I miss you poems for boyfriend: When you love someone, you want to spend all your time with them, tell them you love them everyday, and make sure that they know that you’re thinking of them. Your boyfriend is your partner in crime, your co-pilot; so when you are away and can’t be together –make sure he knows that he is on your mind and in your heart. Choose one of these poems to let him know that he’s your everything.
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You were always fun to work with, we hate to see you go
You’re heading for better places, that I know
Just remember where you came from, how far you’ve gone,
Just remember, wherever you are, we’re thinking of you, always looking on.
You’re moving up, you’re moving on,
Your life is arriving to a new dawn
We hate to see you go,
But we know it really is so,
Good luck on your new job!
It’s been a good run, it’s been real fun
I can’t believe you’re done, it feels like we’ve just begun
We hate to see you go,
But we know it really is so,
Good luck on your new job!
I miss your adorable smile, I miss that gleam in your eye.
I miss running my fingers in your hair, I miss wearing your sweatshirts;
I miss you holding me in your arms, I miss you walking beside me.
I miss your beautiful voice, I miss your strong frame. I love you and all of you.
I miss you my sweet boyfriend.

It was only just yesterday I saw your face. Yet I miss your beautiful smile, and your adorable dimples; Your merry eyes dancing a lot. I only wish to hold your hand, to see you would be so grand.
I only have a short time, so come back to me baby, I miss you so much.
I never got to kiss your lips, never got to hold your hand.
Never saw you in a way that would change my view of you. I miss you so much, it is so true;
I wish I had done differently so I would see you again.
You never were mine yet I thought that you were just by that look in your eye.
I hope to see you again, maybe differently. I miss you boyfriend. I miss you so much
In the mornings when I wake up
I turn to the empty pillow next to me
And sometimes I forget you’re not there
The realization is almost too much to bear
My arms long for yours
My lips the same
I can’t wait until you’re back
So that I can lay my head on your chest
And my mornings will be complete
Next to you I can rest
I am missing you like mad
Come back to me soon.
I want to lie in bed
And tell you all about my day
I want to tell you about the boy next door and his dog who keeps barking
I want to wake up in the morning
And tell you about my nightmares
I want you to hold me until I’m not scared
I want you to be here
Come back into my life
I can’t wait to see you
And hug your neck or rest my head on your chest
I miss you like mad, come back soon.
I want us to waste a Tuesday afternoon
Reading and dozing off together
Enthralled with one another’s bodies
But we’ve been apart so long I can hardly remember
how our parts fit together,
how you melted into me.
Now…I sleep alone
With no one to warm my sheets
Instead of a cloud I am a sky of storms
Wishing for your return
Come home soon
Cannot wait to see you again
Once I come home from this trip
When I get home,
I want to do all the activities we
enjoy together
You might have noticed that
I miss you so much
I’ll see you soon
It seems there are two of you
wherever I go
One that is away,
Waiting for me in the real world
While the other stays with me in my
I miss you, the one I am away from
I’ll come home soon
It seems that there are two of you
wherever I go
One that is away from me,
Awaiting my return in the real world
While the other stays with me in my
I miss you, the one I am away from
I’ll be home soon
I can not say you shouldn’t work or
you shouldn’t give to the society the
great gift you have in you. But the
truth still remains I miss you so
much, come back home soon
My love, you have cast a spell on me
because I think of you every day and
night. The more I think of you, the
most I miss you. I cant wait to see
you again.
My only love, I miss every moment
we have spent together. Every
encouraging word you have given
to me. All the laughter we always
have together. Can we see soon?
My head thinks about you
My mouth wants to kiss you
My heart wants to love you
But all I do is miss you
My body it craves you
My passion ignites for you
My life is empty without you
I can’t help but need you
I love you please come back soon
I miss you in the morning
when I turn over in my bed
I miss the sleepy tender eyes
The tousled hair on your head
I want your arms around me
To feel your body near
I want to hear your heartbeat
And I love you in my ear
I miss you
I never thought I would feel such pain
I need you here, to see you again
I never thought I would miss your touch
I realized I need it so much
I never thought I would feel so lost
And need your love at any cost
I never thought I would wake up alone
I need you back, don’t be gone to long
Come Back Soon
The sugar doesn’t seem a sweet
when you’re not here to kiss me.
The stars above don’t shine as bright
when you’re not lying with me.
My hands are cold without your touch
and my body seems to shiver.
I wait for you to return to me
so we can get warm together.
When you are away from me
I miss you terribly
my heart is cries the saddest song
and wishes you were with me.
I wait for you all day and night,
to ring the bell and surprise me
to tell me that your home to stay
and never again will you leave me.
I long for your kiss and your gentle touch
I never knew missing you could hurt so much
without you here the world is sour
and every minute feels like an hour.
I long to hear your lovely voice and your jovial laughter
and when you return I will ask for your ever after.
I feel your arms around me
as though you embraced me
and just let go –
your touch lingers on my arms.
I still feel your lips on mine
I taste you and feel you smile.
Your scent stays on my clothes
and fills me nose and I want you –
I want you to hold me again.
I miss the tone of your voice
as we sing in the car
and the way you make no sound
when you truly start to laugh.
I miss how your hand fits so perfectly with mine
and how at ease I feel in your arms.
I miss having you around,
I miss how you make me laugh.
I can’t wait to see you again.
Simple texts make me grin
as I read them unexpectedly
and I do my best to respond in kind
and hope to make you smile.
Because in this time apart,
it is difficult to remain in touch
without being needy,
but I think we mediate perfectly.
I miss you,
and I look forward to seeing you again.
I miss you so much, it’s hard to believe
I love you and can’t wait till I can hold you again
You’re my best friend, and also my lover
So hurry back to me, I don’t want any other
I miss you
I don’t like that you’re gone
But I’ll get through it
Knowing that when you’re back,
We’ll be together, a perfect fit
I love you and miss you
And I know that you know it
So hurry back now
So I can say hello
These days have been painful
Just a little time apart
But I’m glad you’ll be back soon
You can bring me my heart
I love you so much
And I can’t wait to hold you
Don’t forget how much I love you
You know I really do
Without you by my side
I’m left with memories in my mind
Your touch, your smile, your warm embrace
All the love we’ve yet to find
I’m counting down the seconds
Only wishing that I knew
A way to make time faster
So I’d be closer to seeing you
While absence may make
The heart grow fonder
I’d do anything and everything to
Bring you back from yonder
You’re more than just my boyfriend
You’re my other half
And my world is gray
Without the color of your laugh
I’ve been thinking about you
Now for days without a pause
I’ve got so many symptoms
And I know that you’re the cause
I want to see you soon in person
In more than just my dreams
Because when we’re apart
We’re missing half the team
My love my love
My dearest love
I think of you night and day
It tears my heart when you are away
But deep in my soul
I will always know
That you are mine,
And mine alone
I miss your touch and I miss your smell
I miss the way you know me well
You know my thoughts and every emotion
You have my love
And undying devotion
I’ll see you soon, my dearest love
My angle, from up above
Being apart from you is like losing part of myself
We are one and I always know
That even when you’re not here,
You’re always with me
In the spot in my heart
You reside within me
I miss you.