After you have lived for a while, you may feel as though you have some sound advice to give others, revolving around the topics of life and love. It may be as simple as telling others to live well and love often, or you may have some more complex advice to give. In either instance, it may work well for you to write down exactly what you need to say so that you can spread motivating words to others. This could serve as a personal reminder to you about what the purpose of life is, or it can serve as a source of encouragement for someone else who really needs to hear it. Whether you realize it or not, you have a special message to share with the people in your realm of the earth that nobody else is able to share. You may have learned lessons about life and love that are similar to what others have learned, but nobody can quite give out the message like you can. Set aside time to think about what special words of wisdom you have to offer others, and don’t hesistate to send out the message in a loving way.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Up goes the roller coaster
Click clack on the rails
Looking at my partner as they sit still
I grab their hand and assure we will be okay
Finishing this coaster is our only way
Our love will conquer what life has ahead
With you by my side,
I would ride the coast once again.
Life is a journey
Love can be real
Both paths may cross
But keep going and walking still Who knows what lies ahead
It’s a journey non the less
Ups and downs
Sure can sound like a mess Never be afraid to love
Best mission of all
It shall always catch you if you fall
The true meaning of life
I suppose isn’t really easy to overcome
There sure have been struggles Yet have also been fun
Holding your hand
You holding mine
Skipping down the yellow brick road together
Yellow brick road of life.
He left her with a tortured soul. In her heart there was a hole.
She hid out like a mole. Waiting for her life to unfold.
She felt that she couldn’t go on without him.
Her whole life had become a blur.
But her will to press on slowly began to stir.
She knew that life must go on.

When he left her, she thought that her world would shatter.
She felt like she had been beaten in an egg batter.
But she knew that she had to hold on.
And things would get better before too long.
She just had to look on the bright side.
And keep her dignity and pride.
It is such a sight to behold. When dreams turn into a reality.
He was all that she had ever dreamed of.
Her brightest star in the heavens above.
He was the only one for her in this world and she knew that she was destined to be his wife.
Love has left an open wound
I feel it in my heart
But life goes on regardless
When will the healing start
I know that I will love again
As that’s why I am here
To live a life of love and fun
And make it through each year
I have loved you more than you ever loved me
No room in your heart anymore, not for me
I’ll pick myself up and I’ll dust myself down
My life will be better once you have left town
I love the smell of freshly cutgrass
Feeling the wind through my hair
Loving the earth in all of its beauty
And loving my own self worth
Live each day as if it’s your last
Love is the reason we’re here
Love can be sweet like honey
Yet sting like a bee
Love can flow like water
Yet storm like a sea
Love can be gentle like a dove
Pick crumbs from the streets
Love can write stories on torn pages
In lost word and forgotten sheets.
Love can be harmful
Break your ribs and rip your heart
Love can be untamed
Run you down a dreaded path
Love can be nameless
Anyone can but love
Love can get one lost
In curved lines and straigth curves
Love can be intentional
We still love the dead in our memories
Love can be accidental
Love at first sight ain’t fallacy
Love can be appealing to the mind
Yet breed flies like dead meat
Love can be unreasonable
Though visible; blind it may seem
My tongue lies beneath two bricks
Against Babel and Jericho I was warned
“These impregnable walls
Trumpeted languages will fall”.
My sword lies beneath two sheaths
Israelites’ and Philistines’
A stone and a sling
Would choose who’s worthy of me.
My life lies between two beings
Bright light darkens darkness
I’ll need both for a halo
Lighten my soul and cast a shadow.
My love lies between two queens
Esther and Sheba
A king’s harp will claim my heart
Ket his wisdom guide my path.
We live to love,
We love to love,
Love as much as you can,
Like song on the radio, it just comes naturally,
It’s an essential part of life,
Loving makes us stronger,
Loving shapes our perspective,
Love changes us.
Perspective is always a funny thing,
To see clarity among the haze,
Sifting through the sand, finding meaning,
Seeing themes develop in stages,
Yet one thing remains,
Love is always there,
In many forms and many places,
Love gets us through,
Steady, like a rock.
Life and love,
Like DNA twisting,
A base pair,
Forever locked together in an epic adventure,
Spinning and spiraling,
So intertwined,
Urging each other to go on,
Neither taking the lead,
But rather working together,
To build upon each other.
Your work day is don’t,
You struggled,
But made it through.
You look forward to tomorrow,
Another bright day ahead.
You get home,
And find dinner on the table.
Your wife beat you home today,
And she was waiting for you.
You give her a squeeze,
Kissing her softly.
Your life is like a dream,
Every day a blessing.
Days present struggles,
But also give you relief.
