April 22 is Earth Day, a worldwide holiday where people ban to together to support environmental protection and pledge to better co-exist with nature. Earth Day began in 1969, when peace activist John McConnell proposed that March 21, the world spend a single day honoring the Earth and celebrating peace. It was sanctioned by the United Nations, and a month after the first celebration, the United States declared April 22 as the official Earth Day.
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The Earth sustains our lives, and without peace, turmoil would rule our lives. If you know someone who is working to protect our environment or promote world peace, remember them on this day. Let them know that you recognize all their hard work and its benefits, and see if there is some way that you can also help. If you are one of these dedicated individuals, pat yourself on the back: you are promoting a happier, healthier, brighter future!

Don’t forget to “go green” this Earth Day and celebrate our beautiful planet with friends and family!
Thoughtful Messages
For the eco-friendly
Without you, our beautiful planet would be in much more trouble. Thank you for your dedication to our environment, and happy Earth Day!
For the peace-loving
I am so thankful that there are thoughtful individuals like you working to keep the peace. Keep up the good work, and remember that the world thanks you. Happy Earth Day!
For the interested-but-not-involved
Happy Earth Day! You are a wonderful member of our planet, and don’t forget that we need YOU for a better tomorrow.
For the not-so-interested, but you still want to be thoughtful
Remembering you on this day of peace and preservation. I value our friendship, and I wish you a happy Earth Day and many more!
Humorous Messages
For the eco-friendly
I’ve heard of tree huggers, but even the trees need space sometimes! Happy Earth Day!
For the peace-loving
Remember being little and having “get along” time? Yeah, I think you take that a bit too far! Happy Earth Day!
For the interested-but-not-involved
Just remember: you don’t have to have a green thumb, just a good Home Depot and a Saturday to kill! Happy Earth Day!
A Poetic Message
I am the peace
And I am the trees
I am the Earth
And I am the glee
I am the peace
And I am the stream
I am the Earth
And I am the free
Happy Earth Day!