Writing the Perfect Saint Patrick’s Day Card
Share the luck of the Irish with your friends and family this Saint Patrick’s Day by sending those you care about a thoughtful message. Saint Patrick was a Roman Catholic best known for running the snakes out of Ireland, best the holiday is celebrated today with decorations of rainbows, gold, four-leaf clovers, leprechauns, green colored beer, and Irish blessings. You don’t need to be Irish to celebrate this holiday, but you should definitely let people you care for know you’re wishing them a happy and fun day of cheer and friendship.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Try sending some of the following messages and Irish blessings to your loved ones. You’re welcome to also use our Irish blessings at the end of this article to spruce up your greeting card. Your loved ones will be impressed by the effort you put into crafting your message, while really you saved time and now have even more hours of your night to spend celebrating St. Patty’s Day!

Basic Messages for Saint Patrick’s Day Cards
Don’t speak Gaelic? Never fear! We have many suggestions for basic sayings and general messages to send to a variety of friends, family, and loved ones. Send your warm wishes and Irish blessings this year by trying some of these suggested messages.
- (For anyone) “Hoping your Saint Patrick’s Day is full of cheer and good fun. Be safe and have a blast!”
- (For anyone) “Wishing you many Irish blessings this Saint Patrick’s Day!”
- (For boyfriend) “May the luck of the Irish watch after you tonight and bring you safely back home. Have fun with the guys! Love you.”
- (For girlfriend) “I found my pot of gold on the day I met you. Don’t let any leprechauns try to steal you back tonight! I love you.”
- (For spouse) “Wishing you all the Irish luck in the world. There’s no one else I’d rather spend forever with chasing rainbows and little green men for their pot of gold. Love you, dear!”
- (For spouse) “No pot of gold or wreath of clovers could ever come close to what I have found with you. We are just simply lucky already!”
- (For spouse) “Tonight, I’m Irish. So kiss me and I’ll show you what the Irish luck is all about!”
- (For parents) “A little Leprechaun told me to remind you both to drink up and enjoy a bit of Irish cheer tonight. Wishing you the best and luckiest St. Patty’s Day ever!”
- (For grandparents) “I wish I could be there to hug you both today and wish you all a Happy St. Patty’s Day, but instead I hope this message finds your household well and full of Irish cheer. Don’t forget to wear your green!”
- (For grandchildren) “Sending you Irish blessings, warm wishes, and lots of love this Saint Patty’s to my favorite grandchildren!”
- (For friend) “It’s Saint Patrick’s Day, so prepare your beer hat, put on a ton of green, and let’s spend the night searching for gold at the bottom of our glasses. Bottom’s up to a fun Saint Patrick’s Day!”
- (For friend) “Let’s celebrate St. Patty’s Day with Guinness! The first round of green beer tonight is on me.”
- (For co-workers) “Happy St. Patty’s Day! Wishing you lots of blessings and Irish luck today and always. See you on Monday (I hope)!”
- (For co-workers from boss) “Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, everyone! Coming to work on time tomorrow won’t get you a pot of gold, but it is the first step to ever achieving one in your 401k! Have fun, be safe, and be on time Monday morning.”
Irish Blessings for Saint Patrick’s Day Cards
Still stuck on what to add to your Saint Patrick’s Day greeting card? Try some of these Irish blessings! Many Irish blessings are influenced by religious preferences, so feel free to edit these to best suit your greeting card and your recipient.
May your neighbors respect you,
Troubles neglect you,
The angels protect you,
And Heaven accept you.
– Anonymous
Here’s to a long life and a merry one
A quick death and an easy one
A pretty girl and an honest one
A cold beer and another one!
– Anonymous
Wishing you a rainbow
For sunlight after showers—
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours—
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that never ends
Each day your whole life through!
– Anonymous
May your day be touched
by a bit of Irish luck,
brightened by a song in your heart,
and warmed by the smiles
of the people you love.
– Anonymous
There’s a dear little plant that grows in our isle,
‘Twas St. Patrick himself, sure, that sets it;
And the sun of his labor with pleasure did smile,
And with dew from his eye often wet it.
It grows through the bog, through the brake, through the mireland,
And they call it the dear little Shamrock of Ireland.
– Anonymous
May luck be our companion
May friends stand by our side
May history remind us all
Of Ireland’s faith and pride.
May God bless us with happiness
May love and faith abide.
– Anonymous
May the lilt of lush laughter lighten ever road,
May the midst of Irish magic shorten every road.
May you taste the sweetest pleasures
that fortune ever bestowed,
And may all your friends remember
all the favors you are owed.
– Anonymous