Each day a new beginning,
Filled with promise.
Each interaction with a person,
A new moment made.
You have family to support you,
They always have your back.
Your life is full of love and meaning,
And you feel it anew with every passing day.
Life is a mystery,
Or so they say.
It brings brightness and sorrow,
And things can get in your way.
Your strength will get you through it,
And keep you on your feet.
And what you once that was love will leave you,
But you’ll find new love again.
Each day is ever changing,
And each love is never the same.
Life is full of surprises,
And some can really make your day.
There are many life lessons
To be learned, Many things to take away
From life itself and love, of course
They will partly show the way
Our experiences, they are diverse
But some things will always be true.
Of all the experiences we could have,
It’s nice to first hear, “I love you.”
There will be some loves that pass you by
Some will make you cry.
Some will allow you to feel defeated.
Some will get you very heated.
Throughout it all, there will be ones that care.
Those are the ones that will be most fair.
You will live and you will learn,
Some lessons will be hard
Perhaps others will be easy.
But learn to love by being patient, kind, and pure in heart
And that is more valuable than most lessons that life can give.
Green branches spread overhead.
Reach up a hand and pick a ripened fruit.
Let juice dribble down your chin.
Cup it in your palm.
This is the taste of sweet love.
Savor each bite as it will never seem enough.
In life so much comes and goes like the tides.
One thing for certain to not be swept away is
Once it arrives don’t let it hide, but let it leap into the open.
Proclaiming joy for all to see.
What will win back your love?
There are no instructions for this game.
Hearts break and throb, beat and pump.
How do I put ours back together?
With time, tenacity, tenderness.
Can I count on you to play this game with me?
Love takes many different forms, as we move through our lives; Friends and siblings are just as important as our husbands and our wives; Romance is not the only way to show how much you care; Through familial and platonic love, you can still lay your soul bare.
To love someone is to show them; Just who you really are; To love someone is to know them; When you’re near and from afar; As we go through life, it is a blessing; To find someone to love; On our knees, we’ll be confessing; Our joy to heaven above!
Love is what defines us; As more than simple creatures; Love is what refines us; And illuminates our features; Without love, we would feel less than whole; Our lives not quite complete; Everyone should share the goal; Of loving all they meet!
There is no sweeter feeling than waking up next to you
And reaching over to greet you with a kiss
My morning coffee tastes sweeter when you are there to share it with me
Your kindness and humor give me the strength to get through my day
Knowing I have you to come to is the sweetest feeling
You are a treasure I adore and respect greatly
You make everyday special
Knowing I have your love makes everyday brighter
Even on days where everything seems to go wrong
You are always just a phone call away
And that makes all the difference
Thank you for being my true love and partner in life
Everyday seems so special
When I spend it with you
We always have so much fun
Whatever it is we do
Even even it’s simply doing laundry
Or buying groceries at the store
When are are hanging out
Nothing is a bore
We create our own adventures
And make silly jokes
Life with you is so much fun
You write me cute little notes
I love you more than life itself
I’ve told you that before
But everyday I think about
How my love grows for you more
life can be amazing
when you find love
it can have twists
and turns
and bumps in the road
life can be grand
when someone say
i love you to
life is amazing
when love is always around
life and love go hand in hand
a love like that
can change
a life with just one look
a love like that can
make a life
worth living
it’s true
a love like that brings
life back into you
a love like that
keeps life from
being blue
the love of a mom
or even a dad
whether your five
or fifty five
love can be a
blessing to
a life without
it is a life unlived
because a love of another
is a love so true
because without
it life would be boring to
You disclosed to me you adored me,
in any case, your eyes were vacant.
You disclosed to me you adored me,
be that as it may, you were gazing over the room.
You disclosed to me you cherished me,
however, your voice gave in.
You disclosed to me you cherished me,
be that as it may, you simply didn’t.
I disclosed to you I cherished you,
furthermore, I investigated your eyes.
You knew it, I knew it,
Something like one of them was true.
To love is to forfeit.
To mind is to give way.
I was once knew a man,
who felt a similar way.
He adored and he gave it a second thought
what’s more, he did as such substantially more.
In any case, the last time I saw him
he exited the entryway.
I estimate to cherish is to attempt
what’s more, to mind is to get it.
Presently I know the motivation behind why
he never held my hand.
To him,
To cherish is a second
what’s more, to mind is a moment.
I’m happy I know why
we weren’t an ideal fit.
Remember the precipice
we used to jump?
Keep in mind the water
that made us feel so invigorated?
Keep in mind the salt,
the ocean and the sand?
Keep in mind the way
you used to hold my hand?