Thank You Messages: Examples of What to Write in the Card
Thank You cards are mailed less often nowadays, thanks to the internet, but they are still such an important part of our culture. Thank You cards are mailed as a token of gratitude when guests attend your party, or when someone goes above and beyond for you, and you feel an intrinsic need to give back. Sometimes, a simple e-greeting is not enough, or seems in poor taste, when you need to express gratitude on a deeper level. What’s great about a Thank You card is that the person will be able to cherish the physical version of your sentiment for years to come. They will never have to question your gratitude for their presence at your special event, or for something nice they did out of the kindness of their hearts, because they will always have your card there to remind them.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Sentimental Thank You Card Message Examples
It can be difficult at first to compose a Thank You card message. You may feel so overwhelmed by your strong feelings that you don’t know what to put in the card at first. You think of the perfect words, only to denounce them after you’ve committed them to paper. And nowadays, with the cost of cards, you certainly don’t want to be using a card’s canvas for your test runs. It is always important to keep in mind that honesty goes a long way. Sometimes a bumbling message can be even more endearing than a perfectly worded one. The point is that the message is heartfelt.

A lot of us have difficulty expressing our emotions, especially verbally to another person. This is why cards can be used as a great way to hand over your feelings, quite literally, without going through the anguish of bursting into tears or cracking up in inappropriate fits of laughter. Here are some ideas for the wording you can use on your next Thank You card. Remember, you don’t need to stick to these like a script. You can add your own style and flair, your own brand of panache, to these messages to make them shine with the real you.
- (To a Boss) “I really appreciate your help the other day. Just didn’t want you to think that your efforts went unnoticed. Thank you.”
- (To a Friend) “You are always there when I need you, and I can always count on you to be a true friend. Thank you for your help today.”
- (To a Lover) “I can’t express how grateful I am to have you in my life. Don’t ever feel like you are unappreciated, because I have no idea where I would be without you. Thank you for everything, now and always.”
- (To a Parent) “The things I could thank you for are endless. We can start with the life you gave me. Without that, I wouldn’t have any of the other blessings that have befallen me in my life. The words “thank you” seem so small, but they can mean so much, so thank you.”
- (To a Veterinarian) “Veterinarians are some of the only people out there who understand that a pet is not just a pet. You know better. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my best friend.”
- (To a Doctor) “Being a doctor can sometimes be a thankless job, and I want you to know that I certainly do not feel that way. Thank you, Doctor, for making me feel better. Because of you, I feel better, and that is priceless.”
- (To a Pediatrician, from a Child) “Thank you so much, Doctor, for making me feel all better! Anyone who wants to help kids get better is a great person, and thanks to you, I feel like playing with my toys again. You rock!”
- (To the Mail Delivery Person) “Thank you for making sure my important letters and packages are delivered on time. You guys aren’t told enough just how important you are, and I thank you.”
- (To the Teacher) “Thank you for going that extra mile to make sure Timmy passed his math test. If it weren’t for people like you who care, he would still be struggling. You are one of the special teachers out there that kids remember long after they graduate. Timmy and I are both grateful for your help.”
- (To the Coach) “Thank you, Coach, for helping us win that game yesterday. We couldn’t have done it without your guidance.”
- (After a Baby Shower) “Thank you so much for the beautiful gift. I am ever so grateful, and I know the baby will be too when he/she is old enough to understand how awesome you are.”
- (After an Interview) “I want to sincerely thank you for taking the time to meet with my yesterday. I enjoyed meeting you and learning more about the position, and I look forward to hearing from you with regard to my potential employment.”
- (After a Wedding) “[Tim] and I greatly appreciate the beautiful gift you brought to our wedding. What a wonderful way to start our life together! You are so thoughtful.”
Humorous Thank You Card Message Examples
We don’t always have to be stone-faced when we express our gratitude. In fact, some may call it a defense mechanism, but a lot of people would rather bond over humor than flat-out sentiment. Here’s are some funnier examples of what to write in your next Thank You card.
- (To a Friend) “It’s about time you paid me back for that time I bought you that video game! But seriously, thanks for the help.”
- (To a Lover) “I’m pretty thankful for what you did for me today. Maybe later on, if you’re lucky, I’ll show you just how grateful I am…by making you a nice meal!”
- (To a Mother) “Sure, you carry me around for nine months, and you think you can just demand my gratitude whenever you feel like it? You’re right! Thanks, Mom.”
- (To a Sibling) “Because I’m grateful for what you did for me today, I won’t tell Mom and Dad about that time when it was you who draw on the walls with crayon when we were five. I guess you’re going to have to just keep doing nice things for me to keep me quiet!”
- (To a Boss) “I’m only thanking you formally so I don’t lose my job. But seriously, I am appreciative of your help this week.”
- (To a Friend) “I’m so grateful for what you did for me today that I promise, the next time we go out, I’ll let you have the pretty one.”
- (For the Coach) “If it wasn’t for your kicking my butt every once in a while, I would never be the good player that I am. Thanks for all the butt kicks, Coach – I still have the bruises to prove it!”
- (For the Relative) “I guess this means I should make a better effort to call you once in a while. Thanks for the great gift!”
- (For the Lover) “Now that you’ve helped me with this difficult task, I won’t ask you for anything else all year. Good thing you know me better than that.”
- (For the Party Guest) “Since you went through the trouble of picking out a gift for me, I figured the least I could do is give you this piece of paper. Just kidding – thanks so much for coming!”
- (After a Birthday) “I hope my party wasn’t a total waste of time! Just kidding – glad you could make it! Thanks so much for coming!”
- (After a Bridal Shower) “Thanks so much for the gift! Now I can use it to lick my wounds as I say goodbye to the single life. Haha!”