Creating Greeting Card Messages for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah
For many people are Bar or Bat Mitzvah will be one of the most memorable birthdays they ever have. Surrounded by family and loved ones, a young person’s thirteenth birthday is equal parts religious ritual, Jewish cultural tradition, and celebratory blowout. While the celebration is of obvious importance to traditional or observant Jews, even secular Jews that make the choice to have a Bar Mitzvah make the decision carefully and with serious intent.
How to Create the Perfect Card - Examples

Sharing in the fun is important no matter what your own personal background or connection to the ceremony. Here are some ideas for messages and thoughts to share on the special day.

For family
Even if you are closely connected to the ceremony it can be hard to know just what to say to your immediate family. And it probably feels hard to concede the point that a thirteen year-old has truly become a man or a woman! All the same, you should and feel free to express the mixed emotions you might be feeling about them growing up in a thoughtful, respectful way.
- (To a son) What a pleasure it has been to be blessed with the wonderful task of parenting you. As a son, you have made us so proud and even taught us a thing or two. Your Bar Mitzvah is another amazing opportunity in your life to share your gifts with others, and we look forward to seeing you do just that.
- Congratulations, and may you be blessed on your Bar Mitzvah. Today may seem like the beginning of your journey into manhood, but rest assured that it is simply another milestone on a path that you have already travelled far on. Looking forward to seeing what other landmark moments you accomplish!
- Mazel Tov! You are blessed in a way that many people are not-with a family that surrounds them in love, instruction, and care. We are grateful to have you be part of the same thing for us, and we look forward to spending your Bar Mitzvah in gratitude and celebration alongside you.
- (To a daughter) May you embrace the lessons you have learned, ready to share them with others, and remain open to discovering even more. On your Bat Mitzvah you become not just a woman but a scholar, a leader, and a teacher as well. Congratulations!
- Congrats! You have made us so happy to see such love and faith reflected in our wonderful daughter. Your Bat Mitzvah is recognition of the many wonderful and mature qualities that you have always possessed and developed.
- As you look forward to your Bat Mitzvah and all that it means, don’t forget to look back as well and embrace the people and moments that have you brought you to this point. You are a special collection of love and care, and we could not be prouder of the women you have become.
- (for a sibling) Congratulations! It is such an honor to be a part of the big moments and to see the small changes that have brought you to this day.
- You are always there for me-as an example, a friend, a mentor. I am so happy to be a part of your Bar Mitzvah and witness the chance for you to demonstrate these skills for everyone else.
- Growing up alongside you has been an experience like no other and one that I would not trade for the world. I hope you are joyful, blessed, and content in this moment.
For fun
Remember the part where a bar mitzvah is a huge celebration? Feel free to bring the same sense of carefree fun to your note.
- If someone had told me that all it took was one day to become a man, I would have converted a long time ago. I’m still trying to figure this whole adult thing out.
- As an adult you will have additional responsibilities and pressures that you did not before. I am sure you have prepared well and learned many lessons from the Torah as you approach this special moment. So no pressure, but this is my sixth Bar Mitzvah in a month, and I’ve already heard some pretty good speeches.
- Congratulations on your Bar Mitzvah! At mine I made enough money to last me a lifetime. In fact, I hopy you don’t mind, I just re-gifted some to you.
- Best wishes on your Bat Mitzvah. I hope you prepared well and read the Torah cover to cover. Just watching the movie doesn’t count.
- You probably don’t get this a lot, so instead of best wishes for your Bar Mitzvah, I thought I would just wish you a Happy Birthday!
For a family friend
Unsure of how to approach the ritual and tradition of the ceremony as an outsider? Acknowledging the context of the ceremony without pretending you know more than you do is usually the right approach. You do want to stay on the good side of the entire family after all.
- Congratulations on your Bar Mitzvah! I’m so happy for you, and I know that someone as special as you deserves an occasion as special as this.
- Best wishes as you mark a new phase of your life! It is sure to be a road full of fun twists and unexpected turns, but if there’s anything I know about you and your family it’s that you are equipped with the wisdom and spirit to handle it.
- Mazel Tov! Plain and simple-best wishes and good fortune on achieving this special moment in your life.
- Wishing you nothing but the very best! May you be surrounded by family, friends, and those you most admire for a time to celebrate that which is most important to you.
- It is such a pleasure to know who you as the wonderful person that you and to anticipate the amazing person that you will most certainly become. Congratulations on your Bat Mitzvah!
Just as important as any other message is the one that sets the tone for the whole event-the invitations! Here are some ideas to get your started for your own event.
- Join us as we celebrate our son/daughter in successfully completing a huge milestone.
- Share with us in worship as our child is called to the Torah as a Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
- With deep happiness, we invite you to share in the Bar/Bat Mitzvah of our son/ daughter.
- It would be an honor and a privilege to have you joins us, as our son/daughter becomes Bar Mitzvah.