Birthday poems for Granddaughter: A granddaughter is something precious. As a grandparent you burst with pride and joy for your granddaughter. She is a piece of yourself, and an extension of your love and family. So for her birthday, tell her your love her and express to her how proud of her you are. Tell her what you think of her, and how she makes you feel. As more birthdays pass and your precious granddaughter grows into a woman, make sure that she is always aware of your pride and love for her. Choose one of these poems to share with her how you feel.
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While our age may be distant and far
Remember that I am watching you grow, and becoming who you are
I’m privileged to have you as a grandchild,
You make me feel young again, youthful and wild.
While our age may be distant and far
Remember that I am watching you grow, and becoming who you are
I’m privileged to have you as a grandchild,
You make me feel young again, youthful and wild.
I am old, and my life mostly gone,
But you are young, and going to new places
While I sit in my chair,
You explore the world, and climb higher forevermore
While my time is done, and I cannot do more,
I’m telling to take the wheel and live life by the horns.
You shine like the stars, you are the one in my heart and I love you all the same.
When I look at you, I see glimpses of me, and know that you will turn out fine.
You are my granddaughter and today is your birthday, I remember the day you were born.
Your mother was worn but you took her heart and melted it like you melted mine.
Enjoy your blessed day sweet girl. Happy birthday.

I look at you and I see your mother, all young and happy too.
I made you some cake, to take your day and make all your dreams come true.
Today is your birthday that’s wonderful too, I hope you see who you are in all that you do.
Happy birthday my dear. I love you so.
To my best girl, my granddaughter for sure
Today is your birthday I’m so happy for you
I want you to know that I’ve seen you grow and I love you so.
Today is your birthday I got you balloons, and ice cream sprinkles no doubt for sure.
Today is your birthday you are the grandest of the land
I love you.
Little girl
You’re growing so beautiful each and every day
Long gone are the days
Where I could set you on my lap
And kiss your sweet head
Or tuck you in at night and put you to bed
No, now you are growing
Into a young woman
And I wish you all the love and happiness
That this old man can
I love you sweet girl and no matter how old you get
Don’t you ever forget, that to me
You will always be the little girl that looked up to me
Your once little hands
Your once tiny feet
Your wide eyed innocence
It is no more
I used to think, that as you grew older I would be sad
But I can now say that sadness has never crossed my mind watching you grow
I am bursting with pride watching you become a woman right before my eyes
I hope you have a wonderful day, full of laughter and happiness on your special day.
When you were young
I had dreams of all that you would become
And now, as you grow, as you become your own woman
I know that I was wrong
You have become
All the things I could have imagined and more
You are so impressive, you make all our jaws drop to the floor
Don’t ever stop learning, don’t ever stop growing, happy birthday dear girl We love you!
Vividly I remember the panic
In my child’s eyes the day you were
But when you entered the world,
everyone eyes shined
You are the star in our family’s sky
And my little star, have a very
happy birthday
There is a lightness to you that
reminds me of myself
You are my little granddaughter,
The girl that always played dress up
with my shoes
No matter how old you get
You will always be that little girl in
my mind
Happy birthday sweetie
To the most wonderful and sweetest
girl I have ever known
I am proud to be your grandparent
And I love you so
I want you to have a great, fun day
And celebrate yourself
Because it is your birthday
Have I ever told you granddaughter that you are my favorite. You
hold a special place in my heart
that is just reserved for you.
My sweet granddaughter, I hold you
in such a high esteem and I believe
the very best in you. Make grandma proud everyday. Happy birthday my
Thank you my lovely and caring
granddaughter for being my
strength many times when I have
been weak, for bring smiles to my
face everytime. Happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday Grand-daughter,
My birthday wish for you,
Is that your day is filled with happiness,
And lots of presents too.
And now you’re a little older,
I’d really like to say,
How much your loved and thought about,
This day and every day.
Have A Wonderful Day!
Hugs and Kisses, gifts and wishes
Lots of games to play
Balloons and friends, the fun never ends
Upon your special day
Lots of toys, and girls and boys
With treats and teddy bears too
Cake and tea, for you and me
A party just for you
Happy Birthday!
You’re a very precious Grand-daughter,
You fill my life with cheer,
You are my little shining star,
Each day throughout the year.
You are so sweet and charming,
A blessing through and through,
And so today I want to say,
Happy birthday, to you.
Have a fantastic day!
We have watched you growing
all throughout the years.
Grandpa and I have held you
and chased away your fears.
We watched as you got taller
and learned to find your way
to what became your calling
in all you do and play.
We are so proud to have you
in our lives today.
We think the world of you
and honor your birthday!
Happy Birthday Granddaughter!!
Your cheeks are soft like peaches
your lips a cupids bow
your eyes, like stars, they twinkle
at everyone you know.
We have the most darling granddaughter,
and such a beautiful girl
we could never find another jewel
anywhere in the world.
Happy Birthday Granddaughter!
There is so much I want to share
with you my darling girl,
I want to spend some time with you
and dress you in my pearls.
You are the rarest gift to me,
so innocent and so pure,
and soon a big girl you will be
so gentle and demur.
Happy Birthday Granddaughter!
A grandmother’s fondest wish
is that her granddaughter be happy
at every moment of every day.
No day is this wish stronger
than on her day of birth,
when spirits are high,
family is close,
and glee is palpable.
Happy birthday, granddaughter.
Granddaughters are special gifts from God.
They light up your days with joyful stories
and warm your home with their company.
Out of all God’s many gifts to me,
I am most thankful for you.
Happy birthday, Granddaughter.
The first time I held you, you did not cry.
You blinked up at me with big eyes
and smiled.
Such a tiny, precious thing,
and here you are, bigger now, older,
but still precious and lovely.
Enjoy your birthday, my dear granddaughter.
My beautiful granddaughter
I can’t believe how fast you’ve grown
And how smart and wonderful you are
And how much you’ve come into your own
You are a beautiful young lady and I love watching you become
The granddaughter I always knew you’d be
To see how far you’ve come
Happy Birthday!
To a very special granddaughter
I want to say thank you
For the blessing that is you
I can’t imagine my life before you brightened it
So come here and have a sit
So I can tell you how much we all love you
Happy Birthday granddaughter
Your amazing granddaughter ways
Light up my very boring days
I’m so thankful to have a granddaughter like you
Without you, I’m not sure what I would do
So with this letter I say thank you
For all that you do
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday sweet granddaughter
It’s your special day
It’s been a whole year
Of more laughter and play
And I can’t wait to see
What this year will bring
As your hopes and your dreams
Continue to take wing
You bring me such joy
You bring such delight
A granddaughter like you
Makes the stars seem less bright
So I hope that your birthday
Is full of great cheer
And I can’t wait to celebrate
With you once more next year
Let’s bring out the candles
Let’s bring out the cake
Because a granddaughter like you
Deserves the best we can make
Because it’s your special day
Although just to be clear
You’re special to me
Every day of the year
Happy birthday to you, my sweet granddaughter
I’m lucky to say that I’m your grandfather
I’ve watched you grow since the day or your birth
You give my life value and living its worth
So enjoy your day that you entered this Earth
Oh how you’ve grown in to quite a young lady
From boy shorts to lipstick and dresses of navy
They say that time flies, while I say they’re crazy
Today is your birthday, let’s get to raving!!
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to you, my granddaughter dear
I hope that this day brings you joy and cheer
With tons of gifts and plenty of cake
You’re older now, so let’s celebrate!
Happy birthday to the sweetest girl
I hope that today can bring you the world