’m with you.
Silver bells ring in my heart that bring out my love for you.
Happy silver anniversary.
Sometimes I love you so much it hurts,
I don’t deserve you.
Today is our anniversary, 25 years this time around.
It is grand to be with you all this time, I love you more than stars combined.
Happy anniversary baby. Its silver time.
A quarter of a century ago
You made the biggest decision of your lives
And decided to spend the rest of forever together
I hope it has proved to be the best decision, it certainly seems so
Your love is awe inspiring and beautiful
I hope your next 25 years are just as much fun, just as exciting, just as wonderful and more as these past 25 have been.
You two deserve all the love and happiness the world can give. Congratulations!
Silver anniversary,
Fine as the antiques in the cupboard
But there is nothing vintage or antique about your love
You still seem as giddy as school kids
When you look at each other
Your love is renewed each time you are near one another
That kind of youthful spirit, that rare kind of playful love
Will grow over and over again
It is beautiful to watch
I wish you two another 25 full of laughter, love and more joyful memories.
Do you remember what you were doing at this exact moment 25 years ago?
You were making the most important decision of your lifetime
And marrying your best friend
You chose to spend a lifetime with this
Your true love, your better half, your heart
The love the two of you share
Is almost impossible to imagine
Your loyalty and generosity for one another is rare and amazing to see
I wish you happiness and love on your special day
The night you told me you loved me
Made me the happiest person in the
After all these years
I still feel the same when you say
you love me
Happy silver anniversary
It seems our love lasts a lifetime
Although we have grown older
Our love has stayed young
While we may not be able to do
the activities
We once enjoyed in our youth
It does not matter what we do
As long as we still have each other
To my love, I want to wish you a
happy silver anniversary
We have grown up and grown old
You have always been by my side
Like it was destiny that pushed us
While we been through many
Over the years
Our love has stayed strong
With that I will cherish it forever
So happy silver anniversary, my
one true love
The 25 years we have spent together
has been the best 25 years of my
life. I couldn’t have wished for a
better life. I am so happy I chose
to spend my whole life with you.
God bless the day I set my eyes on
you. I knew I saw an angel and that
is all what you have been over the
last 25 years. Even more than that Happy anniversary love..
You are the best wife on the planet
earth. You are the true definition
of beauty and description of virtue.
Your price is far above rubies. Happy
anniversary dear wife
Twenty five years have passed you by
Twenty five years of we not I
Twenty five years to share your life
Twenty five years as man and wife
Twenty five years of love and joy
Twenty five years, one girl, one boy
Twenty five years to love and adore
Here’s wishing you at least twenty five more
Happy 25th Anniversary
Year by year the days flew by
Since you made your vows together
Twenty five years have come and gone
Does it feel you’ve been married forever?
You’ve made a million memories
Have created many treasures
Walking together hand in hand
And sharing life’s simple pleasures
Happy 25th Anniversary
On this special day
You can look back with pride
Because for twenty five years
You’ve remained at each others side
Your dreams you made together
The memories you share
Rejoice in one another
And a life of love and care
Happy 25th Anniversary
Your love has grown and flourished
into the silver years.
You bond is so unbreakable
you have nothing to fear.
Together you have made through
the times, both good and bad.
To make it here, and show us all
that love will stand the chance.
Happy 25th Anniversary
A quarter of a century
is quite an incredible feat.
A love that breaks against the tide,
that resists the browning leaf.
You have set an example
of what marriage can be.
That is can last through all the years
with trust and honesty.
Happy 25th Anniversary
A love that’s made of silver
has excellence and grace.
It leads the way through challenges
with deep communication and a
sweet embrace.
Your love has all the admiration
of the old oak tree
standing strong and broad and true
despite cold winter’s grief.
Happy 25th Anniversary!
A quarter of a century
filled with love and determination
to keep going strong.
A quarter of a century
of hardships and trials
and overcoming obstacles.
A quarter of a century
is certainly something to celebrate.
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Twenty-five years since we said “I do”.
Since that time, I’ve found it true
that love grows and glows with age,
So as the story continues, we turn the page
and celebrate the love we’ve shared
while agreeing we make quite the pair!
Some couples are not meant to last.
They struggle and try to pull through
but ultimately fail.
But the pair of you have grown.
You have struggled and tried to pull through
and succeeded.
You overcame the challenges,
faced your worst fears
and made it to the dawn every night.
You are meant to be together
and your unending love
gives me such hope.
Twenty five years may seem like forever
But for us, it seems only yesterday
That I said my vows and kissed you
And all of that led us to today
I love you now and always will
And you know your touch still gives me a thrill
I love you
Happy Anniversary
The two of us have spent
Twenty five years together
Sometimes it feels like yesterday
But other days forever
Here’s a toast
Two twenty five more
For me and you, so somebody pour
I love you, darling I do
So here we go, to me and you
Twenty five years, amazing isn’t it?
How fast it’s gone, and we’ll never forget it
I love you, my darling and here’s to wishing
For twenty five more, and not a day missing
I love you again and I can’t wait to spend
The rest of my life, with my best friend
I remember the moment
The day when we wed
Twenty-five years ago
And the moment we said
“I do” right in front
Of our family and friends
Pledging our love
Till the very end
And we’ve kept our promises
For all to behold
Happy silver anniversary
Now let’s turn it to gold
Twenty-five years is an
Incredible number of days
To spend beside someone
But I can’t number the ways
That you make me so happy
With all that you do
Forever and always
My heart is with you
Twenty-five years
On this day we were wed
A day wherein many
Joyous tears were shed
And we had no idea
What life had in store
But we knew that one day
Our love would grow even more
And here we are now
We’re still here together
Because our love is a flame
That will burn bright forever
Shiny, bright, and oh so slender
A love like ours is ever tinder
The subtle sound of ringing bells
And quick beat of heart throb swells
Twenty five years have strengthened my love
For you my angle, my gift from above
What’s beyond value is the shimmer of silver
Stable in value
Timelessly worthy
Just as is my love for you
My beautiful birdie
Twenty five years
Through joy and tears
Our love has grown
And beautifully flourished
Your laugh and your smile keep me nourished
Twenty five years
We’ve been through a lot
In my heart you’ve grown
From just one spot
You are my life
My beautiful wife
So let’s make a toast
To years we’ve had
And years to come
Memories and laughter,
I’d say we’ve had some