How to Wish Someone Good Luck in a Greeting Card – Creating The Perfect “Good Luck” Greeting Card
Sometimes all we need is someone to wish us well and send a little good luck our way. Sending a “good luck” greeting card isn’t just a formality for when someone applies for a job; there is never a bad time to wish someone good luck! The right words in a card can be a gesture of kindness that brightens the recipient’s day.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Never undervalue the impact your kindness can have on others. A well-written message folded away in a greeting card could bring the boost of confidence they need to seize the day and achieve their dreams. It isn’t always easy trying to write a greeting card, however, and that is why we are here to help you craft the perfect message.

Work-Related Good Luck Messages
Most of us will spend our lives surrounded by our co-workers and it is crucial to remain on good terms to keep the office thriving and happy. An excellent way to support each other is by wishing one another well on specific projects, new job interviews, or when someone is up for a promotion.
- (For a boss preparing for a review) Good luck in the quarter review meeting this Friday. Our office is greatly indebted to you after all of the hard work you have devoted to making us all better and more efficient. The office cannot thank you enough for your support during this last quarter.
- (For a co-worker up for promotion) Don’t forget us little people on your way to the top! Seriously, good luck during your interview process, but we know you don’t need it – you’re the best for the job. I hope you get your promotion soon!
- (For a co-worker starting over in a new job) Wishing you only the best and good luck at your new job. You have made a great impact here and we will miss you sorely, but it is time for you to start over somewhere new. We hope you thrive and look forward to hearing tales of your success and rise to CEO soon.
- Family and friends need good luck messages when preparing for new jobs, as well! Here are some examples for how to wish those closest to your good luck in their work endeavors:
- (For a friend applying for a new job) Wishing you the best of luck in your job search! I have known you for years and honestly can’t think of a more responsible and deserving person to get the job. Whomever hires you will be the luckiest office in the country.
- (For a friend whom is a beginning freelancer) Good luck on your first big project! I feel so privileged to be your friend during your very first big breakthrough. We all start somewhere. I just know you’re going to knock their socks off and do brilliantly.
- (For a family member seeking promotion) Uncle Rob, I heard you were up for a promotion at work and just want to wish you good luck. I know your bosses will see your value and how much you have improved your office since you started working there back in the Stone Age. Just kidding, I know you were really born during the Jurassic Period. In any case, I can’t think of a better fossil for the job. Love you!
School-Related Good Luck Messages
Our loved ones in school need just as much support as those applying for new jobs. Everyone could use a confidence boost every once in a while.
- (For a friend or family member taking a test) Wishing you the best on your [mathematics] test! I would wish you luck, but after seeing you study a million hours in preparation, I know you will succeed.
- (For an athlete preparing for a game) Good luck impressing every talent scout in the country at tonight’s game! I will be rooting for you no matter who wins tonight. I am greatly impressed with your dedication to discipline and teamwork, and I’m sure everyone in the stadium tonight will see how much your team deserves this win. Go get ‘em, Tiger.
- (For a friend or family member taking the SATs) Wishing you good luck on your SATs! I know how hard you have studied for this moment, and now it has finally arrived. No pressure!
- (For a friend or family member starting college) Congratulations on being accepted to an excellent university! We are all wishing you the best of luck on your first year and look forward to hearing all about your new college adventures. I can’t wait to see you succeed wildly beyond any of our imaginations.
- (For an athlete before a baseball game) Congratulations on an excellent season. Your team has performed incredibly already and we are all proud of what you have achieved. Good luck with your last game of the season and remember to have fun. Hit a home run for a us!
Romance-Related Good Luck Messages
First date jitters can be calmed with the right hopeful and kind good luck message. Sometimes these messages are just sent through e-mail or text messages, but even a kind greeting card from a family member can help a nervous heart.
- (For a friend) Good luck on your date tonight. Some people put four-leaf clovers in their shoes, show salt over their shoulders, or leave a sprig of lavender in their hair before a date, but I bet all you have to do is brush your teeth and hair and let your personality do the rest. And if tonight fizzles out without any spark, then we can start collecting cats for your future harem of furry companions. Just kidding, you’ll do great tonight. Have fun!
- (For a family member) Mom, I’m so happy to see you start dating again! We love you more than words can say and want nothing but happiness for you. Good luck finding Mr. Right, and remember to have fun.
- (For a friend proposing) I heard you were proposing to Jessica soon! I’m so excited for you both – you two are perfect for each other. I’m sure you are nervous, but just remind yourself of all the reasons you know Jessica is perfect for you and I promise you will calm down. Good luck proposing, but I am sure she will say yes even if you fall down mid-proposal, lose the ring in a gutter, or tangle all of your words. When it is meant to be, everything else falls into place. I look forward to your wedding!
- (For a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse) Good luck, darling. I’ve been so lucky to have you in my life during my hardest times, and I can’t stress how much your love has motivated me when I need it most. I love you no matter what the outcome is and will stand by your side through it all.
- (For a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse traveling) Travel safely, love. I wish you the best of luck in your journey and cannot wait until you return. I miss you more with every moment that passes. Come back soon with pictures and kisses!